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DEVS make something about unplayable solo Q

Venzhas Member Posts: 684

I just made a row of 6 games, horrible af. As a 100% solo survivor im tired to be tunneled, camped, slugged by sweaty tryhard killers AND being used as a diversion by SWF teamates. The more matchs, the more the game is becoming boring , why you keep ignoring solo players so hard ? I think i will leave the game sooner as i thought


  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I would be fine if the randoms I get paired with had actually some kind of game sense and map awareness.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,263

    Frustrating indeed. there is no future updates about solo survivors and killers strength in general.

    I play the game only to feel the "Survival" vibe but not to win.

    I'm afraid they will not adress this problem.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    Solo is fine. The problem that causes are the players that you get teamed. If they play selfish or bad it affects all the team. For SWF the scenario is different because people dont left their friends behind and make more bold actions. My advice for you is play solo and analyze good players. Then ask them to join you. With that method I collect like 3-4 different groups that I can play which I knew they wont leave me behind and do their jobs. We dont even use comms or tell each other's perks and get 6-7/10 win rates.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383
    edited April 2021

    Why not 15 out of 10? When I read your reply, I knew exactly you are a killer main. I looked at your comments, it's full of "entitled survivor mains" etc. Speaking of this game killer mains always state to have 110% escape rate and they always have higher escape rate than the official average escape rate, which is clearly under 50%, SWF and solo combined.

    The REAL average solo survivor's escape rate is horrible, so no, solo is NOT playable. Nice try.

  • ethan99
    ethan99 Member Posts: 154

    For solo queue Kindred is a must IMO.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    To be fair, statistics show that killers are way above their 50% kill rate, except Nurse. Most games aren't even SWF as more statistics showed from the developers.

    What am I saying? Would it really hurt to make the solo queue experience better, then buff killers accordingly? Especially when they already dominate solo queue to begin with?

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    edited April 2021

    Buddy I hate to break it to you, but everyone who plays this game knows the stats are an unreliable source of information.

    Solo que is fine the way it is; the problem is the games ######### matchmaking is putting good players with bad ones.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Played like a dozen of solo q games and they were mostly fine.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673


    Not to mention that judging by the end result in a game where match can be thrown upside-down in last 20 seconds is laughable.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Listen, if we are looking into the statistics, then we should also look at the top level of play, we saw what survivors did to killers in tournaments. It depends what kind of buffs would solo q receive, and not make swf more busted than they already are.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Actually no, as of now I'm playing more survivor than killer, because i have friends to play with.

  • CLFG
    CLFG Member Posts: 2

    Most killers that tunnel, camp, & slug the whole match definately do it just to reach rank 1 so technically they're all low rank trash that need practice when I play as killer I work for my kills you can easily dominate 4 people with a decent build but you gotta have skill. Having a good team is important but it's not going to save you from trash killers with no skill idc how good you think you are you can't really combat that without playing with a team that combines perks & even then your chances are still slim. Btw escaping matches doesn't exactly mean you had a good run either especially if you didn't do enough to pip up, all your teamates died, you escaped through hatch, you had ds, teamates d/c, etc theres so many variables so no theres no excuse for being a shxt player killer or not js

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Here is the thing, DBD has so many player choices and variables which greatly effect the outcome of the game so it is hard to speak about what an average game is like. I believe people have wildly different experiences with the game based off of their internet and location.

    My opinion is that most people assume everyone else playing is having a similar experience to their own, that is not the case.

    The core game concept is good, but players are not having the same experience as each other so it is hard to discuss the game. I think red rank SWF is very much a different game than mid-level solo queue purple ranks. Playing with great connection speeds is very much different from playing with typical internet. Playing in a large metro area is different from playing in the burbs or BFE.

    The DEVS imho should be focusing on creating a balanced solid playing experience for everyone. It seems like the changes they make are all focused on making the game harder for survivors and trying to make the game's duration shorter. The DEV's goals seem to be get more people playing as killer and make the games last less, both are designed to shorten queue times and decrease bandwidth useage.

    I run bond because I only play solo queue. I see what my other teammates are doing. SWF is the worse when you are solo queue. With bond I see that SWF groups actively attempt to sabotage the solo rando who they play with. They will point me out to the killer, run the killer directly to me, and leave me to die on hook.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570
  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Then drop out dbd, and go to an cassino, with that luck maybe you could be the next Elon Musk

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited April 2021

    What do you expect from SWF, they are OP. We're talking about making solo queue better, and you completely ignored how we can buff killers accordingly. 🤷‍♂️

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    These horrible dive hook bombing swf teams make it very playable for me as a solo survival. I find myself either the only one left or escaping most the time. Kindred is my friend.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Because it's hard to buff solo and not buff swf along with it. Maybe they could add some simple pings like killers is camping etc..

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I somewhat disagree with that claim. It is pretty crippling at times to not have any sort of communication with your teammates. It is fine for the most part, but it should definitely receive some improvements. Not completely game-changing improvements, but something to give solo players something to communicate.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    People are so desperate to turn solo q into basically SWF lite. Be careful what you wish for. Solo Q is the one thing that is keeping Killers in the game, cause they have a chance due to the uncertainty that solo brings. They aren’t as coordinated and therefore can make mistakes and such. SWF has no such problems and therefore, the Killer struggles exponentially. I like Solo cause it feels like an actual horror game instead of an esports match like SWF matches are. In horror movies people make mistakes, get surprised by the killer, and don’t have a full grasp of what their teammates are doing and whatnot. SWF totally breaks that horror immersion. If Solo is buffed to the standards of SWF like everyone is asking then prepare for even longer survivor ques. Killers aren’t going to put up with that for long,