Tier List of how fun killers are to go up against

If you want I would like to see what real survivor mains lists would look like
I would love to have an insight of why you have fun playing vs the twins.
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idk honestly I just think its really cool and I its sorta fun to avoid viktor
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Nea is F tier
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Billy is my S tier killer to go against. I rarely run into billies but when I do they’re either really good which is nice to say after good billy players have nearly gone extinct and the newer Billy’s usually are pretty wholesome.
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I'd put Freddy and Hag lower if I could.
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damn you like playing against nurse? I could never see me genuinely enjoying every moment with a good nurse but if theyre just decent its fun to try to trick them
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If they're just decent, it's a good time (for me) to juke them successfully and have a good little back and forth.
If they're godlike, i'm at least decently impressed with their skill and can't be mad.
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Simplified list, just my opinion.
Edit: Not ordered within tiers js.
Post edited by MrPenguin on2 -
Myers honestly is somewhere between unfun and I don't wanna play anymore. You speak the truth.
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It's kinda sad that there's so many Killers that are just pretty unfun to go against for me. And the ones that I do enjoy going against a lot are, of course, really uncommon to see.
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Recently i did tier list of fun killers to go against with 2 friends. There is result
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I like how Freddy's always at the bottom.
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I hate all of them when i play as survivor. Maybe only Trapper
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Allow me to share mine.
Not to me.
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twins are total cancer to go against, as they are pretty much designed around camping and slugging. You cant even be mad at the player for it, its like it was by design.
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Yeah, but you've got Freddy in your picture.
You're a wild card and I don't know what you're gonna do next.
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The thing is, Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing DBD. He is my favourite character and seeing him on a trial is always a pleasant experience, no matter if I am playing as him or against him.
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I wish I could have that same kind of enjoyment with him.
I love Freddy as a character, in the movies, but as soon as I see the sleep timer around my portrait years of my life start ticking down.
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Well, Old Freddy was better in that aspect since he was closer to what Freddy is in the movies.
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A baby killer?
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Deathslinger is so low on most people’s lists.
Sorry guys. Don’t hate me. 🤣🤣🤣
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I was debating on putting Freddy in the best tier because I never play against him & when I do it's usually pretty fun other than the ridiculous lunge he almost always seems to have.
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It saddens me to see such a sight. I love playing against Deathslinger with his creepy yet banger music and his intimidating posture.
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Which he doesn't, actually. But my babe is a smol boi, and his weapon is short, so his lunge looks weird. But it is the same as every killer.
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I enjoy playing against him too as he makes me nervous. My favourite to face are Deathslinger and Leatherface as they scare me during a chase. XD
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Well, I can say the same about my babe. Freddy is low on most lists (not all, but most) and I really don't like that.
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Pig is D/F tier in my opinion
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Mhm, I know. Though I will say it seems like people who play Freddy always seem to have the worst ping in my experience so there's that.
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I assume good players for the tier list, and tbh i almost never encounter insidous bubba
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S + A are also my favourite killers to play as... and Deathslinger 😁
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When Huntress stops throwing galaxies at me I'll put her in S.
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Everything about his visual and audio design is top tier and I LOVE playing as him, but man actually playing against the guy is so lame. The only reason why he's not in the bottom tier for me is because I can respect a Deathslinger with a good aim, and the visual and audio design I mentioned bring it up a notch.
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Here is mine
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if they play right its kinda fun to go against a good bubba
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Uhmmm okay honestly I can relate to the op ahah but with some exception. I would have put Twins and Huntress in the lowest tier, IMO they’re the most boring to go against just the same as Spirit. On the opposite, to me Nurse and Billy would both be S tier.
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It makes me sad seeing hillbilly so high on so many survivor tier lists. I wish that the overheat mechanic would be removed so we would get to play against more billys. I'm sick of getting spirits and freddys. Free my boi bhvr.
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Honestly. A decent Nurse who you can fool can be fun but playing against a super sweaty Nurse (Who often slugs within the first minute of the game) is probably my least favorite experience in this entire. I have much more fun playing mouth breather Meg without Iron will against Spirit far more than I do against a good Nurse lmao.
Then again, he did say he was low rank so the Nurse players probably aren't at all sweaty.
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A Killer's ping doesn't matter anymore I'm DBD. It's either you or the servers having bad connection. The Killer would actually have a harder time hitting you if it was there connection but look completely normal to you. Considering it's Freddy, it's probably his lunge hitbox you're thinking about. The lunge hitbox doesn't match his weapon model. (His weapon has less range compared to the others when swing but still has the same hitbox nonetheless. Essentially making things that obviously shouldn't have hit, hit)
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Wait, when did I say I was low rank?
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Clowns down there mostly cause I've never understood how to counter him
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The most fun I ever have in this game as survivor, is honestly against almost any killer when the skill matchup is very very fair. It's rare this happens, maybe 1 in 20 games, but when it does I have a blast.
Usually it's either baby killers, or killers with like 10 million hours who take the game way too seriously. When you get a good match going, that's challenging and could go either way right up to the end....that's my fav game.
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Here's my possibly controversial killer tier list based off how fun they are going against:
This particular one I found did not have Trickster, but he would be C tier.
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How is this based? Do you enjoy playing killer's who are easier to beat or do you want someone challenging? I like playing against the stealth killer's there the most fun. I don't like legion or plague as a Solo player your teammates make it horrible to go against. I don't like nurse because everyone sucks with her so it's too easy. Spirit I really enjoy I don't understand how people fall for the standing still trick you know when she is phasing or not there is a sound. I will say I don't use spine chill much anymore which is a awesome perk and makes playing against her easy. Most killer's are boring because there not very strong I don't really have much issues but interesting post
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How are the Twins not C tier and below? They are literally so unfun IMO.
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Did you forget the title of your post? Lol