Please stop buffing killers, Pt 2
Since my other thread has descended into trolling and ad hominem attacks and I now have a better idea of what people think is or isn't strong in the game right now, I've decided to make a new post summarizing the changes I would make to the game in it's current state and leave the pointless arguments to the other thread.
If you think I don't know what I'm talking about or are confused about the reasoning behind these suggestions, feel free to refer to my other post, particularly page 5 where I provide the much-requested video evidence showing that it is not that hard with all the recent killer buffs to completely dominate as killer, even with a sub-optimal killer choice, sub-optimal perks and items, and without having to camp, tunnel, slug, or even rely on the killer's abilities to consistently 4k survivor teams.
- Revert whatever changes were made to pallets. It's extremely common now for killers to swing through a pallet well after it has been dropped, or not be stunned even when they were very clearly inside the pallet area.
- Revert or nerf the movement speed buffs to Wraith in stealth and Cannibal during his chainsaw attack.
- Add a much heavier turn speed limitation to Blight's charge, Oni's charge, and Nurse's blink so that these abilities actually have to be aimed and don't just function as a massive movement speed buff with no penalty for missing. Nurse's blink could use a cooldown too.
- Nerf Doctor's Static Blast, either by increasing the cooldown, decreasing the radius, and/or some other change to the ability.
- Make it so that revealing Ghost Face cancels any currently active Exposed effects granted by his Stalk ability, after a delay if not instantly.
- Give Barbecue & Chili a maximum range, add a delay, add a cooldown, or make it not detect survivors hiding in lockers (or some combination of these).
- Reduce the number of blocked doors at the start of each trial, or revert this change completely.
- Increase the timer at which survivor's fall into Freddy's dream world, make his teleport non-cancelable, put a cooldown on his trap ability, and/or lower his base movement speed.
- Find a way to nerf Spirit. I don't know how, you guys figure this one out.
- Revert the Decisive Strike nerf, but change it to only activate on the second time a survivor is hooked. This would have the added benefit of making green Mori offerings much more meaningful.
- To make the game fair for killers going against SWF groups with voice comms, rather than all the aforementioned buffs that skew balance for the rest of the community, implement some kind of penalty for survivors who play as a group. This could be something like a repair speed penalty, scaling with the number of premade group members, that fades the longer a survivor is working on a generator uninterrupted. Or whatever else you guys can come up with. But not just blanket buffs to killers and nerfs to survivors that help balance the game for the top 2% of ultra-competitive players playing with voice comms but detrimental to the other 98% who solo queue survivor and don't play with voice.
- Rework the pip system for both survivors and killers in accordance with what actually wins games. Survivors shouldn't have to farm points on both Evader and Unbroken just to get 1 pip — they should be REWARDED for remaining unfound during a game, not punished. Survivors are also way too impatient when it comes to unhooking, whether it's to try to farm Benevolent points or because there's just not enough incentive in the game to do gens. I say combine the Evader or Unbroken emblems into one (since Unbroken is often just the stealthier version of evading), and add a new emblem that is a shared, global point system for the entire survivor team that rewards overall teamwork towards the main objective: a linear point reward for each gen completed and survivor escaped. (Equal points given to all survivors based on the team's performance as a whole.) This would reward clever plays that aren't detected by the current point system and can't feasibly be detected by a computer because they are too situational (for example, leading the killer on a chase away from the last 3 gens so that your team can finish and escape, but you get caught and sacrificed as a result).
- Killers, on the other hand, should be penalized more heavily for hook camping. This would likely have to come in the form of new/reworked perks, including the changes to DS mentioned above, but could also come in the form of the Chaser penalty (for staying close to a hooked survivor) increasing exponentially over time the longer you remain close to a hook and are not actively in a chase with another survivor. However, preventing campers from ranking up doesn't necessarily prevent the behavior, it just shuttles it to the lower ranks, so the perk changes (to DS, and possibly others) are likely still necessary. Another idea is to make generator repair speed start slower but ramp up over time so that killers can't spend as long an interval ignoring generators.
- Make flashlights good again. This is coming from someone who used to save all my pink killer items solely for anyone who brought a flashlight to the match, then tunnel them all game until they were dead. That's how much I hated flashlights. But now they're almost pointless and seem to never get used. Increase the accuracy or at least give some kind of notification that you're aiming at the right spot and when the killer has been blinded (could be similar to the audio notification when you're revealing a stalking Ghost Face).
