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Should there be a bleed-out button

Member Posts: 214

I see all the time killers who slug survivors just to waste their time or killers who slugged people and just forgot where they left them. Either way I don't see a point as for why survivors should be forced to sit on the ground for 3 minutes doing nothing because the killer can't/won't hook them. Not sure how but the hatch would need to be adjusted for this as many people do slug for the 4k and a bleed out option would remove that option for them. I'm thinking that maybe after 30 seconds or so of not being hooked you can hold down a button to rapidly decrease your bleed out bar. I feel a change like this would be good for the game and save some time. What do you guys think?

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  • Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    I'll be blunt.

    That would be abused so much, so that cannot be added. It messes with so many things it's hard to even list.

    You'll have to come up with something else.

  • Member Posts: 214

    I'm not saying that slugging is a bad thing to happen. I do it constantly. I just want to stop situations where a killer can stand over a survivor watching him bleed out just because he wants to waste time. I have no idea how stop something like this from being abused but if there was a way. I would want it added to the game.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Entity want sacrifices.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I wouldn't mind that. Would put pressure on the survivors to hurry up and rescue them but at the same time, put pressure on the killer to either commit to a hook or lose points plus emblem needed to get Iri. I like this. One thing, make it count against the killer if someone does bleed out. You shouldn't get rewarded for leaving someone to bleed out on the floor as a hook in the emblem system.

  • Member Posts: 420

    Survivors can do the same thing, just hide and not do objectives if both want hatch or are working together to waste the killer's time. This isn't "whataboutism" but similar problems need to be fixed at the same time on both sides. Frankly it's just an act of toxicity like tea-bagging and refusing to until the last second or killer hits them. There's not much you can do about it, plus with this Killers would be encouraged to run slugging builds in more competitive games to encourage survivors killing themselves so that they would have an advantage.

    It'd also make it so that slugged survivors could kill themselves to allow the other to get hatch, which I feel is unfair considering how advantageous the hatch setup is for the survivors and sluggging one of the two last guys is really one of the only counters to it.

    Personally I feel like they have to use a system that looks out for this, to see if one sides trying to waste the other's time and only that and punish them for it.

  • Member Posts: 214

    I would cry tears of joy if they ever added a fair system to help against survivors that hide for the sole purposes of extending the game

  • Member Posts: 48

    Haha no

  • Member Posts: 342

    Had a game last night where the killer had two survivors left and kept slugging both then picking up one and walking to the other side of the map for them to wiggle off then run them to down them again,,, this kept on like 5 times. The other survivor bled out then finally I just gave up and stopped wiggling so he dropped me and I bled out. What was the purpose of this other than possibly a 6 year old playing? So yeah some sort of limit is needed.

  • Member Posts: 5,926

    Blame yourself and the devs. I can't tell you how many times survivors crawl to some corner of the map when i slug because they have DS then they get pissed that i can't find them because they are sound bugged on the ground after LITERALLY 2 ######### YEARS OF THIS BUG NOT BEING FIXED

  • Member Posts: 214

    not the kind of bleeding out I mean. But yes survivors crawling into Narnia just to waste time is very annoying

  • Member Posts: 130

    I'd make 1 change to that, bleed out stops while in terror radius. if survivor is slugged and within terror radius for more than 90 seconds, survivor gets an extremely skill check to pull themselves back up, resetting bleed out timer completely if successful. If unsuccessful, the survivor dies on the ground.

    Also, as long as there are 2 or more living survivors, if all living survivors are slugged at the same time for 60 continuous seconds, the killer gets their BP maximums reduced by half for that trial and receive NO EMBLEMS(auto depip). The BP cap penalty would stack for multiple offenses in a single trial.

    With this, I would also suggest the following changes:

    If killer DCs - Survivors get minimum safety pip

    if player DCs - killer gets full emblem points as if they had been hooked 3 times (to prevent depipping and messing the killer over on Adept achievement)

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    They won't cause it isn't a real problem.

    Not long ago they made a challenge where you had to pick up 2 slugs in a game and everyone and their mother complained about how hard this was because killers didn't slug.

    They are not going to implent a system to avoid a person having to wait 4 minutes once every 30 games or so.

    Just alt tab and watch some youtube. Take a bathroom break. Get something to drink. Do some pushups. 4 minutes is not a big enough deal

  • Member Posts: 15

    Absolutely yes!

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I'd be fine with it as long as it isn't instant also if you're crawling into the corner of the map and the killer just gives up trying to find you that's not the same thing, that's on you.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    You post a good reason to add a bleed out button but not everyone will use it that way. It would probably be another form of hook suicide for people who want to quit without facing a dc penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,710
    edited April 2021

    In a bleed out the killer does not get emblem points for the kill so its already penalized in the emblem system. I would prefer adding a button that screams when on the ground to bring the killer to you.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It actually counts as a hook in the emblem system. I still get full devout of Iri if the last guy bleeds out.

  • Member Posts: 755

    I dislike it when Survivors do that; waste so much of my killer time crawling far away; even after losing with their team! I say stubborn and that the killer should be rewarded for having to deal with Survivors that hide in the corner while bleeding out!

    But at the same time; 4 minutes is way too long to bleed; if only they can buff it so that it last for 3 or 2 minutes; then I am super down with that! A bleedout timer is not okay; because it doesn't give killers the hooks they need for their emblems; and in SWF case, you can let one of your teammates escape through the hatch by straight up dying to bleed out; unfair to the killer going for a 4K!

    The lower timer; would pressure teammates to come save their down Survivors faster then normal!

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    A classic example of having your cake and wanting to eat it too. Survivors who complain about this do in fact have an option to not be slugged: stop crawling away. This isn't about being unable to play the game, this is about not wanting to give the killer their hook, it's purely selfish and petty. Most survivors who are slugged for the 4k don't crawl away to find hatch they crawl away because they would rather bleed out than give the killer their hook. No I think how the slug mechanic works right now is perfectly fine, if you dislike being slugged then stop crawling away to some random corner of the map trying to cuck the killer out of their hook; you lost the match, stop dragging it out then saying it's the killer's fault.

  • Member Posts: 849

    Alright, what about this:

    • Hold down "X" to bleed out at twice the rate. Prevents crawling
    • A Survivor who bleeds out to death counts for the same amount of points as a if they were hooked.
    • Hatch still takes the same amount of time to open if someone dies in this manner (unlike DC'ing where hatch opens immediately.)

    This pretty much solves all of your complaints. You get you're points and people can't instantly die. The only thing it doesn't solve is it doesn't give you 4 minutes to find and down a survivor, it gives you 2 minutes. As a killer who doesn't slug very often, I say this is a fair compromise.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    If so then thats a bug because for an iri devout emblem you need 10 points.

    1 point for hooking all 4

    1 point for 9 or more hook actions

    2 points per survivor for sacrifice/death/dc

    0 points for bleed out death

    So it would count towards iri if they were slugged and died to the egc timer because thats a sacrifice, but you wouldnt get points for a bleed out mid match.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Here's an idea.

    Slugged survivors should be allowed to pick themselves up when the progress bar is full (just like unbreakable) every time but the time to full progression takes twice as long. As a trade off, no keys available in game which can open the hatch.

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