Lucky Break is a great change

As you know, today Lucky Break will be receiving a change. I think this will be a great addition to the game and can give killers a bit of a break from meta perks. If this change happens many people will run this perk and it can be a bit of change to meta perk builds, survivors will run less of the basic meta perks and change their builds to run with lucky break.
Lucky Break is quickly going to become one of the more hated perks. You're gonna see a lot of people bringing it, iron will, and some indoor map/Haddonfield offerrings.
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You know that it is so strong that this perk will be the new DS meta, right ?
That every hot surv from your games will bring Iron Will / Lucky Break / Dead Hard / [Adrenaline or Unbreakable or Prove Thyself or Borrowed Time] ?
And that the combo Iron Will / Lucky Break will makes killers have to run Spies from the Shadow or Stridor every game ?
I think this is bad for the meta. Killing the invincibility perk aka old DS created a lot of fun builds out there, and Lucky Break will destroy that.
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Or just run Freddy with his add-ons that now counter both Iron Will and Lucky Break without sacrificing a perk slot.
If Lucky Break remains as is, Freddy will become even more abundant than he is now.
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Ow man I'm main Nurse, keeping track of surv is so vital, like so much more than the other regular killers, this Lucky Break buff is worrying me, sure it has to be buffed, but not that way :s
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Oh yeah, that is hurtin'
Lucky Break + Iron Will + Dead Hard = LOL NURSE :(
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You said everything, this would be the ultimate build imo, and you can add to it a fourth perk to specialise into a role for your team
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Not at all. You can still be seen and heard via footsteps and cries of pain. This isn't meta in the slightest and requires other perks to be good.
And guess what? BT and DS and other meta perks don't need other perks to be good, so they'll be staying right where they are now.
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Yeah it already looks super annoying.
Lucky break, iron will, maybe quick and quiet and lithe / balanced / smash hit.
For a game where it was basically impossible to escape chases with the killer now it will probably be pretty easy. Totally losing chase with a survivor will probably be a game losing event at higher ranks.
The only good part is it will really hurt spirit.
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Finally,the meme "Just break the chase and hide" will come true
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Question. Will the new lucky break have a 1 time use or will it have a long ass cd?
We all know survivors will combine this with iron will. Having no sound or visual ques sounds broken as #@$% but if it only happens once it "may" not be too bad. Then again DS only happens once and we all know how much that can affect a match.
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I mean I’m sure it will be fun as a survivor. If you get injured, camp a pallet around a corner, drop it on the killer; smash hit away and you are gone.
Or maybe quick and quiet with no scratch marks or sound into a locker for a head on if they ever figure it out.
Maybe deception to open a locker etc etc.
Its going to probably be the strongest direct chase perk after exhaustion perks and iron will on a ton of maps.
Just pack a medkit so you keep more of its charges and you will be golden.
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is this r/unpopularopinion?
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Guess we'll have to wait and see how good it is. If you can break line of sight after getting hit you might be able to hide. Might not. I always felt this game needed ways of actually losing the killer rather than prolonging the chase with pallets. I just don't want it to be broken because without a doubt survivors will abuse it until they patch it. Corrupt Intervention is powerful but it only lasts for like 2 mins then your down a perk for the rest of the game.
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you're kidding right? it's a 1 time use perk. lucky break is still trash.
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Just because perks require others to be good doesn't mean it's not meta material. Ruin-Undying was a big meta changer when Blight came out, even though Undying basically required another hex to be usable, and Ruin was able to be cleansed early in the match unless one was running Undying.
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It's not even on the PTB and i already hate this perk.
Going against a team with Iron Will is already hard enough but adding the new Lucky Break on top of that will be super frustrating to verse.
Guess i'll keep playing Oni if that Buff happens to hit Live Servers 👹