Solo survivor has been a horrible experience since the DS nerf.

I'll start off by saying this is a rant and I just needed to blow off some steam here rather than annoying the person I usually rant to as usual.
Since the DS nerf, solo survivor has been the least fun I've had in the game since I started. I know people will say "Play SWF" or some #########, but unfortunately for me (and fortunate for them) no one wants to swf with me. Not every killer tunnels, but majority of them do. Before the nerf, which was a needed one, I never really needed to run DS. Actual tunneling was a rare occurrence that didn't justify me using the perk and I knew the ######### feeling of getting hit by it when that survivor progressed the game. Now however, even when I use DS, I'm getting people that tunnel the ######### out of all survivors majority of the games. If I DS the killer it doesn't stop them from coming right ######### back at me regardless if the game is at 5 gens or the exit gates are open, regardless if someone is trying to tank a hit or if I'm the only person nearby. I understand it sometimes, but most of the time theres no ######### need to tunnel at all. And even when they do, half of them act like toxic pricks thinking they're amazing for tunneling someone who's now had to include DS in their meme chest build. I really ######### hope they come up with a solution to this #########, because now DS just isn't feared, even when it does come into play. Maybe I'm just getting really ######### unlucky, but I genuinely can't find any enjoyment out of surv anymore.
Rant over, thanks for listening and I'll probably realize I was a stupid ######### for letting this of all things get me pissed later on.
Edit: Decided to take a break from this game, my mental health can't take the toxicity that both sides bring, especially the spike of toxicity from killers. A change that seemed would be healthy at first has gone complete 180 and now the toxicity that I experience is common amongst both sides. Goodluck to everyone I guess, maybe I'll be back, depends on how long I go on for.
I haven't noticed any difference
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It's like the concept of hers immunity with vaccines- if enough people in a city get vaccinated, almost no one gets sick. Likewise, when a ton of people ran DS, those who didn't almost never got tunneled/picked up after hook-down. Now that no one's running DS anymore, people are seeing increasing numbers of tunneling.
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Idk people took off DS
But yeah, more people are tunneling, simply because they have no reason to not
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Thankfully I can say I haven't experienced this much yet. I have only had a small handful of games where I was legitimately tunneled and had to use DS. That being said I feel DS should activate more then just once and have the timer pause while in chase if it is supposed to be an anti-tunnel perks.
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"If I DS the killer it doesn't stop them from coming right [BAD WORD] back at me regardless if the game is at 5 gens or the exit gates are open, regardless if someone is trying to tank a hit or if I'm the only person nearby."
I don't understand why everyone is bringing up the same argument over and over again. It is literally the same as before, nothing has changed. If hit someone with DS before the nerf, they often times come back at me again as well. Why are people complaining about this stuff now and not when old DS was still there?. Y'all are complaining about stuff that even old DS had but now it is an issue? come on. If tunneling is an issue for you, play DS. There is nothing more to say.
Edit: I missed the point were you said you didn't use DS as much before because you didn't feel like there was a need and that you feel kinda forced to bring it now but my argument still stands. DS isn't as feared anymore because the 60 second god mode was bs.
Post edited by Shenshen on9 -
Read his post, buddy. He didn't use DS because people didn't tunnel, or not as much, so chances are he didn't experience that.
It's a miracle what eyes can do for a person.
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First of all, I am not your buddy but you were right I missed the point where he said he didn't feel like there was a need to bring DS before, So I edited my post.
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So, you're not aware of people using the term "buddy" in a passive aggressive manner? Okay bestie xo
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Listen here, buddy.
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Sorry but survivor is more balanced after ds nerf
, thx
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case and point
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I'm not your buddy, pal
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I understand that "buddy" is used in a passive aggressive manner but you also need to understand that a lot of people simply don't like it to get called buddy by someone they don't know. Regardless, I still thank you for reminding me of my mistake. Have a good one.
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Glad to hear you two have been having a better experience and that this issue currently isn't troubling yous.
Hope it stays that way for you and maybe changes that way for me.
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This is a great point, and another thing that makes swf much better, you can all bring DS and just screw up any killer that tunnels.
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I'm not denying in anyway that old DS was bs. It needed a nerf no matter how you cut it, but now DS just isn't feared as the killer knows most survivors don't use it, and unfortunately I can't force my randoms to use DS with me to screw up the killer even a tad bit.
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I don't know where I said survivor was less balanced after DS nerf but anyways.
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Do you have anything in mind that would help you? like a concept or something?
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I'm not your pal, compadre.
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Sorry if I'm presuming wrong, but I'm guessing by that you mean some sort of buff/nerf to deal with tunneling? If so I'd say either allow DS to be used twice (less favourable) or add something that encourages killers to not tunnel (More favourable, don't punish them for it as at certain times its required).
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I'm not your compadre, friend
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I'm not your friend, chum
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I'm not your chum, buddy
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I'm not your buddy, pal
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"Since the DS nerf, solo survivor has been the least fun I've had in the game since I started." Why would the 1 perk matter in this case? it was an abused piece of trash lol
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Fun and balance are two seperate concepts :)
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Fun doesn't = Balance for starters, so if that's qoute you're using for balance then that's misinterpreting it.
Second of all, yes the perk was an abused perk, and as a once 50/50 player, it needed a nerf.
Finally, one perk does matter because now almost every killer is tunneling. DS doesn't need to be buffed back but something needs to be done to demote tunneling/promote anti tunneling.
