Pallet stuns no longer working, and killers can clip into them and hit you well after they drop.

I've been pinning this on dedicated servers--because it's likely the cause; they're horrible--but has anyone else on this forum experienced this? Like, it's gotten to the point where I throw pallets early not even attempting to get a stun and still take hits. If killers happen to lunge into the pallet the stun won't occur at any stage or distance. I've experienced this on the killer side, getting free hits, and had it happen to myself dozens of times in the past week, as well as watching other survivors or spectating them to see it.
Why is it with this last patch or two that this is so common, to the point that window vaults are the only 'safe' thing left? I griped about this on the DBD Reddit and people shared similar experiences with how often this occurs now. I'm physically unable to complete my last survivor challenge with a massive contribution to the hurdle being this issue.
They are bugged. Maybe fixed with tomorrow's patch.
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In the patch notes, it didn't state anything about the pallet stun glitch
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Those notes are for the PTB, not the bugfix patch (even though they included the Trickster changes in them for some reason).
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Those are PTB patch notes. The bugfix one is tomorrow.