I probably missed a few but I'll add them later if I remember any more.
- This one is a bug
- No these changes made them more viable cannibal had a near useless chainsaw without the right perks and wraith was always relient on movement speed addons
- Blight already has a limitiation in the form of a learning curve, we saw oni with only 30° slam, it wasn't fun for anyone involved, and nurse both already has a cooldown and a shorter range, all these abilities have skill ceilings, are hard to use or even require prerequisites to use them in onis case none of these need to be changed
- Static blast is fine, it already has lockers which counter it within the terror radius or just use calm spirit
- Just no ghostface needs a small buff if anything
- BBQ already has a minimum range, can't detect survivors hiding in lockers, and has a cooldown based on how fast you are playing while using it
- Blocked doors? thats just how the maps are designed
- The first one and cooldown one are probably enough to nerf him but making him more skillbased instead is a better change
- spirit has been nerfed buffed, nerfed, probably nerfed again, she just needs an indicator in exchange for some buffs so she is still viable and strong but has more counterplay
- Nah ds is in its best state right now, and should never be reverted back to its more abusable states
- Swf is fine annoying at times and strong at others but it is so inconsistent who is good and who isn't that it should just be left alone
- Taking pressure off your team by actually playing the game should be rewarded, urban evading in some grass is properly punished as it should be, also a team based emblem would cause nothing but complaining and easily spiral into nobody putting in the effort
- Camping is already punished by players if they just stick objective a single guy camped out of the game leads to 3 easy escapes especially with any form of communication or kindred also gen speeds shouldn't speed up over time because then survivors will just hide for the first 10 minutes of the match until they have like a 30% gen speed increase then slam gens
- Flashlights used to be blaringly unhealthy for the game with instantly blinding killers for way too long and blinding killers hooking a survivor and getting the save mid animation, and we should never move back anywhere towards any of that
Basically this is just a list of bad unhealthy one sided changes for the game that it both doesn't need nor should it ever follow them to the T because that is the opposite of progress, we don't need to backtrack on the actually good changes that have been made and make even worse balancing decisions after
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"Good changes" for the killer mains who don't get bored of completely dominating every match without any challenge. Bad for everyone else, AKA the majority of people who play this game.
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Can't agree with 12 more; if you don't help the team, you don't get pips
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Lets use your video that you tried to use an example as why killers are too strong... to show why it's a horrible example. Firstly I'm gonna ignore your "statistics" because they can easily be faked to better prove your point as you are the one who used your own matches as a source.
Let's talk about the video, where you mock people saying trickster in bad, in which you prove them wrong... by never using his power? Like bro what? You injured one survivor with his power and it was a bad survivor in the open who couldn't even drop the pallet, like obviously you're gonna get a injure with his power in that scenario. Let's mention some other things too
- 3 gens were completed by the time you got your first down.
- The survivor who ran you for that long wasn't even good, she just dropped pallet extremely safely and didn't try to loop on the game (known for its pallets).
- Another gen was completed by the time you got your next down.
- The survivors 3-gen themselves, giving you an easy win.
- The survivors on multiple occasions ran a full circle where you were at and gave you easy downs.
- The meg seemed brand new as she played horrendously.
- None of the survivors tried to lead you away from the gens and allowed you hook near them.
- You never left the hooks general area and the survivors still rescued anyways.
- The two remaining survivors didn't try to go for hatch and died together because of it.
- Since I don't know how to stop making a list, the conclusion is here. To sum it, it was your first match as trickster and you rarely used his power, meaning your mockery of people saying he's bad is baseless considering you didn't use it to win, the survivors you went against played horrendously meaning your "proof" is biased because your test subjects where inexperienced as where you. Your other "statistics" can be faked to help prove the point you're trying to make and your recommendations sound outrageous.
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yes i wonder why people didnt take your first threat serious...
cmon man, just play a bit of killer yourself before making such requests.
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Whoa looks like the devs forgot to add the downvote button.
Use me as a downvote button.
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Statistics faked? How would I fake them when there's a video link right next to them that shows it all?
- 3 gens completed and virtually the entire map cleared of pallets
- Others have said she "carried the team", now you are saying she "wasn't even good". Which is it?
