Am I the oldest person playing? 🤔

So I'm a 50 year old mom. All the 'friends' that I make on DBD seem to be around 17. I feel ancient and a little bit weird hanging out with the teens 🤣🤣🤣
Back when I played Half Life, I played with a clan ran by a grandmother in her 70s; so I imagine you are not the oldest person playing DBD no haha.
You would be surprised :)
Edit: I just looked them up out of curiosity and found out she past away about a year and a half after I stopped playing Half Life...I'm really bummed now.....
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Maybe. Most of the people that I meet in the community are mid-late 20s. That's just personal experience though. There's no actual way to tell how old most of the player base is :/
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A few weeks ago i read here in the forums that someone have 70 years or so but i don't know if its true, so if you call yourself ancient then this person is a mummy 😂😅
Jokes aside we all age at some point, so.. nothing to be ashamed of.
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I thought I was. But you beat me.
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I heard @MandyTalk is 69 years old, you'd have to ask them though :P
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They are also the most mature and respectable of all the mods, so I dunno if that age is made up but I would believe they were older.
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Ya just beat me. When it comes up in conversation I usually find I'm at least twice as old as those I'm playing with. Only in Uno or Chess do i find peers I've noticed.
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I'm a 43 year old father. we're not that far apart, lol.
p.s. my wife reminded me to add "Happily Married" to this comment . . . lol
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I personally know 2,45+ guys playing this game so you’re not the only one fortunately
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50? Doubtful. I'm willing to bet there are people in the 60+ crowd, they just stay quiet about it.
EDIT: Re-reading this comment, it seems like I'm complaining about OP's thread. I apologize, that was not the intention. I was referring to the fact that people in demographics that aren't associated with gaming (people over 30-35 and women, mostly) don't usually "out" themselves because a lot of gamers then mock those people.
Post edited by Orion on5 -
Haha happily married here too. Much to disgust of one teenager on the game that was trying to chat me up 🤣🤣🤣
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Thanks everyone. Nice to know that it's not just the younger folks in the game 😁👍
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The way I see it, maybe you will impart some of your wisdom onto the babies in the game who DC or suicide on the hook for no good reason and/or some of the baby killer mains who wine because they dont win their usual 50 out of 50 games lol.
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Haha, I try! 🤷♀️
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You might beat me in years (its close, though), but i started playing Video Games mid 1980s, so i might beat you in Gameplay experience ^^.
Also a father of two.
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Holy :O
It's really sweet to know that there's older fellas that play this game!
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Finally, a worthy opponent.
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Yup you will definitely beat me in gameplay experience 🤣👍 I used to play in the 80s and early 90s but that's been about it until recently when I started playing Roblox and branched out from there 🤣
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I am 47 and have been playing since the beginning of 2017. Most of the people I am friends with in-game and/or play with are in their 20's or early 30's.
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I'm 51. 😄👍
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Yaaay 😁👍
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My friend's mom plays--I don't know how old her mom is, but my friend and I are 32, so her mom is at least in her 50s as well.
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I can't believe you said that, crying with laughter!
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I'm your age, so don't feel alone, lol. 😁
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I'm 47 and I never see a time where I stop gaming, it has brought me joy throughout my life. This is one of the best horror games out there and it is aimed at adults. I've never cared about the ages of players in games, only how they play in the game.
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@DevilsmamaJo Having re-read my comment, I see that it sounds a lot more hostile than was intended. I made an edit to explain my point better. Hopefully you didn't take it as hostile, but I don't like to come across as an ######### when it's not intended.
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Half expected to wake up banned, glad I didn't 😋
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I think you know me better than that, I'm pretty sure you know how well I take a joke :)
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I felt a lot more comfortable making the joke after remembering the window you appreciated on Twitter yesterday.
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It's a beautiful window, best I've ever seen - glorious even!
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Nope, I'm older than you. :)
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Eh, I'll be 50 this October, I ain't far behind you
I don't see a point to hiding my age myself. Especially now that we have Skyrim Grandma to look up to XD
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It's interesting seeing the wide range of ages here, I'm not surprised though and know a lot of people that are late 30's, mid 40's playing the game - and playing games in general.
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A lot of people in the game BEHAVE like they are 10 years old, so its hard to know anyone's actual age... lol
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My messages I get after a match as a killer prove that.
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Out of curiosity, how did you actually get into the game? Also, how did you get into gaming in general? This isn't specifically for the OP. Anyone can reply to this if they wish! I've tried getting my Mother into gaming for a while now but she seems disinterested. I didn't even bother with my Dad because I know he wouldn't even consider it lol.
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I got into gaming playing Twisted Metal and Crash with my dad on the PS1. We had a blast shooting the Statue of Liberty and watching her clothes come off. Odd I guess but that memory always stuck with me
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That's both sweet and hilarious at the same time! Lol. Thanks for sharing
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Moms Unite!! I am 40!! I have a few little DBD pals... I think I am more a "I need Mom advice but am too embarrassed to ask my own Mom" kinda person to them.
One little guy gets bullied pretty bad... we've worked on ways to help him cope, and have a more confident voice.
He's a killer main, and if he runs into me in a match, he takes a lot of frustration out on my character.
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No, I seen a group of 3 grannies that stream before. I don't remember their names though.
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That's the beauty of gaming; it attracts people from all walks of life no matter what age.
FYI I'm a 31 year old dad who games after the kids go to bed
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Hey, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
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30 yo twin mom here. My hubby and I play after the kids are down for the night as well ^^ I can't wait to play games with the kids when they are older.
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Probably not although, it doesn't hurt to check. I personally think I'm one of the youngest
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I just turned 40 last year be 41 in oct time flys.
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Uh thats a very good question, for me personally it wwas probably when I was 2 years old. I mostly watched my dad play a game that he still plays, as well as I, its called World of Warcraft, but back then I used to call that Yowt ( I know its a bit of an odd word). Anyway I actually got into gaming with some Lego video games and boy, they were amazing at the time. The first Lego game I think was The OG Lego Indiana Jones. I eventually played the Sonic games like Colors, Unleashed, Generations, and I think that was the last sonic game I ever played. And now I'm playing M games and I'm loving it a lot
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been gamer for years start in mid 80s on nes play mario games and zelda then to fighting games in arcades and home.
I miss arcades😔
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You’re simply an elegant Cabernet Sauvignon surrounded by a bunch of cute little grapes:p
In everyday life I almost always had friends that just happened to be roughly 10 or more years older than me. Then in the booming age of multiplayers I’ve been invited to team up in online shooters, sports games etc and finding out that I’m apparently “The Ancient One” of the bunch hahaa. I mean give me a break if I don’t know what a “dank meme” is and actually have to google “smh” or “r/whooosh”... ffs 😏
The typical age of my core group of online friends is mid 30’s to 50’s but I’ve got some cool homies that are able to remind me once in awhile I could technically be their parent lol.
My gal pal that I play with the most is close to your age. Her son is younger than me but he’s actually closer to me in age than she is.
In all seriousness though the time enjoyed with others comes down to chemistry between personalities and intellectual compatibility... In other words.. just vibin’ with those chill vibes playin your fav games.
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Mine was the venerated ColecoVision, then the NES and the SNES, then the first two PlayStations. Been Xbox ever since.
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You're not alone! I, myself, am young, but I'm friends with a family in which they all (mom, dad, and 2 daughters) play DbD. It's so wholesome and they give really good vibes when I play with them too.