That's Rude

immoraldemise Member Posts: 117
edited April 2021 in Bug Reporting

Tomb challenge is broken. Tried 5 games to get this. My last game... i'm sorry but pointing in Myers' face 4 times in one game got me face camped on my first hook and i'm not really surprised.

I mean, literally in his face pointing at him. Within 10-15m each time. Got hit, Ran away, healed with Inner strength, found him again and did it. Got hit, lost him, got healed. Again, this time he broke chase and before I could heal, I pointed at him again and after that he just sat there.

I'm about to just give up with you guys.

Edit: Yes i'm using Premonition. Ive also tried with ONLY Premonition...

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  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I posted this on another thread and it helped them so hopefully it does the same for you.

    “Try to get a little closer to the terror radius and then shift your camera towards the killer to proc premonition to increase the odds of it registering. It’s a 45 degree cone and a 36m activation range so if LOS is poor then the killer might not actually be in the direction you’re pointing especially if they were already in the edge of those numbers. It took me two games to get it to work properly and the game it registered I made sure I could actually see the killer. The first game I tried like 10 points but was usually blocked by the temple on yamaoka or bamboo etc. 

    Also make sure you let the point fully complete from start to finish because if you cancel it prematurely even a bit with shift W and what have you then the point might not count.”

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    did you read i got face camped because i put my finger nearly in his face?

    Tried it again against Doc. This time i let the killer get right up on me before i swung the camera to activate it, pointed, got hit. Led the chase until it activated again. Turned, activated, pointed. Nothing. Ive done this so many times, i'm through. Good thing i don't invest in the battle pass or i'd be really ticked off.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Maybe try reposition yourself, stand still for a second longer while the point finishes, try while not in chase, try to get the point from start to finish before the 5 seconds is up..

    I was pretty strict with the time limit of 5 seconds and on my positioning for my second attempt. Give it another try and if you feel it’s not worth the hassle just pause the challenge and pick another one. Best of luck to you.

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    You have to do it twice (not per game, per occation): Premonition triggers >> gesture >> gesture

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Had an afk Bubba. Got in his face and just spammed 1 since it doesnt interrupt its own action and causes you to point over and over again. Ive tried a dozen different ways. I don't know what else to do or what i'm doing wrong. I'm doing exactly what you and Star suggested. The killer is in plain sight.

    I also know if Wraith is cloaked it will not count because you cant physically see him regardless of distance. He has to be completely uncloaked.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Kindred, dark sense and ooo work decently well for this challenge.

    Often the issue is that the killer isn't anymore where Premonition pinged when you point

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145

    Did you do it within 5 SECONDS OF ACTIVATION of premonition? Not sure how else to help you tho. I was struggling as well but as soon as I did it twice in row as soon as the perk activated I got the challenge done.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    I found some neat tidbits over about 5 hours of playing. lol it wont work against stealth killers with their power activated, or myers in tier 1. EVEN if you're 2 meters away from them in plain sight.

    If there's no terror radius, it will not trigger, period. I tried this over 22 games(the queue time during my actual play time makes me want to kick a puppy). The Only way I was able to get it to work was because the killer was afk. I got in the spirits literal face and spammed 1 for a full minute. Probably pointed 20 times easy lol. That was the ONLY way i was able to get the challenge done.

    I even tried just sitting there pointing, since spamming doesn't interrupt it which someone previously stated. Problem is with LOS. Any blockage, including GRASS(not bushes) that you can walk through will impede the progress of the challenge. Even windows/ledges/vaults won't trigger the challenge to complete.

    I don't see how people are still buying the battle pass besides Fog Whisperers. I refuse to buy anymore DLC or spend anymore money on BHVR until they hammer out kinks, but the more they hammer out the worse they make the game. There's a game called Home Sweet Home, that is in Alpha that has less game breaking/game distorting bugs. Hopefully new competition(finally) will make them do something.

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2021

    Are you letting the full pointing animation play out? You need to let the full animation for the pointing play out.

  • TamboRhyyn
    TamboRhyyn Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2021

    @immoraldemise I did! You never specified if you let the FULL animation play out, which is why I ask - you just say you pointed in his face unspecified, that's just why I ask :,0 a lot of people cancel the animation and have issues, I had to specify that to some friends of mine

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    if you spam 1 or 2, it will play the full action and keep repeating until you stop spamming. for anyone who didn't know :)

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145

    Hmm interesting.. I might got lucky, I got it while pointing at nurse.