Chapter Idea - Killer Side - Path of Darkness

This idea came up to me a few weeks ago and decided to go to the forum and share my idea for a chapter that I would find fun to maybe see in dead by daylight.
Chapter Name: Path of Darkness
- The Black Knight -
Weapon: Knight's Sword
Power: Energy Sword/Knight's Owl
The killer is a knight with a sword that has energy coming off from it, this energy comes from souls he killed. Some souls are not worthy enough for him, so he sacrifices them instead of killing.
Power Ability
His Power is called Energy Sword/Knight's Owl.
First you'll do something simulair to the spirit where you stand still, you can let go of it anytime, but then you will dash. the longer you hold it the longer/further you dash. While you dash it will hurt everyone in the range of the attack, you can't move while dashing. You can break pallets through dash mode, also you can hit survivors and break pallets. After the dash you will be stunned for a second just like the nurse. The abillity has a cooldown and needs to recharge also simulair to the spirit.
Horse Power:
Your training of taming and riding a horse has taught you some things. Each time you are stunned grants you a token to a stackable of 2/3/4 tokens. With each token you can run, fault and break pallets 2%/4%/6% faster. A token goes away after you hook a survivor.
Hex - Seeing Eye:
Your power of seeing and creating fear is huge. when Perk3 is active every survivor in your terror radius get a 10/15/20 reduced repairing and healing speed. Also when a survivor is injured they are revealed to you.
Obsession Perk - Never Give up Hope:
You become Obsessed with one survivor.
Every time you down your obsession, you get a 15/20/25 action speed bonus for 60 seconds. While Never Give up Hope is active each generator you break will regress 2%/4%/6% faster.
Addons Ideas
Steel Armour: charge slightly faster.
Steady grip: you recover slightly faster from your dash.
Energy maker: You recharge your power moderatly faster.
Sorrow's Sword - Ultra Rare Addon: Let's you charge your dash while walking.
Currently I haven't really thought about the addons, but the power and perks can always use a buff or nerf. Also I haven't included a story yet, because I couldn't really think of one yet.
I think that the killer should probably be able to move at 50-75% his normal movement using the ability without he ultra rare add-on. Otherwise, the survivors could just run and hide around a tree or something. Also, horse power's speed bonus is too big. Even with both of the speed perks in the game, the killer can only get a bonus of 19% movement speed, and those are very special conditions where the killer can't attack or will lose 5% movement speed and the exits have to be powered. Even so, a killer can still run close to the pace of a sprint burst. That being said, horsepower is just too overpowered. I would say that you should probably stick with a set number 2, since breaking only 2 pallets would even you out to the movement speed bonus of tier 3 NOED.