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General Discussions

I don't understand the twins nerf

Member Posts: 2,109
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

this is technically a discussion not PTB feedback.

The twins got a buff which was Camera control is now immediately restored when taking control of Charlotte but that should have been a thing to begin with.

Then we got 2 add-on buffs which only add a few seconds and honestly if you ask me those add ons should have been increased on release because they were so mediocre and they still are.

None of these buffs require a nerf as compensation so why can't BHVR just release buffs without nerfing the killer for once? That's not "balance" there is no need for a nerf.

2 couple of second add on increases and a feature that should have been basekit to begin with does not equal a nerf.

edit the new BT buff also greatly nerfs the twins while using victor.

Post edited by Lord_Tony on

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  • Member Posts: 304

    Well i assume we all play twins wrong and the right way to play is put victor near a hook hook the survivor on that hook with charlotte cause thats the gameplay the devs want

  • Member Posts: 486

    Right, I was trying to lean away from hook camping with Victor but it seems to be the play BHVR wants. I was trying to chase are hurt multiple survivors before snowballing with Victor, but now that he is more vulnerable, might as well concentrate on his sonar ability.

    An where do I know it will be most useful? AT THE HOOK!

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    and here I thought using thanatophobia with victor was the right way to play him because it works while victor is out

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited April 2021

    funny thing is, charlotte has had camera control in the transition for over a month or two now. this change isnt new and idk why they're acting like it is.

    i think it was actually just to distract us from the fact that they got a pretty awful feeling nerf.

  • Member Posts: 380

    OMG exactly i was just saying that lol! This change was unjustified and needs to be reverted immediately!

    #JusticeForTwins #RevertChanges

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    The reasoning is simple:

    The developers don't want people to play the killer anymore so they nerfed them into the ground and make them as unfun to play as possible so they don't have to deal with them anymore.

    I mean its what they tried to do to both nurse and billy to get people to shut up about them. Both had changes to make them horribly unfun to play and they have been weakened enough for the developers to ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 380

    Yeah! And considering the lore, she is supposed to not let anyone hurt her brother, and if they do she is supposed to be like enraged i guess... In game she is just a standard M1 killer, and if a survivor kicks Victor, even DIRECTLY in front of her face... She literally does absolutely nothing....

  • Member Posts: 2,109
    edited April 2021

    honestly she should get a speed increase whenever her brother is crushed.

    this would make a lot of sense due to her rage.

    Survivors will think twice before crushing victor

  • Member Posts: 380

    Id say they need to take the Twins out of the game for a week or so... Completely rework them, make Charlotte more interactive and not just an M1 killer and make them more fun to play as and against... Camping needs to be fixed and once that is all done, put them back in the game... Hopefully they are being changed in the next Mid chapter as this is the most unnecessary change the devs have ever done!

    #JusticeForTwins #RevertChanges

  • Member Posts: 877

    Imagine if she got a movement speed boost whenever Victor got killed

  • Member Posts: 380

    Exactly! And now for the people that do play them (Like myself) We are basically being told to camp, as the ability to down with Victor is now non existent... So if this change was to stop people playing them all together... Thats not gonna happen, in fact the same people are going to play them, but they will be hated even more then they are now!

  • Member Posts: 380

    Yh or anything to show that she cares that her brother just got kicked to death... Like come the ######### on ahaha

  • Member Posts: 479

    See the problem with these nerfs is that it doesn't really address the issue of slugging at all. Survivors who stick together and know to kick Victor immediately will do just that without issue and the survivors who don't know that you're supposed to kick victor will still get slugged by him. The complaints of leaving Victor at the hook aren't addressed either so really in the end all these changes do is just make the Twins even more tedious to play as and nothing on the survivor's end changes all that much either. If BHVR want to discourage the slug/camping style of the Twins that's fine but they really need to incentivize new ways to actually playing the Twins because simply nerfing their only means of getting momentum just means, well they stop getting momentum altogether. Maybe have Victor actively attacking survivors while he's on their backs and the longer they hold onto them the more aggressive penalties they suffer for it, hell I'll be fine with them removing Victor's ability to down survivors altogether if it meant you can get instantaneous switching between Victor and Charlotte so that way you can use them both to set up big brain plays at loops.

