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Let's talk about Lucky Break 💔🍀

Member Posts: 1,352

Needless to say this perk is about to become incredibly good. No scratch marks or blood + Iron Will to make no grunts of pain = literally no way to track you.

Do you think this will truly become meta and be a serious problem, considering Lucky Break can't be used again for the rest of the match once it's activated and used up? Or nah?

I feel like the ability to just disappear is crazy but it is limited and they're reducing the duration of it so it can't be used multiple times in a trial but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts, especially killer mains.

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  • Member Posts: 4,458

    It will certainly be better, but I don't think it will be broken. As it stands the Perk is pretty pointless now. Most Killers track by the scratch marks, not the blood. Two minutes of not leaving a blood trail before the Perk is inert for the rest of the game isn't the most useful thing. In short, the Perk clearly needed a boost.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I believe it will be meta. It'll be great to use against Spirit and with the Freddy nerf, lots of bad, lazy killers, will switch to Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Well guess I'll be playing legion again if this goes live because at that point the only way to track is by killer instinct

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    It will be good possibly meta. But I think people are overreacting. The time has been severely decreased for a really strong effect. 90 seconds is not too long.

    To get its full value of hidden while injured it requires you to take Iron will as well. And once it's gone it's gone for good so you would be playing with 3 perks for the rest of the game.

    And if you want to make the Lucky Break and Iron Will combo last longer you are going to need to take a healing perk or a medkit and the time does not decrease when your healing so anything you do you waste your Lucky Break timer.

    This is only really going to effect chases and stealth nothing more. Its fine.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    <laughs> I'm usually more worried about Killers and you Survivors. :) *Well... not really... we aren't diametrically opposed that often. I guess we will see in the PTB shortly, but I'm not sure it will make that big a difference since:

    1. You have to get injured first, which means the Killer already has eyes on you.
    2. Then you have to give the Killer the slip with terrain and/or a successful mind game.
    3. Then you have to hope he doesn't find you by accident and/or have another way to track.

    I agree that certain Players, evaders rather than loopers, will LOVE the change and go all in. I'm just not convinced it will be all that and a bag of chips. In the end, you still have to be good enough to make it work for you.

  • Member Posts: 793

    It will be overpowered as hell. Even if it's single usage (because it is disable for the rest of the game after being activated, or am I wrong ?), 90 seconds is so massive !

    So well, you can say "hit him, and go away for another surv, you won't have to deal with it later". You lost a little bit of your time (time that is very important at the beginning), go away, chase another survivor and... Same thing, Lucky Break. So what, you go away again ? For regular killers it would be a pain, but imagine for a freaking Nurse, how it would be impossible to deal with that perk.

    Sure, the perk clearly needs a boost, we all agree about that, it's so bad. But this is not a reason to make it absolute top tier overpowered perk. It's ok to have / create powerful perk, but perks that have no counter or totally erasing a whole important part of gameplay ? That's not okay.

    The duration has to be severely reduced, (4/6/8 seconds imo), with a 60s cooldown or single usage between each hook, or is enabled each time you unhook someone.

  • Member Posts: 5,939

    It's going to be a hell of a lot easier to give the killer the slip when you make no scratch marks, have no blood, and make no noise. It also would work right off the hook.

    This is going to effectively give survivors 90 seconds of invulnerability, assuming they are halfway decent at juking. This is worse than DS.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. I think a shorter time with a cooldown is actually MORE powerful than a single, long duration use. In application, I'm not constantly running. In fact, I get annoyed seeing everyone run every where, leaving trails for the Killer to pick up. I'd JUMP at the chance to take the Perk the way you are suggesting, because most of the time I evade get caught and hit, and manage to lose the Killer briefly. This would give me a huge leg up and be useable again and again. There is normally at least a minute before I get hit again. Do you see what I mean?

    I'm not certain I would take the new Perk, even with the big boost, as a single use. I'm not sure I'd get enough return on it since I'm able to generally evade the Killer and DO NOT leave a scratch marks already simply by knowing when not to run.

  • Member Posts: 793

    You often have aura reading while chasing someone ?