- Again, entire maps cleared of pallets paved the way to an easy victory. Only 1 gen done while I got 12 hooks.
- No, they didn't. The last 3 were plenty far apart. And if that's your best excuse, refer to the other videos in the playlist and try to tell me that all of the 4 kills were because the survivors 3 genned themselves.
- Yes, this is called andicipating the opponent's next move. It is an essential skill to winning both for killer and survivor, as well as many other video games.
- Okay.
- True, and most survivors don't play this well. Hence why killer didn't need so many buffs.
- Another mistake that survivors commonly make and another reason killer didn't need buffs. Rag on this one team all you want, but there are over a dozen more games in that playlist. That video was specifically in response to someone who said to "get back to him when I have the Trickster adept", which I got on my first game with him. It was not meant as all-encompassing evidence for all of the change I suggested, as that would be impossible to do in 1 video of 1 game.
- They were too busy trying to stay alive.
- Yes. Exactly. I barely used his power, emphasizing my point that killers don't NEED powers anymore to win. They used to be critical for victory and added a lot of flavor to the game. Nowadays, killers are so strong and fast that you can get by just mindlessly M1'ing and never have to think about how to use your powers effectively to win the game. There's no more strategy in the game anymore, just chase and M1. And no, a video cannot be faked in that amount of time. The one you're referring to was posted about 30 minutes after the other guy requested it, and it's a 25-min video. There's an almost as small gap on when the Trapper video was posted, and you can see that the rank/pips line up between videos. So unless you're suggesting I did some crazy video editing in 5 minutes.... Well, honestly I'm flattered if you think I (or anyone else) could pull that off.
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I agree with buffing killers who are already strong but buffing killers who are weak is bad now? It's a good thing to buff weak killers lmao
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I guess there's no real discourse to be had in this forum, just a bunch of trolls who are going to endlessly claim that killer isn't overpowered and anyone who loses is just "boosted" or "got unlucky". Honestly, how far do I need to go before the evidence is strong enough?
Here's another game from today:
SWF red-ranked survivor team with 2 rank 1's (I know they were SWF because we had a nice little convo and some good laughs about the match in post-game chat; that and you can see some obviously coordinated screennames). I 12 hook them with brown add-ons, no tunneling, no camping.
But let me guess - it's faked? They need to all be rank 1? I need to unequip all my perks and add-ons and play Legion for my claims to be valid? The survivors were all boosted? I got lucky/they must have ran into me on accident? I didn't use my powers enough?
Someone please tell me what conditions are going to be good enough to prove that killer is too strong right now. Not that I haven't already been through this 4 times already, but now I'm close enough to rank 1 again for the "it needs to be a full red survivor team" requirement to be feasible.
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- More gens should've gotten completed in the time it took for you to down her, once again, it was their lack of skill that won you the game, not the strength of killers.
- You can carry the team without being good, I can see why others say that, she distracted long enough to get 3 gens done and more should've been taken.
- The lack of pallets didn't give you the victory, the 3-gen did, once again the survivors mistake not the killer's strength. Odd how you claim how it won you match when you only started getting hooks when the survivors where all forced very close together. It's not like those newbies where gonna loop considering how they ran right back into your face.
- The were all on the bottom floor and you could get to each within 20 seconds of each other at most, that's a 3-gen if I ever saw one.
- You're predicting that the opponent will make a horrible decision instead of the optimal one and going to counter. Yet you say you didn't win because the survivors were bad. I get most mind-games but what you did was stood still and waited for the survivor to come back, you will never predict a good survivor will do that consistently.
- Once again you're not trying to counter my argument that the survivors were bad and that you didn't win because killers are op.
- You shouldn't not balance killers over how the majority of people play. You should always balance around the max potential of both sides and let the players master, balancing around inexperienced players is exactly how you get an imbalanced game. As a rank 1 killer I see this tactic pretty often so it's not as rare as you make it out to be.
- Once again, you don't balance the game around the mistakes of your opponent. You didn't win that game because you were Trickster, you won because the survivors made endless mistakes allowing you to take advantage of it and win. Getting adapt with Trickster would actually be hard if you don't get incompetent survivors because when it comes down to it, killers still need powers in order to win games against good survivors.
- Good survivors will realize the match is hopeless at that point and let their teammate on the hook die while going for hatch. You got lucky because either that survivor knew it was the wrong decision and still did it or was bad and made a mistake. It's hard to get out of a 3-gen with 4 survivors, let alone 2.
