I'm curious on how far the killer has to be for BT to not activate?

Infinite Meters 🙂
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someone said it doesn't matter where the killer is you will get endurance. But I highly doubt that??
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BT will always activate no matter how far the killer is from you. Even if the killer is Undetectable, which is the reason why they made this change.
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did they confirm that though?? It doesn't say in the devs update thread. Like I know it's gonna work against all killers but they didn't say it would activate regardless of where the killer is.
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To remove some confusing intricacies with how Borrowed Time interacts with some Killers and the Oblivious status effect, we have removed the terror radius condition from the perk.
Basically that's what i'm talking about.
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For example ghostface's terror radius is 32 meters
when he's using his power and he's camping and you unhook a survivor that survivor will have endurance IF you're within 32 meters I hope this made sense
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I get it now. It would make sense because why should it activate if a killer is on the other side of the map???
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It won't, BT now works with the killer's terror radius regardless if they're undetectable or not AND they have to be near the hook, for example a clocked wraith is facecamping and you save the survivor who's being camped that survivor will get endurance Why? because the wraith is within 32 meters, Like if he wasn't cloaked you will hear his heartbeat which will trigger BT if you save the camped survivor It depends on the killer's terror radius The smallest terror radius in the whole game currently It's huntress she has a 20 meter terror radius
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okay now i'm confused. If BT is supposed to activate within a certain amount of range depending on the killer than that's a little off. It needs to activate if the killer is at least 32 meters away from the hook regardless who the killer is. Sorry I'm like kind of frustrated.
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I think it's a pretty fair change
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I think this change is aim at Freddy, survivors will be able to use BT even if they are asleep.
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yikes, I thought it would have a distance condition at the very least. it's not OP by any means but it will be very annoying on high mobility killers.
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I don't see why they would reduce endurance duration if it isn't mapwide.
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I assume it's still the same since the range wasn't the problem.
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We've all had to run down to the basement to get the save, only to both run up and see the killer on their way back. Thus new changes gives them that immunity regardless of where the killer is.
Plus, killers like to chase an injured survivor across the map, only to come all the way back to tunnel or hit the survivor that made the unhook.
Spirits, Billy's, and other mobility killers be like: Who unhooked my prey? I'm gonna get ya!!! Blargle, blargle, blargle...
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It should be 32 meters, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it was map wide.
That isn't too bad either thinking about it.
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Pretty sure it's map wide. If you have a huntress/hag/nurse (fast moving killer) camping/waiting xx meters away then I still think bt should proc.
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That would be a really pain in the ass. Specially because SWF use BT to tank hits instead of avoid being tunneled. I really hope its a normal 32 meters range or less.
A moment of silence for killers like Pig and Myers that will have to deal with BT now. Its really a direct nerf to all undetectable killers.
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Currently BT uses the terror radius to know when to trigger. use of undetectable perks and abilities has gotten people upset (like freddy's sleep function or insidious on any killer) BT would not trigger. so now they remove the requirement. the killer can be 100% across the whole map and someone with BT unhooks them they will get the endurance status effect. it will go away after 8/10/12 seconds now instead of what the timer it is at now. so it doesn't matter if the killer is cloaked or the survivor is asleep/oblivious BT will always trigger. all that you have to do is UNHOOK them, pulling out of cages is the only thing that prevents BT now.
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The notes say the terror radius requirement is removed, so the literal meaning of that would be that, when you unhook someone with BT, they get Endurance, and no other conditions need to be met. However, sometimes the notes are misleading. So I'll be interested to see if that's how ti works.
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It will now always activate from infinite meters, its not based on the killers distance anymore, it will always become active but now it only lasts 12 seconds
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You could always just not tunnel. 12 seconds is nothing.
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Just to clear something up. The TR requirement was removed from BT - which now means that you don't have to be in the TR making a save for BT to activate, which means that it will activate on every unhook regardless of where the killer is on the map - there is no distance requirement.
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It matters because high mobility killers would work around a distance condition. The TR is already a pseudo-distance condition for them.
If you're on the other side of the map and can't immediately make it back, it doesn't matter if it procs. You're not camping and you're not gonna get hit by it. On the other hand, if you can show up at the hook in no time even if the unhook was safe formally, then you should be subject to a BT proc.
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Another prime example would be Hag - she can camp Hooks from a distance. If someone is hooked in the Basement, they are basically dead, because either a Trap is triggered or the Hag comes back. With the change to BT, you can actually get people out of the Basement against Hag. She will get a Hit in and maybe a down, but it is not guaranteed that the person who was on the Hook will be down again.
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its a good change, now we will be able to do samething about stelh camp killers
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Basement hag with the iridescent was basically death since she could tp even if a trap wasnt triggered.
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Yes, this anyway. But in general, a Hag with Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles is a pain to go against, lol.
But even without that, you either have the choice to run out of the Basement (and trigger her Traps) or crouch and let her come back. With the BT-Change, at least there is an option to run out of the Basement, triggering the Traps. The Hag will still be able to do something, but she will not get a guaranteed down again.
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thank you Mandy!
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Wrong. Mandy even explained it. No matter where a killer is on the map, bt activates always for 12 seconds.