    Yeah personally I'm a big user of Whispers, but if the survivor is careful you would waste so much time trying to triangulate the survivor position with Whispers.

    Stridor yes, it seems to be the only good counter to this new Lucky Break. But if Lucky Break would be as strong in practice as I think, every survivor that wants to win will use it, so the meta would be unidimensional and with no diversification (something that happened with old DS, now I meet survivors with very fun and surprising builds), and for killers, it implies that you'll HAVE to run Stridor.

    And when something is a must-have or everywhere in a meta, it means that there is a balance problem somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    This perk + iron will will be a nightmare to face on certain maps

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    This is one of those rare times when my opinionated ego isn't sure. I'm not convinced that you guys are wrong; it may well be META. I just don't think is as good as you do. I think the PTB is going to be important on this one. I will certainly try it out as a Survivor and I'm sure I'll run into it quite a bit as a Killer. Full disclosure, my standard Survivor Build is:

    Spine Chill, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, and (Perk of the Day)

    *Does this new Lucky Break work PERFECTLY with my standard build? Yeah; it would. When I try it out for myself, I'm going to be honest. If I find it broke as hell, I'm going to tell them that. I don't want easy games. But speaking as someone who is a better evader than a looper, I just don't see it being as effective over the course of the match as you all do.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't know if you've ever gone against deception gamers in a map with plenty of LoS blockers and pathing options, but suffice it to say that Lucky Break will will be even worse.

    Tracking is too difficult already to have a perk interfere with it so heavily. Otherwise you get into situations where the killer has to give up because someone equipped a perk. Which is a game winner against my average team, because those 30 wasted seconds means the last gen is done.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I could name one person, and they happen to complain that BBQ is OP...

  • Member Posts: 793

    Yeah I see what you mean, but err, I don't know, in both cases, the perk is so strong. Killers have to be able to track survivors, or at least, survivors have to do something difficult for such good effect, or something unique so any survivor can't have it the same time.

    Currently, the perk is "YOU GOT HIT ?! OH MAAAAN, take this, go away." That's all. :/

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    think it’s best purpose will be better someone’s chances of getting away from a hook quickly after being rescued. That’s not to say it won’t help during regular chases, but leaving a hook after a rescue and not leaving blood or scratch marks will be pretty damn helpful.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Never said it does, I just said that the bad and lazy Freddy players will switch to Spirit. In turn, we will get more bad and lazy Spirits.

    Lots of players who played Freddy only played him for the ease of use of his abilities. Now that he got nerfed, players who look for easy killers will switch to the next easy to use killer, which is Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    That is a fair point. And since I play Spooky Myers MOST of the time, deception gamers are no harder for me to find than anyone else. In fact, I find them easier to catch because they foolishly hide rather than run in a straight line. What you are pointing out is that my own bias is showing through on the issue based on what I play. The change doesn't really affect me when I play Killer because I don't track that way. Hrm. I hate it when I miss something like that.

  • Member Posts: 624

    Did you forget that you can hear Survivors and see them?

    And lmao, indoors maps. It's even easier to hear Survivors on those maps because of how you can be above or below them and hear them clearly.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, you can't hear survivors. The chase music change removed that ability.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    It’s gonna be a great perk paired with Off The Record.

  • Member Posts: 57

    If you can't trigger lucky break manually, it is still garbage. if you accidentally get hit and it activates you have no control over it. what if you get hit in a deadzone? the killer can just track you with sight

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I thought about that but I thought it looked better this way 😣

    I feel this, a lot of people are saying "You have to run two perks to be mostly undetectable" but Iron Will is one of the best perks rn, if not the best after DS nerf.

    Yeah this is gonna be insane on indoor maps or anywhere with lots of LoS breaking potential and hurt killers who need to get that first down asap which to be fair is most killers but especially like Pig who needs to get a trap on someone ideally before first gen pop.

    This is true too! I think it's crazy how well this version of Lucky Break will synergize with many other perks. Maybe even be the new Houdini build or Houdini 2.0 at the very least lol

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Killers will just have to use ol reliable


    Time for blight tag to take the wheel

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