So, Midwich...

I don't think I've ever held W more in a video game in my life then I do when I'm at Midwich. Every pallet except for like 2 god pallets are super unsafe. Gens are almost impossible to find for whatever reason. It's not even good for killer because of these breakable walls and trying to get to the second floor gives me a migraine. It's a shame this map is like this because it's undoubtedly my favorite aesthetically, but my gosh it's so bad. Sorry for the rant, I just have so much hatred for this map and the fact it's not my least favorite map is saying something.
The worst part... the exit gates *shudder*
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Yeah, thank you for reminding me of those exit gates. Another reason I hate this map.
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If I may ask, why do you like Midwich? Just curious.
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To be honest with you, my friend, Midwich is my favourite map :)
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Well we can agree to disagree. This map comes so close to Haddonfield for me.
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just go and break the walls right off the bat
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That would be Dead Dawg Saloon for me.
As for Midwich, I love it for its aesthetic. Midwich has that scary feeling to it, which the rest of the maps now lack. And I enjoy its gameplay too! Especially when it gives me room for some Dream Projection mindgames.
However, there is one map I like more than Midwich, which is Old Lery's. In my opinion, pre-rework Lery's was the best map in the game, and I was extremely disappointed when the rework ruined it.
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I do but there's like a bunch of them and it takes like 40 years to do
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Apparently the shape and size came from Konami and wasn't something BHVR could readily modify much.
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Oh well, I love it aesthetically as well but gameplay wise, it's terrible.
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dont you play blight?
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It's my favorite map
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A Silent Hill map had so much potential. They could've chosen literally anything from across the series, but they chose one of the most cramped, long hallway infested, cluttered ones possible.
It looks amazing aesthetically, don't get me wrong.
It's just.... so bad... it hurts
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I just think people dont know how to loop on Silent Hill, for me its one of the best map for survivors.
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Yes but what if I'm not Blight
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design wise it's boring as #########, but thematically it's really good. Chasing survivors and getting chased down the halls is quite creepy.
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I’ve kind of grown to love this map.
It looks great
It’s the easiest indoor map to navigate and get to specific locations.
Pretty Consistent tile spawns and layout
I feel way more comfortable with the loops and how to string them together
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I've never really felt that the map favors one particular side over the other, rather the side that develops momentum first will inevitably win the trial.
Some killers have an easier time than others on Midwich, but overall the map's circulation works to the benefit of the player who can start their objective the fastest.
If the survivors can complete 2 gens in the time that the killer hooks one survivor, the survivors should be able to 3-4 escape with minimal effort. If the killer can hook 2 survivors in the time that the survivors complete one generator, than the killer should be able to 3-4 sac with minimal effort.
There are exceptions of course, but in my experience the time to walk from one objective to another is so large that once you lose momentum you're fighting an up hill battle the rest of the way.
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Yeah not a fan of that map too.
It's bassicly mobility killer or bust on that map
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Midwich is my favourite map by far. The loops are all mindgamable, the breakable walls are normally fair and give you an advantage if you break them. The map is very easy to go from point A to point B. IMO, Midwich is the most fun map in the game.
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I love Midwich but I hate it at the same time, but I'm leaning towards the 'love' end because it's one of my favorite maps in the game. IMO it's one of the most well-designed maps in the game but that's just me opinion.