Positive note on the community

I am more than aware of the rudeness and toxicity of many vocal players but there are just as many that are kind and genuinely happy to see great gameplay even if they get wrecked
not to mention how great the forum communities are (both here and on reddit)
just wanna say thanks to everyone for bein good peeps when we need you
also a thanks to the devs and mods working hard (your work is appreciated even if there are some problems here and there)
happy days all and gl in all your future trials
Between all the complaining and toxicity it is always nice to see some positivity. I wish you a nice day as well.
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Appreciate the positive attitude with your post. 🐷💖
Spreading positive vibes is always needed and muchly encouraged!!
I am always on the look for posts like this to comment on and bring to light in hopes we can do better towards each other as a community and towards the devs and mods as well.
Good luck in the fog 🐽💕
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Nice to see some positivity on the forums.
I wish you good luck too and enjoy your day.
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I dont care who you are. I dont care what you have to say. I dont care about your opinions.
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Well, I'll be honest positive threads are extremely unusual, but there are always good people that I've met in the dbd forum community that I had fun with
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Its even better when a Killer messages you trying to stir something up but gets a positive response that they didn’t expect.
I don’t blame them for assuming to receive the worst response, but its always so satisfying seeing their shocked response to a wholesome reply 💜
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Have a great day, OP!!! I love seeing the positive posts and civil arguments, reminds me there are good people everywhere <3!
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this community can be pretty sour at sometimes. But there's still a silver lining here with members like @GoodBoyKaru and @NoOneKnowsNova
Yes i mentioned you now suffer >:)
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haha, thinking im a good positive person, youre hilarious
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Game recognize Game
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Where's the /s?
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i mean, i never said you were positive.....
But I mean, it's true, you are kind of positive, atleast when you aren't getting mad at me for hamburger.
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I wish to contest this notion significantly.
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too bad, you are stuck with it now.
Should've never given up those cow pics, buddy.
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Hello @Darkskies spreading that positively onto that positively I see! :)
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Well can you add one then? Lying isn't a great thing tbh.
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Nah, I'm not.
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i'd be lying if i added one.
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So wholesome!
Reminds me the other day me and my 4man died to EGC. One of our friends is PC and said "No man left behind" and the killer said "that's respectable, ggs"
And I'll never forget that trapper
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Would a positive member of the community make a rant post or argue with you? No
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oh right, you are arguing with me.
You are hereby banned from my posts, good day sir.
on a more serious note: everyone needs to let off some steam, so like, yea.
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I have made that my priority here so always glad I'm not alone so much nice vibes 💖🐷 hope you are doing well 🐷🤗
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its nice to come back here for a positive refresher after a bad game
thanks for the kind words all and I hope you have a great day today tomorrow etc <3
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I love this post! There's lots of love amongst the hate in this game! Met some cool people through this game!
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Yeah there’s more good eggs than bad. It’s just that the negativity is always much more visible and prominent.
I do what I can to try and provide helpful posts where I can.
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There is so much crap and bias on this site and the game in general it is just nice to see good players having fun. Imaging that, having fun on a game that is meant to have fun,,,what an idea huh??
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Time for an unpopular opinion.
People need to stop acting like someone getting pissed at you for face camping them because they t-bagged you is the end of the world. You both do undesirable things to each other that the game permits, you talk some trash, and you walk away. It's a competitive game and you're anonymous, you will literally NEVER get rid of "toxicity", only transform the way it manifests.
It's good that you are trying to bring positivity to the atmosphere, if that is who you are then by all means you are a breath of fresh air - but if you think that you can transform the way people interact by putting on this "outlook" you will probably end up disappointed. There is a reason this issue has never been tackled in any online game.
The real mindset to have is that competitive games bring out the bants, and most of the time it isn't meant to be cutting. Take a deep breath, realize its a random stranger on the internet taking the piss, and take it as just that - hell, dish it back.
When people can't poke fun, they kill each other. And too many gaming communities are cannibalizing each other over this ridiculous notion of toxicity.
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well I mean this wasnt meant to be a "be happy yada yada" kind of thing but more of "I appreciate the kindness and friends Ive found" "and a thanks to all the peeps that put in the effort to enjoy the game and make it enjoyable
cause people like being appreciated and its nice to let them know that they are (lookin at the devs here)
and although toxicity will never go away not everyone is toxic and giving thanks to those who choose a path away from it naturally deserve thanks from me specifically
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It is always nice to see positivity here :)
As a community, we should understand that we are a family. A giant, divided and complicated family, but a family nonetheless.
I wish you all good luck on your next trials <3
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And I think that is great, but not everyone thinks like you do and that isn't a problem that needs to be stamped out like so many games are trying to do. You are a genuine person who enjoys genuine interaction with people on the internet. I am that person in every day life, to an extensive degree in my professional life, and enjoy my interactions on the internetz as frivolous, care-free, and less serious. Obviously I can put a lid on it when meaningful discussions, like this, need to be had.
Neither mindset needs to be eradicated, and as I said attempting such is a futile effort that just leads to further confrontation and alienation. And my comments are less a direct mention to you, but more a reminder towards the community at large who appreciates this thread.
I agree, so lets not make attempts to disown the crazy uncle because lets be honest Christmas would be boring as hell without them.