New OoO + Sole Survivor: How very odd. Why have the devs done this?

TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

So with the current live version of OoO, running Sole Survivor with OoO makes OoO stronger and stronger as tokens are gained. It sucks if teammates die, but the current live version of OoO + Sole Survivor significantly increased your odds of survival as the last survivor alive.

Oddly, for some strange reason the devs have yet to reveal, new OoO will get progressively weaker when run with Sole Survivor as tokens are gained, simply because of the new way new OoO works by only revealing the killers aura IF yours is shown.

This also means Distortion tokens would be used up very quickly with no reward in return, and OoO will be 100% entirely useless during Off The Records activation window.