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I run solo queue just fine without any problems. Also if the killer truly is eating through DS stuns to continue tunneling and still wins the game then tunneling isn’t the real issue, y’all were playing very badly.
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Every killer is tunneling? so they supposed to just not chase you then? as the killer? what? lol
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Most games my team don't run DS, killer gets easy tunnel and wins. I unfortunately can't control what my team use at all. Idk if my team win the games I'm tunneled first but in majority of the games where someone else is tunneled first we lose.
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They don't have to completely focus me/my teammate even when someone is trying to take a bodyblock. I'm not talking about tunneling where I work on a gen for 20 seconds only for them to chase me, I'm talking the killer literally focusing on me regardless of the scenario.
Doesn't happen every game, but it does the majority of games.
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If your main complaint is getting tunneled then why not run the anti tunnel perk? That’s literally why it exists. If you are the first one tunneled in the majority of your games then you must be making many bad plays or being toxic to the killer as I play way, way more than the average person without even running DS and this very rarely happens to me. I wonder if you make be considering situations tunneling that aren’t truly tunneling. I would say that 90% of the time one of my teammates calls the killer a tunneled he wasn’t truly tunneling or my teams actions forced it on him.
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Yeah, take your time, is difficult to play with 1 min of inmunity and not anymore.
Imagine all the years that killer suffered the old DS abuse, with DS+UB+DH+IW premades repairing wounded, trading hooks without punishment, cleansing Hex at killer's face ..... So fun right?
Maybe now is not fun for you, but is balanced.
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I do run it though. The problem is it doesn't deter the killer anymore because most survivors don't use it. I don't play toxic at all. I just play my normal game with Jeff, usually using a meme build of sorts, and I can usually extend chases for a while (although tunneling aggravates me and tends to cause me to just screw up the second and third time). I'm glad you're not occurring this, but it's just adding to the reason why I prefer killer.
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You didn't bother reading the post so I'm not bothered to give a proper response.
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i dont think the killer supposed to play by these "rules" i'll say lol
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As someone who's played with Nova, I can confirm he isn't toxic, and that he is a legitimate bad-luck magnet. He'll get tunneled at, like, 4 gens left for absolutely no reason and it's really heartbreaking to watch.
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Solo is still fun and challenging. Nothing has changed except a lack of abusive tactics to stall the killer from snowballing. Play smart and any failure is a result of personal mistakes or being outplayed.
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All I can attest to is there has been a massive increase in tunneling since the nerf. I never run it cuz I don't like 1 use perks and it's boring. Besides a 5 second stun tbh isn't going to save u against a determined killer anyway... It's a shame with having to hope you're just not the first hook followed by tunneling.
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He literally stated in his OP that he's had to start bringing DS, and even then he'll get tunneled through it.
You cannot control what perks others use in solo. If they don't have bt you're ######### out of luck.
He isn't complaining about the nerf because it was fine as is- he literally says that the DS nerf was needed- but just wants killers to play nicer. That's it. All he wants is an incentive for killers to not tunnel, whatever that may be.
Jesus, people, you have eyes for a reason so please utilise them.
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My team gets me killed more than the killer playing solo survivor. Solo survivor sucked before the DS change anyway.
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The DS nerf is working just fine. If you’re tunneled you get hit with it. If you’re working on gens or whatever then you’re not tunneled. Ive still gotten hit with DS as a Killer. So it’s working as intended.
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It's not only 1 thing, the nerfs have been non-stop. It's not helping with tunneling because facecamping is not the only way to tunnel. Doing anything deactivates it and for a single use perk, it is extremely weak. It needs buffed to be fun to use.
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I also experience alot more tunnel after the DS nerf, i never used DS before the nerf, i do now.
I do understand why survivors don't like DS, for it's hole purpose of being anti-tunnel is really not that great, but it is more balanced now. It could revice a small buff, like a longer stun time or a short speed bonus for the survivor. Because right now, in most situations you just get downed shortly after, unleas you are close to a pallet or window, but does a rare occations.
Another solution is rewarding the killers for not tunnel, i don't know how that could be done..
I think the best option is to give DS a small buff, killers can still play around it, and the sole purpose for the perk is still the same.
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I think it definitely needed to be nerfed. However lets be honest killers do especially now take advantage of the nerf.
I think bhvr were on the right track however I think the perfect fix for ds would be removing the part tht says the action of healing whether it be yourself or others would cause ds to deactivate especially since healing doesnt progress the game. Of course if they are fully healed then ds would deactivate. Everything else on there is pretty fair game. Tired of seeing survivors fixing gens in my face knowing theyre ok because they have ds still. If a survivor is healed at least it gives tht survivor a chance to not get tunneled.
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Casual survivors dont use DS.
Hardcore survivors use DS, not for anti tunnel but for invisible Gen.
DS was never been an anti tunneling perk. It was always for invisible Gen
The nerf on DS doesnt direct affect Casual survivors, but since Hardcore survivors find DS worthless for them -> Obsession less happens -> Tunneling become a thing.
As for why not bring DS for anti tunneling? I pointed already, DS was never been an anti tunneling perk.
Killerd have to decide between:
- get 5s stun
- 2nd hook a survivor.
If 1, continue to tunnel because hes now the only one without DS. If 2, why not tunnel because there is no DS
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Its stunning killers often, problem is that doesn't deter them at all.
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I wouldn't use the word heartbreaking per se, probably more hilarious to anyone watching/playing other than myself.