Why is the match making like this?

I just picked up this game recently and have less than 50 hours into it. I find it more fun to play killer but every single game I get into I'm matched with people MUCH higher ranked than I am. Sometimes I'm vs. purple and red ranked players. If I see people with flashlights or .TTV behind their names I'll just quit the lobby to save myself the headache.
I bought the Leatherface and Saw DLC when I picked up the game because I like the franchises but I feel I can't even play or practice other killers because the skill level is SO far apart ( Huntress is my only killer I can sometimes get 2 kills with.) I tried looking on Youtube for help but they might as well be speaking another language. All the builds recommend perks I don't have to be competitive.
I want to love this game but it's very discouraging. I wouldn't mind waiting longer to have fun games.
Thanks for the advice, I played about 10 more hours (Thank you days off).
I climbed to rank 9 with the Huntress but I feel like I'm stuck playing only her if I want to have any results. I try to play other killers are players are so toxic when they are winning. I learned to let the last person escape if I've had an easy game but when I spread hooks evenly and don't tunnel the survivors are SO toxic.
I don't know what I or the developers can do about this. It's just human nature I guess.
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The MM might as well not exist. The ranking system is a joke and it is very hard/slow to derank. You could have someone whose considered "red" rank but they might not even know how to loop a killer or hit great skill checks. Or you get a killer that face camps the first person they hook and wonders why they only got 1k.
How MM is suppose to work. It tries to find 4 people close to your rank. If it can't it looks a little further from your rank. Could be higher or lower ranks. Eventually it just gives up and throws 5 people into a match and says "Make the best of it". If there are 4 survivors in red ranks and they've been waiting for say 10 mins. The MM will grab the first available killer regardless of rank and say "Take one for the team". Killer ends up taking one for the team. and another, and another, and another. Eventually that player gets tired of being matched against people with 4K hours of playtime and they switch to survivor or play something else.
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Thanks Joshy, makes sense. I'm about at my breaking point already sadly. This game has toxic levels close to League of Legends.
I wish there was a way to not play vs. people playing as a group. I feel it makes them play way more like trolls to impress their friends. I'd wait 10 min for a good game rather than 30 seconds for a bunch of toxic trolls.
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Matchmaking in this game is a potato, and it always has been, more or less. I don't know that MMR will make it otherwise.
But you know what, try other Killers if you want to. I personally don't put too much stock in the whole 'Killer Tier' thing. I like Myers a lot, sure, but I also really like playing Trapper, and I play him pretty successfully most of the time. It depends a lot how you want to play Killer, what Killer fits that style best, and finding perk builds that will augment it. A lot of a Killer's strength or weakness depends on the player behind it, in my experience.....more so than any innate power a Killer supposedly has.
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I've probably just had a run of really bad games I don't know.
This game would benefit a lot from bots or something. I go into games without know how my power works and I'm supposed to go against the same people my Huntress would go against. Then they are clicking their flashlights and tea bagging and cursing me in post game chat.
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Yeah, it happens. For what it's worth, don't feel bad about backing out of a lobby and rolling the dice again if you don't like the way it's shaping up. Personally, If I see more than two flashlights, more than 2 Claudettes, etc, I will shuffle the deck again without apology.
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what do you mean? there's no issues with match making.
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Honestly I think this is it. I have a growing list of things to look out for. People with similar games are probably going to be toxic (like clan tags). Two flashlights is a bad time for sure. Any Twitch handle.
Also I've noticed that 75% of Steves and Davids are toxic for some reason.
Is there a fast way to derank or do I just read a book while survivors do gens?
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Yeah, that's all stuff to look for. Dunno about de-ranking, because I play Killer infrequently enough that the season resets do that for me. :) What I do know is that rank means squat. It's pretty easy...for me, most of the time... to pick a red ranked Tryhard out of four opponents, and then give them some extra love and understanding until they DC, or until I hook them out of the game....or Mori them, when appropriate. And I'll do that even if it means the other three get to escape.
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As much as I hate playing against a good swf. If there was an option to block being matched with them then everyone would use it. This game is VERY toxic and it shows no mercy. Learning killer is like trial by fire. Either push through it and eventually you will improve or decide it's too much of a hassle and play a different game.
FYI. Best to ignore end game chat. No matter how you play there will always be people who complain.
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If it makes the game so bad that every killer would opt out of SWF then why is it still in the game? Seems like built in toxicity for a 4v1 game.
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It's less that they are try hards and more that they have a small army of sycophants behind them.
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Mainly because there's not really another game like dbd. At least one that is successful. If there was true competiton there would be a mass exodus.
Also killer mains are insane /kefka laugh
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Got me there friend D=
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Don’t get discouraged it can take a bit to get a feel for each killer and I can can you can do really well with Bubba in any rank as far as perks you have Bubba so unlock bbq for everyone then maybe put points into billy for enduring and tinker because those perks are good on a lot of killers