2 Killers Gamemode Suggestion

Kuchiyose Member Posts: 4
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

If some of you remember there was a major bug at the version 1.240.2 which makes the games sometimes start with 2 killers. That was a major bug but some players actually enjoyed it so why not make it an actual gamemode?

Here is some opinions from me to make it balanced:

1 - 2v4 is mostly unfair as you may imagine, so 2v6 would be the best to make it balanced in my opinion.

2 - Survivors have to repair 6 generators out of total 10 generators to power up the exit gates.

3 - Hatch should not be able to closed by killers to balance the endgame, they may pull the survivors while they jumping into it like the old way. Also hatch opens itself once the exit gate is powered.

I'd love to hear your opinions about this, please don't hasitate to comment and join this disgussion.


Post edited by Mandy on


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012


  • Killerdonut80
    Killerdonut80 Member Posts: 87

    2 V 6 doesn’t make sense since 1 killer has 4 survivors to contend against. It has to be 2 vs 8 and maybe increase gens to 8-10.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Thank you for contributing to this thread instead of explaining why you didn't want it.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025


    1. 2v8.
    2. Survivors have to repair 8-10 generators out of a total of 12 generators to power up the exit gates.
    3. 3-4 exit gates, so the 2 killers can't camp them both.
    4. Keep the hatch the same.
    5. Make some maps a bit bigger.
    6. Add Scooby into the game.

    I believe that would fit the "other" game mode better.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited April 2021

    Thank you for giving out your opinion and explaining why you disagreed.

    Personally I think 2 vs. 6 is unfair, I think it should be 2 vs. 8 at least and 6-8 generators needed to escape the trial.

    If they're hesitating on making another gamemode, I suppose they could make it exclusive as a customizable option for custom games.

    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • Kuchiyose
    Kuchiyose Member Posts: 4

    I don't believe it's unfair. Survivors gain their power from their numbers. 2v8 is just a basic math, it's not how it works in game, let me give you another example of that math, when you add an extra killer into the game you add 4 more perks, but if you add 4 more survivors you basically add 16 more perks which is actually unfair. and imagine all thoso sabotages, flashlights and bodyblocks. The more their numbers the much more power they get.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited April 2021

    The issue is killer is balanced around being a singular presence. While I agree in 1v4 perk disparity and especially offering disparity are a problem, two killers just totally warp how chases work because the killers could split up to close out loops instantly. Having extra people running sabo doesn't matter if literally the second your in a chase you get downed because you literally can't loop vs the killer ever and there is no skill interaction in avoiding being hit. I don't even subscribe to the 'looping is the only way for survivors to protect themselves' camp but holy crap that applies to like... 'Playing around an anti-loop killer by being a bit more stealthy and utilizing the weaknesses in the base kit most anti-loopers have' and not 'playing around a deathsquad duo.'

    I do think a 2 vs many mode is possible, and probably even something BHVR is considering based on their recent poll that really clearly was trying to figure out why the killer population got so low. If we get a lot of 'I don't play killer because I can't play with my friends or recruit friends' and a lot of 'I joined the game to play survive with friends' a 'Kill alongside friends' mode might very well be worth it for the devs.

    But it would require so much more effort than just increasing survivor count and tossing the killers in, because most core mechanics are based around killers being highly localized in power. Jury is out on how well this works (W meta kinda... makes it rough on most of the cast because the amount of time investment to win a chase is just so high they actually AREN'T that good at defending, but good killers can get stuff done), but it is how the game design works, and two killers are much more powerful than 'twice as strong as one killer.' Like, two killers could end chases in 30 seconds every single time no matter what, as well as pressure way more gens on the map, ect.

    Again, I think it is worth the effort because I think for DBD to grow killer also needs to be a 'social' role, but it wouldn't be as simple as 'toss a second killer and 4 or even 8 extra survivors and extra gens into the game.' It would require specific maps or map alterations, a way to integrate it into standard queues, a way to make two killers running a loop at the same time not bonkers, and all still need to be satisfying for both sides, and that legitimately would be hard.

    Even some solutions as extreme as 'only one killer is active and the other is able to move around the map invisible waiting to 'activate' gives the killer role a LOT of map control that invalidates entire killer powers, and would result in unfun metas like a trapper doing setup and then not playing for the rest of the game for example, nullifying a lot of the benefit of a two killer mode in terms of allowing social play.

    It should happen but it is like... not even a can, but an oil drum full of worms.

  • Kuchiyose
    Kuchiyose Member Posts: 4

    I totally agree about all of thoso. I actually opened this post to disguss about this, how to make it best, what should be implemented or what should be removed.

    I enjoy to play as killer only if someone is in the discord with me to chatter or so, because I feel lonely while playing as a killer. And I believe many people agree with me.

    So I can't tell you the best way to implement the 2 killer system, but we can disguss and get as close as we can to make it best way.

    Like, you came with a problem; 2 killers can end a loop instantly. So I came with a solution suggest; make the hooks on 4 states to survivors get consumed by entity. So we can also disguss about it

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2021

    Plus the killers powers combined would be so OP. Imagine being sick of plague in dream world, activating a hag trap at a jigsaw box... so no its fine as it is. Nobody wants to play that except killers

  • ethan99
    ethan99 Member Posts: 154

    Why have just 1 insidious basement camping bubba when you can have 2! 😋

    Basements gonna need more hooks!

    Would be good to have more modes as the current one is getting stale, would be fun to have another killer to meme with.

    However the basement would need to go for obvious reasons. 😅

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    I think actually the majority wants a 2 killer game mode. It is mind blowing to me why it isn't in the game already. The majority of my friends are all killers mains and we all think that survivor gameplay is pretty freaking boring and a game mode like this NEEDS to happen.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Im a survivor main and ill never play this if it will be a thing lol, make a survey, youll may be disapointed

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327

    I would take literally any new game mode as long as the objective isn’t just watching a ######### progress bar go up. That ######### bores me to tears. A multiple killer mode would be fantastic but the devs have said in the past they aren’t doing it.

  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    I'm pretty sure BHVR did a survey and they even asked if people would like new game modes and I'm pretty sure the majority said yes. It will happen, it is just a matter of time. It is actually long overdue.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    2 killers vs 10 survivors in procedurally generated mazes. No generators, you just need to find the way out and escape. Killers compete for kills.

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  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    2 Killers would wreck 8 survivors. Slug fest galore. It would have to be 2 v 10 with more gens. Some killer combos in 8 would be insane

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    This answer can be applied to every "add new game mode" suggestion, they can't. Queues are already too long so they can't split up the players or queues would be longer. If you had a second mode, the least popular mode would have way too few killers.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025