Survivor is too difficult

The match starts.
At my right, there's a generator, at the left there is a flaming totem. Three steps and I begin to clease the totem, while I hear a loud scream of what seems to be The Nurse. I'm halfway of cleansing the totem, my Spinechill activates and I start to hear a heartbeat, but I won't give up. The desperate Nurse uses her chainblink to prevent the totem to get cleased. Too late! The Ruin got cleansed and I start walk away slowly from the Killer Shack. She then blinks right at my neck, but I'm already far away through the corn fields with my Sprint Burst. Meanwhile, a gen pops. Against all odds, she managed to down me and hook me. I could see my friends spread across the map each one in a different generator. Time passes. She downed everyone amazingly quick, but not as quick as we managed no hold M1. Happily, everyone succeded to scape through the gates.
and yet Otz to name one 4k's just about all the time, riddle me that batman
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Many people play for this very reason. Isn't that the interest?
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"loses" he only lost his own goal, (winning and losing is not defined in this game)
the point is though, how could you possible get those 4ks even with tons of hours? as OP described its clearly impossible, 1 on hook, 3 working on gens? what on earth could you do?!?!!!
maybe watch otz and see what can be done about it, learn and git gud.
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Just like 2-3 days ago I faced againts Otz as survivor. He was playing the twins and I was an average survivor main. I normally play killer so I was not that experienced. Dont get me wrong for what I am gonna write I really love Otz and he is one of the reason that I bought this game and playing but during that match I assume he was trying to do 50 kill streaks with Twins what he do is sent Victor to us and Charlotte was waiting close to the hooks. He told that during his stream we did get greedy and not saved our teammates but the thing is I did not known that while having victor you can still save your teammates due to inexperience and he was waiting with her other twins so it is camping actually and when I go to save my teammates I get the Victor after a short time so he was protecting his hooks. I am not saying he is a bad killer or player which he is not but if he wasnt using that method we would have giving him some hard times and maybe even escape(Not all of us but maybe 1-2 person). The thing is game can turned upside down if you try to not camp or tunnell sometimes. I am rank 2-3 killer main and sometimes if I try to play fair while I get hooks the game will finish so fast that I dont even understand how sometimes. The thing is once you get the known the game it is 4vs1 match and survivor have the upper hand and even sometimes professional like Otz needs to camp and tunnell for that same reason due to upper hand.
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I was the survivor of the match and I was playing with my friends.
But it's not a question of get gud, It's to show how badly designed the game is.
I didn't even need TO MOVE to find and complete my objectives as a survivor.
The Nurse was impressively competent, didn't miss the blinks, I'm sure she expent hundreds of hours to masterize the character, although she didn't kill 1 survivor.
Moreover I just did the post because I got incredulous by that as I'm a main killer too and have faced similar situations.
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It's sad that "has the ability to finish the gens in under 3 minutes so as to totally avoid any skill-based interaction" is considered "good" in this game.
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Plenty of killers 4k a large percentage of their games. Do you play killer OP? Do you lose often if you do?
But, few people would argue that killer is easier than survivor, so I agree with the sarcasm in a sense. But clearly there are still some very skilled killers that do just fine.
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Chases are the the biggest reason this game has such player retention, being the only thing that adds dynamic gameplay. I'm not sure I would call them "minor".
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he's great killer. But even great killer can't win that much. Secret is he's playing during lower server density, when matchmaking works bad and there is almost no SWF teams. That's all. Survivors are much stronger 12 hours from what he usually plays
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Difficulty is hard to explain, but as a solo survivor, you're not going to feel the same sense of control as if you was playing killer because survivors are just 1/4th of the force the killer opposes. It's going to be difficult, maybe near impossible to win games if you don't use personal skill in combination with teamwork.
Killer on the other hand, have more control of the match due to their pure strength against a survivor. Depending on the killer and your skill level, you will gain more or less control in the trial. I'm a console Nurse main, which means other than keys, I own the survivors and can make them cook me dinner if I so please, or else they'll have a 2-5 minute game. :P
Weaker killers, even with decent skill, won't have the same control as a Nurse or Spirit. Their mechanics limit how far you can go with them, allowing survivors to indirectly become stronger since they don't have a threatening power role to play around.
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I certainly agree that optimal survivor play is pretty hard to beat. Especially with one of the weaker killers. I think Solo Q is the hardest mode in the game, except on the rare occasions when you get 3 other teammates that play really well.
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well then she did something wrong, perhaps she should have started slugging? such a pretty generic suggestion