I am about to say something i never expected to say

I think i might actually have fun on Thompson House, it looks great, and the balcony will allow for many funny Shred plays
Thanks BHVR, you made one of my most hated maps into maybe a map i will like
emphasis on maybe
I'm a console player so I have yet to actually try it out but it does look really amazing. Definetly one of the better looking maps imo
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The Thompson house from a visual perspective is my new favourite map (my old one being dead dawg)
from gameplay I’m a console boy so :(
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Considering how far I can reach with the baby pounces.
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Very concerned about how it will run on Console
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Thompson house was the only coldwind map I didn't get on the PTB....feels bad.
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Just buy one of those $800 scalped PS5 and problem solved!
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Hope we get more daytime maps tho.
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this entire mid patch isn't half bad tbh.
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Is there an opening on the balcony now? That's amazing if there is
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There is! And its a walk out, so no struggle for Victor.
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I need to see more matches balance wise but....visually yeah, Thompson house is hands down the creepiest and coolest thing I have ever seen in this game visually.
The beams of sunlight through the shutters and the creaking floorboards....man it is kinda like the house from Resident evil 7
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I thought this was going to be something about how it's finally daylight
Guess we're finally dead by daylight
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With Behaviors track record, you should be. *Sending your console thoughts and prayers*.
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Imagine Deathslingers will enjoy yanking survivors off the now open rooftop area.