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crossplay enabled would prefer pc tho

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

Im currently rank 8 - 7 i would say that im a decent player i could play with discord i dont really mind. I've been rank 2 or 3 im not quite sure on that one. I play pretty often. I got maxed out builds that favours team and myself. I would like some players that work to prevent 3 gens can loop and do smart plays (everyone makes mistakes so the last one isnt that important) As long as you find the game fun to play and would like to improve maybe hit me up?

Add me ingame



  • BuTTThunder
    BuTTThunder Member Posts: 13

    I'm intrested

    I'm PC, and a killer main, highest rank ever received was rank 6 (as a killer)

    I have been burnt out for awhile and I'm looking for people to play with.

    I'm not very good as survivor but... trying to get better!

    I have all of the charecters.

    Keep in mind I only want to play if we are using mikes.

    DISSCORD -- BuTTThunder #7555

  • NickLy99
    NickLy99 Member Posts: 23

    I'm down to play.

    Discord: Nickly#9760