- Killer's base-kit hasn't gotten changed much. They vault windows quicker (still slower than survivors), pick survivors up faster, and hook them faster. They can also kick gens (which regress at a 1/4 of the progression of survivors), block windows, and get bloodlust. Those are the main changes, there's also EGC which was necessary since survivors would just not leave the match. Killers haven't gotten stronger by all that much, just changes to make them less weak. You mindlessly M1'd and nearly loss the match because of it, once again against incompetent survivors.
- This one is to counter your extra claim. You had a bunch of statistics as responses to others in your first discussion. No video was provided for these and the Trickster match was the first actual video I found. You could easily make up numbers in this, and adding videos as proof later is not a counter-claim as I could not possibly know what you'd do in the future, but if you did upload each and every match you used for statistics for some insane reason then I can take back that claim. I never claimed the videos were fake, only that you were using statistics that could easily be faked. I only judged the video as poor evidence towards your claim, never that it was fake.
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Check again. There is a video, it's just not embedded because it's a playlist due to the 2 hour recording cap on Xbox Game Bar (and because I didn't do it all in 1 day). The rest of your argument falls apart after that, as you're basically just picking on this one survivor team and literally my only time ever playing Trickster out of more than 20 games.
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It really doesn't, I said originally that I was gonna pick apart this specific video as an example. Also you're not even at the highest rank possible, so you're not gonna be put against the most skilled players, increasing the chance that you'll go against bad or inexperienced players, which simply can't be used as an example to prove why killers are too strong. That's means 3/4 of the videos simply can't be used as evidence, it's just too likely that you'll win due to the survivors mistakes and not because killers are op. Even then your most recent is still Rank 8, I'm not saying the ranking system is the most accurate in the world but at the very least it will give better evidence as to what you're trying to claim is true or not. It is simply not solid evidence, you are not going against good survivors.
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Am I the only one who opened this post thinking it was Sluzzy lol.
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Survivors: quit buffing killers
BHVR: lets buff killers
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Okay so if we're going to just ignore all the ways in which I handicap myself then tell me, what is a high enough rank? And what other arbitrary requirements would you like to impose? Any perks that are too strong to use? Killers that are too strong to use? Items that are too strong to use use?
I'll play this game all day, because unlike actual DBD this is (maybe) challenging enough to be fun. Let's see what kind of ridiculous rules you come up with.
Oh, and I'll play along like I didn't just post a screenshot of me 12 hooking/32000 BPing a full red SFW team.
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Get 20 matches as a rank 1 killer going against all rank 1 survivors. Do this each time as Trickster, Nurse, and a killer of your choice. Then see the statistics, of course this'll still be rough because Nurse is the strongest killer in the game but you're unlikely to be good with her, Trickster is the weakest but you'll need to get 20 matches as him before the buff to see if the weakest killer in the game is still op, and whatever killer you prefer, as a way of showing how much skill and familiarity plays a factor. Of course 20 matches is still incredibly small for each killer to see how much their power influences that with skill of both yourself and the survivor muddying the data but considering you'll all be rank 1 it'll be as accurate as possible hopefully.
Make sure to record each match and not do any more than 20 per killer (so long as it meets the previous criteria). See how many survivors escape and what's the percentage of a loss (more than 1 survivor escaping). Calculate how many times you won (3 or more kills) and the percentage of match that could be considered a tie (2 kills, 2 escapes). I think this is pretty reasonable if you want to make your own statistics proving why killers are too strong, don't you think?
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Of course I'm defensive. Wouldn't you be if you came on here to share your opinion and were met with insults and false accusations by people claiming you have to meet some ridiculous standard just to have an opinion on the matter?
"LOL bet u don't even have rank 1"
"LOL try a hard killer like pig"
"LOL pig is easy, try doing that with trapper"
"LOL trapper is easy, i bet you can't even get trickster adept"
"LOL you just got lucky, those survivors were bad. try again"
"LOL you probably faked those numbers even though there's a link to a video showing the whole thing in the same post"
"LOL go on a 200 game win streak against only rank 1 SWF survivors using every killer in the game, no perks, no items, no sound, blindfolded, and maybe then your opinion will matter. maybe"
All these killer mains just attacking me because they don't want the devs to take away their advantage. Yeah, sure, it sucks to play against SWF when they're clearly on voice comms. I've said I agree with that many times now. But that's not the experience for the vast majority of players, and you shouldn't balance the game around what's fair for a small minority but unfair for the majority. Even if they're the mighty content creators.
