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Billy and Nurse help

Member Posts: 2,267
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

What perks, add-ons and maps would guys suggest that could help me get many chainsaw hits and blink smacks faster and/or easier. Any methods? Also my two killers mentioned are under yeah. That's a restriction.

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  • Member Posts: 374

    I don't play Billy but for Nurse...

    Perks: BBQ, Infectious Fright, other two can be whatever, slow down like Sloppy Butcher or Corrupt Intervention, info perks like A Nurse's Calling. Many people find Shadowborn good on her. NOED if you want to be spicy.

    Addons: Try without addons for a while, don't use plaid flannel more than once or twice IMO. If you want to use addons then Fragile Wheeze and Dark Cincture (recharge addons) are great.

    Maps: Midwich Elementary yo. Any open outdoor map is nice though.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Member Posts: 130

    In all honesty, you just need to practice with them. Learn their strengths and weaknesses. Not to be cheesy, but BECOME the character. Practice till you can just feel where the blink will land. Practice till you can navigate an entire McMillin Estate map with your chainsaw sprint.

    Map wise, Nurse ANY, Billy, Coldwind and McMillin are best, IMHO

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Any outdoor map is fine, barring for Coldwind on Nurse if you have corn vision (I do).

    To get as many hits as fast as possible, typically Infectious would be the perk of choice. Then you can add a mixture of tracking and slowdown, depending on what you have available. You will hear someone telling not to rely on slowdown when learning, but the same argument could be made for tracking and so forth. In the end, they're all fine. So, don't overthink it.

    For Nurse, you can definitely use Plaid Flannel IF you use it correctly. The point of the add on is to give a visual reference to connect to how the blink works and feels. You won't get many hits with it at the beginning but that's in the nature of learning Nurse regardless of your loadout. When you want to blink, decide your destination, start loading and blink IMMEDIATELY as soon as the marker is there. Con't hold your blink trying to move the marker around on the exact spot. That's not how real blinks work. If you're in a chase, any decent survivor will juke you while you're in this process and you shouldn't care about that at this stage. Only focus on landing on your selected destination with a blink charged just right. After 15/20 games you will be able to take it off and blink without putting any thought into it, which is how it should be, and focus on actually chasing.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Few builds that are good for nurse:

    My personal favorite/standard:

    • BBQ/Thrilling
    • Ruin
    • Surge
    • Surveillance


    • Sloppy
    • Infectious
    • I'm all Ears (can be anything really)
    • Corrupt

    Gen defense:

    • BBQ/Thrilling
    • Undying
    • Ruin
    • Pop

    For addons, use the fatigue reduction one, the green one if you have enough, and the one that lets you see blink location. Once you get good at blinks, switch the blink location one out for the cooldown on blink.

  • Member Posts: 634

    So if I'm correct, you are asking for any perks or addons or such that will directly help you improve using their abilities, i.e. landing blink attacks and chainsaw hits, not necessarily just good builds that will help you win overall, right? If so, I don't imagine there are many perks that would directly affect your personal ability to get hits besides maybe stealth perks that can get you up close to them. Besides, stealth perks aren't these killers strongest options (aside from maybe tinkerer).

    Although most of these will not drastically change your skill requirement, some addons will give you more opportunities to get more chainsaw or blink attacks, particularly cooldown recovery addons or addons that let you use your ability more often.

    Nurse has:

    Wooden horse (common): Less fatigue for missed blink attacks

    Dark cincture (uncommon): Reduces blink recharge

    Catatonic boys treasure (uncommon): Decreases fatigue caused by chain blinks

    Fragile wheeze (rare): Reduces blink recharge

    Ataxic respiration (rare): Reduces fatigue

    She also has plaid flannel (common) which shows your blink location. Some people find this helpful to learn her better, which would help you land hits, but I would personally recommend against using it frequently.

    Billy has:

    Junkyard air filter (common): Increases overheat limit

    Dad's boots (uncommon): Increases steering

    Punctured muffler (uncommon): Increases cooling rate

    Black grease (rare): Increases cooling rate when a flashlight is shining on you

    Spiked boots (very rare): Increases steering

    Billy has no alternative to plaid flannel

    Keep in mind these are NOT necessarily their strongest addons and a combination of these addons will NOT necessarily be their best addon combinations. These are just the addons best fitted to assisting you with your question (or how I perceived it) - 'How to land more chainsaw hits and blink hits'.

    So there are some perks and many addons that will give you more opportunities to get hits, however, even though they will all give more chances to attack, I can't think of anything of the top of my head right now (although I'm almost certainly missing something) that will directly make you blink attack and chainsaw people more often and more accurately to a substantial degree. So with the exception of perhaps billy's steering addons that give you more turning freedom, in the vast majority of cases, your own personal skill with that killer is what will get you the hits, not the addons or perks. If you are bad with nurse and can hardly land any hits; you putting on 2 addons and some strong perks is not going to instantly make you better at landing hits with nurse, as with billy. So play around with addons if you want (although both killers are very non-reliant on addons) to see if anything works for you, but honestly just general practice will help you get more hits, aka. getting better with their power. If you have at least 1 friend who owns the game, go into a custom match on the most open and clear map you want (I recommend Blood Lodge as a good one to just test things on), and practice. Learn billy's turning speeds and how his chainsaws hitbox works, practice curving around cars, try chasing your friend/s. Try learning how long you can blink with nurse, how long you need to charge a blink, what you can and can't blink through, etc. If you don't have someone to play with, if you have 2 platforms (so like a pc and a ps4) you can go into a game with yourself. If you can't do that, might need to just do it in normal matches.

    TL;DR - I probably misunderstood your question as "what perks, addons, maps, etc. will help me land more chainsaw hits and blink attacks", but if I didn't - Perks, addons and maps will certainly help you win a match overall and make you stronger, but very few will directly make landing ability related hits easier and more efficiently, that is just left up the players personal skill with that killer.

    Probably a lot wrong with this, do correct me on all the things I know I got wrong

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah, that's about right or you can give me personal tips, your builds and such. I know I have to play more to understand the killers I play as. However, whatever information I'm given I'll see common notes. At a later date, I will put it in my style to see if I notice a difference.

    The map suggestion is really to see what map would be harder for each killer and what is a best bet for me to get more hits. (Since I'm starting out). So I can prepare for a slightly harder game. Like Hawkins might not be good for someone mw

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