New OoO + Sole Survivor: How very odd. Why have the devs done this?

So with the current live version of OoO, running Sole Survivor with OoO makes OoO stronger and stronger as tokens are gained. It sucks if teammates die, but the current live version of OoO + Sole Survivor significantly increased your odds of survival as the last survivor alive.
Oddly, for some strange reason the devs have yet to reveal, new OoO will get progressively weaker when run with Sole Survivor as tokens are gained, simply because of the new way new OoO works by only revealing the killers aura IF yours is shown.
This also means Distortion tokens would be used up very quickly with no reward in return, and OoO will be 100% entirely useless during Off The Records activation window.
Your aura wont be shown to the killer, but you also cannot see the killer.
I was playing adept Laurie on PTB and someone died. I was sneaking past the killer and object activated, and because I was in the 24 metre range for 1 token Sole Survivor, the auras were not shown.
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Haven't tested it but based on the description every aura blocking perk should "deactivate" the aura reading from OoO.
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Hmm, ok...
So now Sole Survivor makes OoO weaker as tokens are gained. Whereas before it made OoO stronger.
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ehhh kinda 50/50. Object is really nice in a chase cause now that it doesnt have the terror radius restrictions, you both get wall hacks every 30 seconds. Sole survivor kinda cucks that but being able to stealth near the killer is nice. That effect gets stronger as more people die, to a point where the killer and you will only see each other on opposite ends of the map. But with the new lucky break and iron will, I think sole survivor + object will have some very interesting "bait the killer to an area then leave" potential.
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Good. Sole survivor is a terrible perk that encourages abandoning teammates. The less synergy the better.
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Interesting. So the new OoO + Sole Survivor combo creates a situation where you have Object in the early game but by late game it basically gets cancelled if you're the only one alive. So, less of a situation where it gets more powerful and more of a situation where it gets less dangerous.
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That’s a very narrow minded take.
I’m tired of people pretending that it’s impossible for teammates to die when doing the very best to try to keep them alive.
There’s nothing wrong with “insurances” for “in the event of”.
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It's like NOED: the killers that play normally and use it to mop up the last few survivors are not the majority of its users.
Sole Survivor is a perk that rewards you for dead teammates. Easiest way to get that reward is to let them die. It doesn't matter whether or not you use it like that, because the next ten people in line most certainly do.
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I had an idea that "Killer & Survivor will show aura to each other if both side face their camera to each other"
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Sole Survivor is in need of a rework at this point, and I have quite the idea!
Sole Survivor
Death gives you the motivation to overcome any obstacle.
The killer cannot visually see you when you're further than 72 meters.
Whenever a survivor other than you loses a hook state, this effect becomes 8 meters stronger, up to a maximum of 40 meters.
Increases the chances to become the killer's obsession.
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It’s not a reward though. It’s insurance.
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actually new OoO is better combined with Distortion as you have 90 seconds hidden time as the obsession while you get aura updates on the killer for 3 times. Currently when combining them, you basically have to run around the map with your head in the ground to make sure your stacks are not gone in 30 seconds.
But I actually think that sole survivor should get a change now too, as I think noone ever ran it without OoO. It should get a totally different usage now
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To you. Not to the person with a hatch offerring and a key
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Oh please, you're making Sole Survivor sound like it's broken and OP. Chillax my dude!
You're blaming the strength of an OP item on the weakest perk in the entire game. C'mon... 😕
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Please, do explain in great detail where I pretended Sole Survivor is OP? Go on. I'm waiting.
My point is that any perk that rewards you for dead teammates promotes a toxic playstyle. It doesn't matter whether you want to call it "insurance" or whatever, it's a perk that rewards you for letting teammates die. It shouldn't be in the game. It's a relic of the Devs insane ambition to encourage selfish behaviour.
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Literally right here you make the perk sound like it's OP because it can be used with a key and hatch offering.
Seriously, you're blaming the perk for the actions of other items existing. 🤷♂️😕
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Actually she's saying that Sole Survivor is an extra reward for waiting out your teammates' deaths to escape hatch with a key. Being able to hide from BBQ easier without the need for a locker or other perk.
She didn't say it was op, she said it was an extra reward for that type of playstyle.
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No, I don't. At all. I'm using a combination of item and offerring to show the playstyle I'm talking about.
Try harder.
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It won’t hide you from BBQ.
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Your first mistake was using Sole Survivor.
Sole Survivor should've gotten changed 3 years ago.
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If you have 2 stacks, that's 48m of being hidden.
8m out of the minimum range of BBQ
so yes it will
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An almost negligible amount.
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to a small baby blendie with key + hatch offering it seems worth it.
also hides you from nurse's or i'm all ears too
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I would recommend to change SoSu that it is hiding your aura when your aura whould have been shown but ooo still shows you the aura of the killer.
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This is what you're worried about have you seen this new lucky break that worries me more than anything
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Okay? So essentially what you're saying is that we shouldn't buff Sole Survivor because it makes X playstyle even more OP, even through Sole Survivor isn't the main reason why X playstyle is OP?
I would be more understanding if Sole Survivor really complimented the synergy you meantioned, but it barely does, which is why I don't understand your points. Not trying to be rude.
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The real question is, are you really surprised that sole survivor is a bad perk?