And the whole point (which I guess I didn't mention here but talked about extensively in my other post) is that I'm NOT having a good time on killer. It used to be the whole reason I played this game because it was so fun and intense and thrilling to play. Now it's just mindless and boring. All I do is press W and M1, there's hardly ever those intense moments or strategy anymore like there used to be.
Even when I lose, it's not because the survivors outsmarted me or because I made some miscalculation. It's because of SWF, voice comms, etc. which is what my original post was all about. I'm not saying that killers never have it bad, I'm saying that there are plenty of ways to fix the SWF problem without screwing over the non-SWF majority. But nobody seems to give a s**t about why it's anything is a good idea or bad idea, they just want to attack people who have different opinions.
And no, they didn't say that or say it well. Bjorksnas just made claims that every one of my opinions is "universally accepted as wrong" while LazyPayday just wants pick apart mistakes that one team of many made while playing against me and present it as evidence that I'm not actually good enough at killer to have an opinion.
If I really wanted to I could go back and forth with them on why each bullet point is wrong over and over (like how the maps were designed long before blocked doors were added to the game, or how virtually no one runs DS anymore, or how I had a ton of fun with the old Oni contrary to his ridiculous claim that "it wasn't fun for anyone involved", or any of the multiple points I made that he misinterpreted as a completely different suggestion than what I said and/or twisted my words to make it sound like a bad idea) but I've already done that with other people and it's pointless because even when you finally prove your point it's not like they're gonna admit that they're wrong, they're just gonna disappear and go troll someone else who has different opinions than them. I'd rather cut to the chase and walk the walk that they're saying is so impossible to do rather than sit here and go in circles for days with words and all the incessant insults and ridiculous standards.
Post edited by Taijitu on0 -
I'll get right on it. Although idk how I'm going to manage to get 60 games of all rank 1 survivors seeing as that matchup rarely happens even when you're rank 1 killer. So it's probably gonna be a while.
In the meantime, lets see you get to rank 1 survivor with solo queue. Same standards - record every match and post the video so we can tally up the stats to see how hard it was for you, but then afterwards I'll still claim that you made up the data and somehow faked the video. Maybe we can even compare how long it takes you to get r1 survivor vs me to get r1 killer. So far I've gotten from 14 to 5 in about 7 hours of play time.
And then we can all pretend together like the game should be balanced around the experience of the top 1% of players while ignoring the other 99%.
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Don't know about the others but that's a straw man, I never said that. You wanted to come up with statistics with your own matches as the source, however you only offered data in words and numbers with the evidence backing up being a few matches that have so many flaws they can't be used as proper evidence towards the claim you're trying to make. I watched that entire video and my 3 years of playing the game 4 of watching it I could tell you that the match as Trickster was indeed luck, the survivors were simply bad, making it poor evidence as proof that trickster isn't a horrible killer, even though your own point is then ruined by the fact that you nearly almost didn't use his power.
Read through your comment some more and there's another straw man, I never said you weren't good enough to have an opinion, in fact I almost entirely focused on the survivor's actions, not yours. If me saying you need to be rank 1 to present your own statistics as evidence is what you think I'm trying to say then you're missing the whole point. I believe the entire game should be balanced around the max potential of both sides, rank 1 survivors are the closest you'll get to the opponents being at Survivor's "max potential" so it is necessary that you get there yourself. Also I focused on that one match specifically because I missed the link to playlist, however your statistics can easily be faked. I never said you did fake it, I never accused you of faking it, only that the information is unreliable due to how easy it can be faked. People lie, people get things wrong or mistaken even if they're trying not to lie, and that's why it is vital to have evidence backing up your statistics.
Also the standards are not ridiculous, that is the requirement for at the very least decent data, if you're trying to prove your point with your own statistics, then those statistics need to be solid. If you didn't use your own statistics but instead went to the released kill rates from the devs then I wouldn't have questioned it if you pointed out that it went up throughout the years on average, killer's kill rates went up (hypothetically, I don't know if the average kill rate went up or not).
