Killer is now way too easy

It is not hard to see which role has it easy: Killers by a long shot. Play a few matches and you see who struggles to win. Part of the reason is because survivors have been nerfed too much, maps are way too open with not enough pallets or vaults to extend the chase. Way too many deadzones, no way for survivors to defend themselves. Can’t even hide either. It is a serious balancing issue when 9 out 10 matches you play and 3 are on their bellies with only 1 gen is completed at most. Killer perks are mostly busted, especially by a skilled killer. A skilled killer is way too overpowered. It is exactly why Deathgarten flopped. Too competitive and survivors had no chance to win in that game when the killer knew what they were doing.
Evolve didn’t last either for the same reasons. Critics all said it was too competitive and PC Gamer said: “It didn't help that Evolve, a game "that only really works if you're playing with your friends," was $60 when it launched. "Getting your friends to spend a total of $240 on a game is a hard ######### sell," Colville said.
You literally can’t play DBD without 4 friends and even 4 friends struggle to win. That is wrong and the devs need to stop ignoring the elephant in the room, pandering to killers that expect a 4K every match.
All a killer must do now is put on 3 slowdown perks and a tracking perk and cruise control to a 4K. That is not balanced, that’s literally enabling god mode. Killers all need to be nerfed and survivors need to be buffed, and maps need to be more balanced so you don’t need a PHD in looping to last longer than 10 seconds.
Until you post gameplay of your matches I’m not taking this seriously
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I would love to see your gameplay Sluzzy.
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so easy that survivor queues are still 10+ minutes right?
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Keep up the good work Sluzzy
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don't pretend haddonfield and the game don't exist.
heavily survivor sided
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Hey guys, enjoy the sunday. :)
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That's because killer is too easy.
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Okay, the (incredibly wrong) threads are fine, but can you stop re-making the SAME thread basically every time yours finally dies off?
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Yeah, too easy to win, that's why people don't play killer.
Kind of wonder why we have so many people that wants to torture themselves to play as survivors that can almost never win. What a world we're in..
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You struggle to win playing SWF? You guys must be so bad lol. Just practice and continue to practice. The rest of us don't even struggle to win playing solo.
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this is one of the better baits. but fr i legit cannot select laurie without her reminding me of sluzzy
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A lot of people upvote Sluzzy because they treat the posts like comedy and find them funny.
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People don’t play killer because swf exits and people want to play with their friends
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I do wonder how much salt a Killer main has to have inside themselves to the point that they post almost daily troll threads under the guise of a Survivor main.
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You need to up the ante sluzzy, this basic stuff is not acceptable according to your own standards. But fear not, we shall help you :)
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hey Sluzzy, how has your day been?
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I will ask again Sluzzy, have you ever tried playing Killer? If so, was it at the higher ranks?
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I'd love to see the game, just for a week, use the kind of balance these threads demand.
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Ah yes Killer is so easy. I just casually walk through the map and insta-down and hooked everyone before they even complete a gen. Also SWF doesn’t exist. It’s a myth.
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The game is not heavily survivor sided. It's been the most balanced it's ever been.
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Ah, hello again.
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BiLLy nO cOUnTeRpLAy, pLs nErF!
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Yah... that's pretty much what I expected. Sluzzy is a "Get gud" case.
Looking into this person deeper, I see they seem to have a history of ragequitting on first hook. If they're still in the game, they really need to just move on and play one of the other 35 games on their profile.
At least Sluzzy has good taste in games.
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Yes, Sluzzy is a Rank 1 killer. And a very good player too. I mean, 39k Blink attacks sounds really impressive.
Post edited by GeneralV on0 -
You insult the great walls of Autohaven?
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I think Sluzzy is right. Killers are way to OP. How can they be allowed to Attack me ? ME ?
How dare they not stand still and missswing each time i 360 them. Also STOPP LOOKING AWAY when im going for a Flashlight blind. If i take a Flashlight the Killer HAS to give me a Blind. Else it would be useless
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Clicks on the title out of curiosity, then realizes it's a Sluzzy post.
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Bruh no offense but you are getting kind of boring now. No one thinks your troll attempts are funny or even original anymore and no one is fool enough to think you actually believe the stuff you post. Seriously my guy, find a new hobby.
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That happens in reality. There is perks like Tinkerer that takes all the guesswork from playing killer and he can casually approach a gen and down them, instantly. It's nutty how bad it is.
Except now it is massively in the killer's favor.
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this! so much this!
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Counter statement: solo survivor is easier and perspectively gives me respect for the killers that put up with our advantage.
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I hate how many people genuinely think like this. Is it even trolling if you're talking like a basic survivor main?
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Okay, I don't think Sluzzy is a troll.
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I wouldn't say it's way too easy, but I do find it much easier than survivor, personally.
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I think a mod needs to come in here for all these personal attacks, even if it may be that the OP is trolling or whatever. @MandyTalk or another mod able to deal with these comments?
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Tbf, this level of cognitive dissonance is the same for the basic killer main on both the forums and reddit, and they basically run both from what I've seen.
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I wish I was lying, but there are so many people that are like this unironically on the DBD Steam forums.
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That is actually true tho
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Well, he still gets a lot of attention. And there are some who still dont get that he is trolling, so we need to start to ignore him. Otherwise he will stay lazy and we will never see high quality sluzzy-bait anymore.
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I'm not trolling or anything but i really agree with you.
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I'm going to close this here, and will remind you all that attacking another user is not acceptable on this forum - neither is instantly calling someone a troll! If you have nothing to add to the discussion move along to another thread instead of attacking someone for their opinion. There will be no more warnings with regards to this behaviour.