Developer Update April 2021 Discussion - Nightmare / Huntress / Demo / Twins & Perk Changes



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    Bug stuff is usually in the PTB notes themselves not the dev updates unless a dev update is focused on addressing some massive game shattering bug like the hitbox issue from a couple updates ago.

    Also, you would think people would be more upset about the fact his movespeed is bugged when carrying a survivor, currently when carrying he is even slower than nurse, that actually hurts him in game directly. You pretty much need to take agitation or at least starstruck just to be functional; and if hooks are far away they have like 30% more time to wiggle out versus any other killer without agitation on lol.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Me and my swf did this a few times but we never did gens. We just killed ourselves after 5/10 minutes. It was just a meme while we were drinking lol

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Trickster changes are coming in Wednesday's bugfix, which will immediately go to live. I think a Dev also said they'll be on tomorrow's PTB but I'm not sure.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Actually rolling over laughing about your complaining about Zanshin Tactics, of all things. 🤣

    The game could literally delete the killer role entirely and turn it into an actual Generator Simulator game, and you would still find a way to complain about it being killer-sided. Your trolling/inane thought processes are truly a marvel of the forum. Don't ever change. 👍️

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    If you've ever seen them in a streamer's match, they die in like the first 20 - 60 seconds of almost every game (If they don't outright kill themselves on hook) so it's not too surprising they think literally -everything- killer related is over powered haha.

    So just enjoy the humor of it xP

  • razerblaze
    razerblaze Member Posts: 2

    so you're saying its ok to be unable to find a survivor after injuring them if they're running lucky break and iron will on hawkins because there will be no way to track them

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    What the hell are you talking about? Please don't put words in my mouth.

    I've not said anything even related to that subject in any way shape or form. The most I said was in my first post a while ago, and that was this:

    The Lucky Break buff was a bit much possibly; that is (maybe) a little over powered even if it is only for the start of the match (Have to see it in practice). They may need to make it increase your sounds of pain, or make it so your sounds of pain cannot be silenced rather for it's duration, to prevent it's use with iron will for that time. Even then we'll see, I need to see what it's like in practice first it might not be as bad as I suspect it could be; but it's worth keeping an eye on because it lasts for a long time and on some maps that could mean you just lose any chase if a survivor has it, and if 4 people do it's a real problem.

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    In general I like the changes. Here are some of my thoughts.

    Pallet changes

    It's a good thing to decrease the pallet count. I think fake pallets hurt much more solo queue players, because you have no clue which pallets were already thrown. I still think 7 is a lot to memorize, because you also have to memorize the real pallets. According to Miller's law 7 +-2 chunks should be a limit. But there will be maybe 7 fake pallets + 7 real pallets, in sum 14. But hey, let's test it. It will be better then before ✌️.

    Alarm clock

    The idea of the immunity is nice, but my main problem with the clocks is that I always have to run across the whole map to reach one. Most of the time I have to leave a generator for it. And after I returned to the generator I'm short before fall asleep again. Most of the time it's not worth to run the way. An increased sleep timer would be great or maybe nearer alarm clocks.

    Iridicent Head

    This change looks more like a fast balance fix. It's ok, but a little bit boring. I would prefer something like one shots only for targets outside the terror radius, because this will open a world of new build combinations, like tinkerer, trail of torment etc. And it has a better counter play. But I think I would allow maybe 3 hatchets with addons, because I'm not sure, if someone will try this build with only 1 hatchet and such strong conditions.

    Btw. the map screenshots look awesome, really nice work ☺️👌

    Best regards


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Agree 1000% with the person who said we should get chase points for being in chase with Victor. That's one of the MOST ANNOYING things about facing the Twins.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Increasing Demo's Oblivious time doesn't help when he stomps like Herman Munster everywhere! Can we make him quieter as he STOMPS along please???

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited April 2021

    LMAO they're really trying to use the statistics as their reasoning for nerfing Freddy. Will they use them as a reason to buff Plague or are the devs being picky with their stat usage? Also they went overboard, just like I predicted. Guess I should play as much of him as I can.

    I like the Demogorgon changes I'm seeing. Hopefully we'll see more like Rat Liver being made basekit and the removal of most of his map-wide audio cues. How am I supposed to be Undetectable if the Survivors can hear me coming a million miles away?

    Soldier's Puttee sounds like it should be basekit for Huntress. Glad Iri Head has been nerfed, although I kinda wish that they had given it a 24 meter range requirement to help PS4 players with Skilled Huntress since they are the only platform with no way of tracking this trophy/achievement.

    I have played against the Twins a grand total of five times since their release and have never played as them, so I can't really say anything about their changes.

    The perk changes sound good except for one of them (BT). Good riddance Object!

    Borrowed Time's effect always activating can be problematic for high mobility Killers. Giving it a 32 meter requirement would have been better.

    I don't really use toolboxes or items in general, so I'm not sure how to feel about this change.


    Glad to see that I'll finally be able to know for sure what Madness tier a Survivor is at with the new HUD.

    It's good that Coldwind's getting reworked. Hopefully the devs manage to fix the corn.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    These changes don't seem to be very thought out for both sides to be frank , some of them ok, some unnecessary, some are just..a waste of time

  • Ravenlord4711
    Ravenlord4711 Member Posts: 115

    non-stop killer nerfs over and over very little love. only took almost 2 years to get DS nerfed now you are buffing bt against the few killers that had a chance against it. small game is turning into a totem counter making giving even less reason to use hex perks. in the mean time gen speeds are so fast that games can be done in less than 5 min total. I am a freddy main and am surprised by the nerfs, you already gutted his slowdown addons to 6% for 2 addons and now they make things more noisy and you made him slower when placing them. the only part of him you are not nerfing is the teleport which as soon as end game happens is useless anyway. I would be fine with the addon changes for sound that if you had consistent sound instead of it breaking every couple months. hell there are entire sections of the silent hill map that give 0 sound at all. so before you make it were it helps sound how about you fix sound??? also literally all of these are nerfs in one way or another except for zanshin which i honestly couldnt tell you the last time i saw it. you are literally killing this game and killers are leaving. queue times are proof of it. when i started you would wait 5+ min for a killer game now its less than 30 seconds. @devs I would honestly like to know how many of you are rank 1-3 killer mains, because it really seems like none of you are. You can call me a killer main all you want and yes I am. but i play survivor and understand the balance of the game. so at this point its just a waiting game to see how long it takes this to join death garden. (yes this is copy pasted from another post)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Her hitboxes are fine, it's latency that makes the hits seem wack.

  • zelda
    zelda Member Posts: 28

    Play killer to red ranking in Korea server first, and then talk the balance, devs have no any qualification to make balance, even they are not red rank killer.