You're belittling me by saying I'm just some troll that won't admit their faults. All I believe I said that could be considered an insult was "you're a joke" and that was before I started seriously discussing this with you because frankly I thought you were just a bait similar to Sluzzy at first. You're no victim here either, you act like we all just attacked you because you had a different opinion which frankly isn't true. You openly mock people who think Trickster is weak, your youtube name is "Hex: Whiny Killers," (and you actively argued against everyone who responded to your discussion, bringing more attention to it, so of course there'd be a lot of people against you), like can we take this as anything other than you expected people will disagree with your opinion? Frankly by saying killer is too easy you're insulting anyone who's ever struggled to play them, of course you'd get an aggressive response. You have no right to be acting like a victim now especially when you're manipulating what others have said to seem like they're more aggressive in nature than they truly are. To put in perspective, I main Billy, I've mained him ever since the game released on console and I knew I'd main ever since I saw his reveal back when the game was coming out. I've had 3 years to master my skills with this killer, and it shows. I almost always get a 4k when I play him unless they're incredibly good survivors or I decide to spare some of them. With this in mind, never once have I thought "I wish this was harder," sure I play other killers to give some variety as well as to make it more challenging, but I see how little I struggle to win with him as a sign of my accomplishments, all that effort of sticking with this guy to make sure I was at least good enough to say I'm at the very least, top 10%, to stick with him and still destroy even if they nerf him.
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Here we go again, I guess...
- Fair enough. But it wasn't bugged before, so the suggestion to revert whatever change they made still stands.
- You're basically saying that Cannibal should always be able to 1 shot someone from full health with chainsaw. It used to be the case that you could only use chainsaw situationally and with proper setup/positioning, like catching up to a survivor in between buildings. Now it's so fast that it's practically a replacement for M1 that always downs someone regardless of health (and actually gives you a small speed boost over normal run speed, if I'm not mistaken).
- I had a ton of fun with the original Oni. A "learning curve" is not a limitation, nor is Blight's new charge very difficult to master. If anything, the old version had a "learning curve," now it's just a speed boost. Likewise, Nurse was hard to use before, now there's basically no penalty for missing since you can just turn and blink again with no limitations. My original point still stands. There is no penalty for missing anymore, and killers are free to spam these abilities (except for Oni obviously). You used to have to aim and use them skillfully, now they are just free move speed. What was so bad about having a few higher skill cap killers left in the game? There's plenty of easier ones to choose from for people who couldn't land hits with the old versions.
- People are supposed to run Calm Spirit every game just in case they end up going against Doctor, one of the 23 killers in the game that they could potentially face? Really?
- Excellent argument. I agree completely.
- What cooldown are you referring to? I don't actually own it because I think it's overpowered, but the tooltip makes no mention of a cooldown. Please enlighten me.
- The maps were designed YEARS before blocked doors were introduced to the game. That is a relatively recent change.
- How are these suggestions not making him more skill based?
- And yet she's still considered one of the "only 2 viable killers against SWF" according to this forum
- Did you read the part about implementing a different nerf?
- Now you're just contradicting even the people who are on your side. I thought SWF being overpowered was at least the one thing we could all agree on, but apparently there is one outlier. Or maybe you just want to find a way to disagree with everything on this list.
- Quite the opposite if you ask me. The current emblems incentivize survivors to make stupid plays that throw the game just so they can get more points. I hope we can agree that all the strongest survivor teams know damn well that they have to keep heavy gen pressure to win at high ranks, yet most survivors (at middle or low ranks) spend almost no time on gens or doing other things to help the team like running the killer away from objectives. In the current state of the game, you can make amazing high-skill plays to get all of your teammates out the gates safely but be penalized for it and get 0 pips because you got hooked in the process. If you really want to disagree with me on this one I'd be happy to share some video examples.
- You say camping is punished, and yet I still see it happen all the time even at high ranks. Again, if you want to disagree on this I'd be happy to post videos of how it's still done often and rarely result in a bad outcome for the killer, even though there are ways to counter it (SOMETIMES, IF you're a VERY coordinated survivor team).
