Do you guys feel traditional "monsters" from horror fit the DBD genre?

I notice there has yet to be a werewolf, vampire, mummy etc. added to the game yet. Nurse and Spirit are kind of ghost like.

I personally would love to see a werewolf. Could run similar to Billys loping stride. Possibly use a mid range leap power?

I know DBD is more slasher genre then traditional horror but I think these characters could be fun.


  • TheEliteTurtle
    TheEliteTurtle Member Posts: 108

    Here's my licensed killer/ OG killer rule: It can be added as long as it's a creative concept. So if they can get creative with a werewolf killer, then sure, I'm all for it.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    Mechanically speaking im sure they can come up with killer abilities that match with classic monsters.
    Im just not sure if they'd fit into the lore. I know its a bullshit excuse but killers in this game are/were "just humans, given a gift by the entity".
    I think it depends on the visual presentation a lot if a liller fits or not. As example a "dude who dresses to invoke a werewolfish design" might fit better than a straight-up classic werewolf.

    Also the classic designs would probably go well in the shop *cough*
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I want something like this:

    A true "Wolfman", because real "Werewolves" -like in Underworld or Van Helsing- would be to "powerful and would not fit with all the hooking and sacrificing. ;)

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I'd be very interested to see how they would deal with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216
    Let me guess, you are a werewolf or vampire and dont feel appropriated by dead by daylights killer selection?
    Lol. This.

    anyway, based on the next killer being Mr Baker and the street journal we got focusing a lot on the moon and transforming, something werewolf like wouldn’t be to far off. 

    Since the realm of the entity is timeless, a werewolf chapter could even have the survivor and the killer be the same person
  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    If they were at some point - human, so your examples are viable. Non-human monsters have no place.
    Traditional is pretty trite though.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    darktrix said:

    If they were at some point - human, so your examples are viable. Non-human monsters have no place.
    Traditional is pretty trite though.

    Creature from the black lagoon would be cool.
  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42
    A real non-human like monster would be awesome..
  • LyrSteam6510
    LyrSteam6510 Member Posts: 24

    I notice there has yet to be a werewolf, vampire, mummy etc. added to the game yet. Nurse and Spirit are kind of ghost like.

    I personally would love to see a werewolf. Could run similar to Billys loping stride. Possibly use a mid range leap power?

    I know DBD is more slasher genre then traditional horror but I think these characters could be fun.

    I would like to see The Werewolf with a mid range leap that you can do double leaps with.

    Example: Jumping to the side of a wall then pouncing off the wall to a survivor ( or using any object to pounce from) 

    I think that would be interesting along with the ability to fast vault pallets and windows, I’m sure a lot of cool things could be done with the idea.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well not Frankenstein's monster, that's for sure.
    That fecker's way too slow.

    Anyway, pretty sure devs once said on stream they like to not go the typical route for Killers.
    Yeah, i get it: They also said they would make the Killer's equipment hidden on the scoreboard until the end of the match.
    But so far, to me, they "do a pretty good job" of going away from the typical kind.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @LyrSteam6510 said:
    Might_Oakk said:

    I notice there has yet to be a werewolf, vampire, mummy etc. added to the game yet. Nurse and Spirit are kind of ghost like.

    I personally would love to see a werewolf. Could run similar to Billys loping stride. Possibly use a mid range leap power?

    I know DBD is more slasher genre then traditional horror but I think these characters could be fun.

    I would like to see The Werewolf with a mid range leap that you can do double leaps with.

    Example: Jumping to the side of a wall then pouncing off the wall to a survivor ( or using any object to pounce from) 

    I think that would be interesting along with the ability to fast vault pallets and windows, I’m sure a lot of cool things could be done with the idea.

    Maybe a Wolfman could jump to ledges and windows. ;)
    Would be a nasty surprise if the killer comes through a 2nd store window from the outside in.^^

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I think they could get a werewolf like thing going with Vigo
    Where he can inject himself and become powered up for a while
    Not really a wolf but a transformation that makes him stronger nonetheless

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    It really is dependent upon the scenario. A lycanthrope would be an interesting killer, however, I believe they’re sticking to more human ideals than the other. That meaning, they’re human in some way. Most killers receive their powers through the entity, (though I’m not sure about the trapper, hillbilly, etc.) But due to the theme as of late, I would doubt they would add something like this. I could be wrong, but I like the idea! It sounds interesting, and maybe we’ll get one. Can’t say for certain though.
  • BasementBubba
    BasementBubba Member Posts: 49

    I could definitely see a werewolf as a possible killer in the future. It would fit with the lore of them once being human - man get bits by werewolf, turns into werewolf during the full moon. A concept I think would be pretty neat is at the start of the match, you start off in human form and slowly build up progression towards becoming your wolf form. Both forms have their own abilities but I could see them just keeping him as a wolf, after all the moon ingame is always full.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    I would like to see them as long as they fit the DbD aesthetic. 

    I would still like to see an ice cream man type killer....but I wouldn't even know where to begin with his powers.

    A werewolf would probably be fun too.

    Even a vampire...Maybe with a hypnotize style ability (like Freddys lol).
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I think a " Wolfman" would be human enough.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    @Carpemortum said:
    Let me guess, you are a werewolf or vampire and dont feel appropriated by dead by daylights killer selection?

    We prefer the term "species fluid". Getwokebro

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CrowS said:
    Werewolf should have a track ability. Maybe random tracks (like when a Survivor runs) to represent them trailing the Prey's scent?

    The "transformation" is a good idea, too. Maybe they start terrible and grow terrifying as they transform? Wolf-form gains leaping (over pallets) and tracking?

    There are enough tracking abilities that would fit a werewolf/wolfman.
    (Bloodhound, Predator, Stridor, etc.)
    We need killer with core abilities that help in a chase.