How many items/add ons do you burn before you're comfortable prestiging?

When I hit level 50 with someone I stop investing in them until they're pretty much dry and then prestige. I haven't gotten anyone to prestige 3 level 50 yet. This strategy saves me BP but I sometimes end up with limited perk pools especially on killers. What do you guys usually do?
use all the double bps offerings.
gather 1m bps.
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Once I'm done with all BP offerings
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I don't. I just Prestige right away.
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None. Prestige is a waste of time, effort, and BP.
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I just use all the bps and pudding before prestige. I also try to have a pretty high BP count before doing so as well so if I have more bp offerings I use them. If I run out of green bp offerings and the feathers then it's time.
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Back before Doctor got reworked I enjoyed doing ‘massive terror radius’ and ‘impossible skill check’ builds with him, ones I would see Monto do a bunch of at the time.
I prestiged him, and I never got the perks back that I needed to do it again.
Terrible shame.
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I only prestige killers nowadays and I always try to get them to P3 as fast as possible, so the moment I reach Level 50 I prestige them, did this with Blight and Trickster, P3'd Blight roughly 16hrs after his release, and Trickster nearly 14hrs after his release.
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I use all of them that I can, unless there's joke add-ons. If there's any significant offerings to be used like a ward or a secret, I'll use them even if I don't have add-ons. It just depends how I feel at the end of the day.
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Get character to lvl 50
farm BPs (1million or more)
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I use all the hollow shells, cakes, streamers and puddings all while using what I feel are their best addons.
Then, any fun addons I enjoy.
Then I prestige them after I have 1 mil BP again.
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I hate to admit it but when I had 500 hours I was playing Huntress alot and when I came to prestiging I decided it would be fun to play semi-Cuntress while using infantry belt and Iri head. Not proud of it but I had to use them.
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I'm usually too impatient and just get it over with immediately lmao
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Iv never prestiged a character yet I find its a waste of time and bp all for a crappy blood stain.
My mate perstiged his plaq and didnt get his currupt level 3 back till the last blood web before another prestige when on the first run he got it by r20. Seems like a waste of time to me
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Some players say you have the chance to get better items/perks if you prestige, I have noticed the exact opposite when I prestige. I am at 50 with my latest prestige and he has yet to get some really good perks.
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As Survivor: All 75% and above (except for Survival).
As Killer: If I have BBQ at Tier 3, all 75% and above. If I dont have it at Tier 3, I just burn the 100% Offerings (so BPS or Puddings), because I can better play a Killer where I have BBQ at Tier 3.
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Prestiging for a skin lmao
I bet people will even prestiging if there would not even be a skin, just because they want to see this stupid icon xd
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There was some talk no so long back about "Prestige Rewards". Although the devs never went into any detail about what they would be or when they might happen. I expect all we will get is an unimaginative charm though. If anything.
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im prestiging everyone now, so i never pick anything expensive from the bloodweb in first place. Not even perks, unless there are 2 of them to awake entity. So i don't have to play character and spend anything usualy because they don't have much
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I just prestige right away. Don't really care about remaining offerings or addons.
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I'm another one that's just prestiged straight away, I always try to level up quickly and with the least BP if I'm going to be prestiging a character so I tend to hit 50, click prestige then keep playing them. I'm also really bad at storing up BP anyway, as I have to spend it instantly...I always mean to store it up, but then I spend it anyway!
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I usually use up all items and offerings (except brown offerings) and only level up to 50, to not waste any BP..
that way I play the character with a limited range of perks and found cool uses for perks I would normally never touch.
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everything green and above (except luck and shroud offerings and some add-ons).
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For me, prestiging is not worth having to collect every freakin' perk again. The grind is too much as-is for me to want to effectively start over.
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I'll let you know when it happens. I don't care enough about bloody cosmetics to waste all my invested BP. Prestige achievements don't matter to me. :)
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I do this too. I really liked the challenge of playing with a limited perk pool, especially when i was learning the game and specific killer strength weaknesses. For survivor it has meant that certain survivors use different perk combinations based on what they have unlocked- means every game isn't necessarily identical and sometimes I have to be a bit creative with builds.
It's also a good thing to get a feel for playing the game without the strongest stuff available- can be painful at times, but definitely stops complacency.
I'm on the other side now and almost all of my killers are p3 and of those around 5 have all perks.
For survivor I do something similar but only have a single one at p3 + all perks at a time. Have Dwight and Claud drained of BP offerings, meg is active and Jane is waiting in the wings to be the next one.
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I usually use up my good items/add ons before prestiging, or offer them to the killer during a match where I'm at the exit gate. However, if my survivor has any special event items (I was in the process of prestiging Feng until the bloodweb glitched and gave me two 3 Year Anniversary confetti bombs) I will not prestige them.
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I generally just use the Cakes/Puddings and BPS then prestige.
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survivor - use every bp offering yellow or better.
killer, if bbq2 or better, then every bp offering yellow or better, otherwise just the dbl bp offerings.
all characters are maxed at P3 all perks, so easier to grind with their mega build
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I just hit Prestige when i want to Prestige.
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I don't, prestige is pointless.
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I dont usually burn any of the items before prestiging as i could play with someone else and make decent bp regardless.
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I P1 them once I've saved up enough BP. The addons and BP offerings don't matter much as I don't usually play those killers/survivors while leveling them. I rather farm points with established killers.
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you burn items and addons?
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I don't really Prestige unless I want the cosmetics, like the P2 pants for Sheriff Jake.