- It's really not hard and has never been hard to counter the strategies you're describing. Face into a wall as you pick up a survivor. Check around corners if you think someone is waiting with a flashlight. Or just face away from them if you know where they are and there isn't a wall or tree around. These are the kinds of things that used to just part of the game and skills you picked up along the way playing killer, but I guess no one knows about anymore now that survivor is so nerfed. The stealth, timing, and positional requirements to use a flashlight effectively are already bad enough; they don't need to be so hard to aim on top of that that only rank 1 players can actually use them. Also, I never suggested that they should "instantly blind killers for way too long" or any of the other claims you're making; I just suggested that they shouldn't be so hard to use. Right now they're so difficult to handle that most players can't even begin to just start LEARNING how to use them, let alone reach the point of using them well. And hence they literally never get used except by rank 1 players (at least in my experience).
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Am I? I don't see how you can say that people have proven me wrong when I've continuously posted videos doing the literally exact things that they said I couldn't do. Please explain how that's equivalent to them proving me wrong. Or point out a point someone has made that I haven't addressed and isn't just subjective opinion or an unsubstantiated/ridiculous claim.
I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me. But if that's the case then just say that you disagree, don't come at me with some BS claim like "everyone in the world agrees this is wrong" or false accusation/insult like "you probably have never even played at red ranks before". Because if you come at me like that then I'm going to defend myself and my opinion. I mean come on, what would be the point of me bothering to put my opinion out there for debate if I was just going to give up on it the moment someone came at me with as weak a counter argument as "How about , NO" or "Dude, you're a joke, just stop"? (Which, by the way... I'm being mean, but that's not? Come on. Let's be real.)
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Frankly by saying killer is too easy you're insulting anyone who's ever struggled to play them
I have stated quite openly that *I* have struggled to play killer and did so for a very long time. Am I insulting myself now?
Just take a moment and try to put yourself in my shoes. For years I sucked at this game. I worked hard to get better at it, struggled my way up to rank 1 which I really only got thanks to a long period of saving up strong add ons to make the final push to rank 1. I finally get it. The hard work, frustration, ups and downs all paid off and I had a blast earning such a challenging reward. Then I decide take a break from the game for a while.
I come back, out of practice and unfamiliar with the new perks and changes that have been made to the game in my absence. Yet for some reason I'm still 4 killing almost every game with ease. There's these weird new wood panels blocking all the doors that only killers can open. Nobody runs DS anymore. I don't need bloodlust anymore to beat a survivor on a loop. I never need to run items to win anymore, even at high ranks. There's no challenge to killer anymore, so I decide to give survivor a shot.
Survivor feels way harder than it used to be. I and my teammates constantly get caught by aforementioned blocked doors. All the killers seem faster. A lot of my games end up with 3 survivors on the floor within minutes of the game starting. Health states don't seem to matter half the time since every killer seems to have a chainsaw or some kind of Exposed perk. Pips are insanely hard to get. So I take another break from the game.
Come back a second time and things are even worse than before. Pallets barely work . Survivors can't fast vault the same spot more than 3 times (which I thought was a new perk at first; obviously it isn't). Nobody even bothers trying to flashlight blind me anymore. Can't shake the feeling that killer is ridiculously easy now and survivor is way harder than it used to be, so I decide to skim through the patch notes of all those seasons I missed and see buff after buff on killers and nerf after nerf on survivors.
I used to get so much satisfaction catching that last survivor who so nearly escaped and that I had to work so hard to catch. And I used to almost never let survivors go because they always put up such a fight. Now, I just feel bad for survivors half the time. I give up hatch all the time because the game just doesn't feel fair, even though I'm already handicapping myself in multiple ways. So I decide to come to the feedback forums to drop my opinion and let the devs know how I feel about the game: that I used to have way more fun on killer before all the changes, and I realize why you made the changes that you made but I think it had some negative consequences and here are my ideas to rework the changes to better suit players at all levels.
And there's a few positive responses, some constructive criticism, but mostly a whole lot of "LOL NOOB UR PROBABLY LOW RANK IF U THINK THESE ARE GOOD IDEAS I BET U ONLY PLAY FREDDY CUZ EVERYTHING ELSE IS TOO HARD FOR U" and "2/10 bait post obvious troll trying to reverse psychology us" and let's not forget "Dude, you're a joke, just stop."
So yeah, I fought fire with fire. How else am I supposed to make my point? People accuse me of having no idea what I'm talking about even though I've been rank 1 and played this game for years and I'm just supposed to reply with "yeah well I guess you're right, my opinion doesn't matter and I guess I have no real experience with this game"?
