A ranged unhooking perk?

What about an unhooking perk that allows u to unhook from, um lets say 8m distance? It should only work once per game like unbreakable.

This takes up one precious perk slot and the only thing it counters is face camping. Allowing plays against face camping bubbas as well.


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    This would be abused so hard.

  • wuperbear
    wuperbear Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2021

    The distance should be long enough to counter face camping but short enough so its not abused. The perk could also activate with maybe a 5 seconds chain casting etc. that killers can interrupt. Idk but cool if behavior can invent this perk and balance around the idea

    The main point is, it should decrease the efficiency of face camping which will in turn decrease the urge for players to face camp.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I like the idea, but it would need to be paired with borrowed time or have something with the perk that prevents the killer from knocking them down again. If it unhooks them in front of the face camping killer then it won't really benefit them that much without protection.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There is a LOT of potential for abuse with this. If such a thing were considered, the person who used the Perk should have their Aura revealed to the Killer for (10) seconds after doing so. *And it would have be stipulated that this Perk you are suggesting works in tandem with Borrowed Time. The once a game thing is not enough of a downside, it would need something like the Aura penalty above.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Lol in my head I was picturing a survivor using a lasso to unhook another survivor.

  • wuperbear
    wuperbear Member Posts: 33

    yah if it ties with borrowed i think its perfectly fine still, because the surv would have to sacrifice 2 perk slots for the build. It would be like kindred with borrowed which is kinda strong but like said u get 1 less decisive unbreakable or iron will etc to be the jesus in ur team.

    I dont think it'll be abused that hard if they balance it well with some down side. The main concept of the perk should focus around decreasing the urge for killers to face camp because it's no longer as effective. It should have some sort of down side like deliverance but still strong in a way.

    Gen rush should not be the only counter to face camping. We all know u can just do gens when bubba face camps someone in a corner hook. But that's 0 fun for the person on the hook and even worst for the people just doing gens and leave. Imagine queueing 10 mins just for that.