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Is Breakdown a good perk to use?

Member Posts: 4,699

I'm thinking about using breakdown but I'm not sure if it's a good perk or not. Can someone let me know if it's good or not?

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  • Member Posts: 659

    It's okay, but I have read that it's bugged and for that reason I haven't used it

  • Member Posts: 475

    I used it by accident and it worked twice in a game... so idk... might be a new op?

  • Member Posts: 659
  • Member Posts: 458

    Its good for getting the hook breaking achievement faster

  • Member Posts: 319

    Nope, it's too niche and unimpactful. Don't bother with it until it's buffed.

  • Member Posts: 955
    edited April 2021

    Breakout can force a camping Killer to move you to another hook which can give teammates a chance to harass the killer and eke out a save. This assumes you don’t have Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, an effectively blocked Killer, a generally bad Killer player, or one that camps to begin with.

    Even so, it does serve a good purpose in sabotaging hooks for the daily ritual and achievements. It definitely is not meta material, and hella situational, but it isn’t necessarily bad.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited April 2021

    Not really on the topic to this thread, but I had a game as Blight against a SWF team that had 2 No Mithers and 2 saboteurs. I think all of them had Breakdown, and they were all abusing it. At that time, Breakdown was bugged (and still is).

    Basically their strategy was to get hooked near each other in the corner of the map, they pulled it off sadly, and their plan was to use that corner to their advantage. The No Mither guys would run into that corner and attempt to loop me with the pallet they saved there, and if the pallet was gone they would try to just hold W to that corner and let themselves get downed there. If I tried to pick them up, the hooks would be SO far away it would have been impossible to hook them. If I left them downed there, they would have recovered up an infinite amount of times and then go to a generator. Even if I tried going to the closest one, the flashlight saver (if he was up) would try to flashlight save. If that failed, the other two would try to bodyblock and use Breakout to screw me over so that the No Mither user wiggles out. I realized what they were trying to do and I had a plan.

    My plan was to try and slug them so they bleed out. "But wouldn't making them bleed out take too much time?" Yeah, you're right. But you have 0 idea how many times I've downed these guys, even I lost count. So near the end of the game, I prioritized in killing the saboteur Yui so that it would be easier for me to focus on the others, maybe allowing me to get hooks. My idea worked... sort of. I was in a perfect situation with 3 of the survivors in that corner. I downed the Feng, downed the No Mither David, left them there, David recovers up, I wait 9 seconds to down him back, their bleedout timers are almost over. Unfortunately, the other NM David was gone. He was doing a gen. I didn't care, I needed these two dead. I would take a 3k. Now this is where the miracle happens.

    The Feng and the David bled out.

    After finishing his gen, the other David runs to them before they bled out, but he failed them, they were already dead. Aaaand I lethal rushed and hit him, left him there to bleed out because I didn't want to risk him getting hatch. Plus it was in the corner with the 2 hooks breakdowned. Later in the game they breakdowned more hooks around that corner, so it was actually impossible to hook anyone from that corner, even without bodyblockers. I am proud to take my W. Here are the game results:

    Anyways, to answer your question, it's a decent perk.

    Post edited by glitchboi on

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