I tried being civil and all I got was more trolls claiming I had no idea what I was talking about or that I was "probably a survivor main just pretending to be a killer main to get them nerfed." And those trolls said they would only be convinced by video evidence, so I put up video evidence, but it wasn't good enough, so I made more video evidence, but that wasn't good enough either, and now here we are.
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- It's a bug, it's not intended, it'll get fixed eventually.
- A good survivor can still play around Leatherface, additionally while they also make his power stronger, they managed to implement a con that didn't feel unnecessary. Leatherface is now punished much more heavily for messing up.
- A Low skill ceiling is not a "learning curve" he was just weak and easily dodgeable making him boring to go against.
- If you're gonna complain about something trivial, then it's your own problem, not balancing.
- Sarcastic answer, no need to respond.
- The fact that it needs to be activated by doing your job and hooking survivors. Plus it encourages not camping, something clearly hate so you should be thankful for it.
- He's confused because you're not using the actual name, which is "Breakable Walls."
- Once again, making a killer weaker doesn't mean they require more skill, only that their skill ceiling is lower. He's saying make Freddy more balanced by rewarding players who invest time into him, instead of being one of the best killers despite being one of the easiest to learn.
- Buff her but add more counter play, I agree completely with what he says. The reason they say that is because she has little to no counterplay, which makes her unfun to play against.
- DS would still be abused, it'd just take longer to get there. Your recommendation is still just inferior to what we got. It's not our fault survivors stopped using it because they could no longer abuse it. Almost like how survivors stopped running MoM because it was no longer completely busted.
- There's such things as casual swf who only play to have fun and don't bring along the problems that come with sweaty swf.
- By hiding, your actively making one less target for the killer to be distracted with, making him target the others and kill them quicker. Obviously you shouldn't be rewarded for not playing for the team.
- Killers couldn't give less of a damn if we depip, we'll go against less sweaty survivors, making more enjoyable gameplay. The punishment is that competent survivors will let the person die and gen rush. It heavily punishes the killer for camping and pretty much guarantees their loss at that point. A camping killer purposely places their strategy on the hope that the survivors will be too nice to not let their teammate die, which is scummy.
- Flashlights use to rescue survivors that the killer was in the middle of hooking, where they couldn't look away. they used to blind the killer immediately with no counter play, and there was even a period where you didn't even have to time the save, just blind while they're picking them up and it's all good. Flashlights were easily the best item and needed to be nerfed. I do agree that messing with the accuracy is unnecessary though.
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I'm not even going to waste my time with this stuff anymore. Half of these aren't even real arguments, it's already gone right back to "well good players can just play around it". I could counter all of these points, but as I've said it'll just go in circles for days. The videos I've posted speak for themselves, far more than conjecture about what "good players can do." And if they aren't evidence enough, I'll keep climbing until they are. Or maybe just get bored of the game, again, and go back to other games, again. Only time will tell.
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First off you ignored my entire message except for one sentence. Also window block came out before breakable walls. Pallets are bugged so you can't say that was a balancing issue. Also what you're missing is there's also been nerfs to killers as well. Both Nurse and Hillbilly got nerfed, mostly unfairly as their base-kits were fine, their add-ons where the issues. Spirits gotten a change that is both a nerf/buff which meant she could no longer find a survivor's location by their hitbox but you could no longer bodyblock spirit in her phase. A huntress change is in the works. Those "buffs" you're saying were blaspehmy against the players of this game where to the some of the weakest killers for years, Wraith was the worst kill in the game without add-ons and Leatherface was a close second.
What you feel is killers becoming too strong was really the game starting to make killers less weak. I will by no means say killer has gotten harder, but it far from being overpowered.
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What else am I supposed to say? That leatherface is insanely overpowered now that his power can be used? Yes he is stronger but he's more risk/reward now. A good survivor can play around it, hell even I can play around him. The same applies to any buff you complain about, there is none that cannot be countered. You don't own leatherface because you don't have bbq so how would you know? You admitted to not playing for a long time so are you just biased because you went against one and didn't know how to counter him so you simply said he's op?
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As you said yourself, you already have a thread like this. Let's avoid creating double threads and to everyone overall, always remain civil and respectful, thank you. People will have different opinions and you can discuss these without getting disrespectful. Locking this now, as there is one that already exists.