  • Member Posts: 380

    I know, id love changes for them as well! But unfortunately, i think the devs have given up on such an amazing killer, and this change will leave all the good twins players behind... And the rest who played them campy will be left... They need a full rework! But considering they haven't got 1 skin since release(Skins are made more if the character is played more/the devs care about them) its looking like they dont want us playing them all together! What a shame honestly...

    #JusticeForTwins #RevertChanges

  • Member Posts: 673

    Maybe we should do a straight camp with twins montage/compilation. If we were to play every game as camping twins, eventually we'd annoy enough people maybe they'd have to address them, and camping victor is the most egregious way to play them.

    I'm willing to play only twins in only that way until they get addressed properly... Seriously, they ######### up the last two killers, and we can't be waiting two years for them to revisit these characters. Maybe we can make them see BIG DATA

  • Member Posts: 104

    oh my god please cry ab it more

    victor's already mammoth size hit box will make up for the 'nerf' on him despite what u think

    even if someone kicks him, he still respawns quickly so i don't know why ur complaining so much... maybe try slugging less at 5 gens and the nerf won't affect u too much 😣

    ur sad little "#JusticeforVictor" hashtags aren't going to change the dev's thoughts on it

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    the BT buff also ######### over the twins, victor can't down anymore if they have BT

  • Member Posts: 380

    Looks like you shouldnt even be in this post as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about...

  • Member Posts: 380

    Maybe if you read it all, i said i actively seek different means of playing them and i avoid slugging and camping at all costs...

  • Member Posts: 104

    could you just keep all of ur text in one message please and ty

    u said nothing about slugging besides that it was not a good justification for the nerf... even if YOU are against slugging (like u say u are), twins are NOTORIOUSLY known for slugging at 5 gens which just make the game so boring. yall say you avoid camping and slugging until u get a swf that clicks their flashlight once then absolutely go feral.

    like im glad there are twins players (like u) who dont camp and slug, but the nerf will help slugging significantly

  • Member Posts: 380

    I'm just saying all the good twins players are gonna go elsewhere, and now you will be left with the camping tunnelling ones... Enjoy... Slugging with any killer is boring... Literally Nurse and Oni can do it better, as have infectious fright.. Twins have to get everyone injured first for slugging to ever be a feasible option... Oni, you injure 2 people, get your power and can slug an entire team with infectious... Yet the devs don't do anything about that... Not to mention the fact that Oni can pick up the survivors instantly... Twins have to walk all the way over... And by the time they get there, they are usually healed... This change was lazy and unnecessary... And just goes to show the devs don't care about twins anymore...

  • Member Posts: 673

    This is actually already the only nerf the twins needed (if any..)

    Camping victor is already made weaker by this existing, so in my mind the only true issue with Vic will naturally be resolved (by a perk no less).

    Nobody wants this victor nerf tho, so I can only assume this nerf is the work of their "DATA" and, well a certain balance dev making slap-dash across the board "nerfs for every little buff"..


  • Member Posts: 673

    Dude, of you have a problem with slugging, that's a YOU problem. You survivor brains just make any means of slowing down the game an issue "Oh don't tunnel me, don't Slug me, don't come back to the hook once you've hooked me, look the other way when I'm on a gen unless I want to be chased at that moment.

    Slugging is fair and there are plenty of perks now-a-days that deal with it very well. If you're even getting team slugged at 5 gens, that just means the team is NOT GOOD.

  • Member Posts: 104

    i literally didnt complain ab slugging once besides the fact that it makes the game boring (which is true). what do the killers do? waltz around the map looking for the ppl they downed 5 minutes ago and the survivors just sit there until they are hooked. i literally could care less if slugging is a thing after 3 or 4 gens are popped but if u go into the game with the intent of slugging immediately then u should prob rely less on that.

    you cannot possibly analyze that a team "WAS NOT GOOD" if they are slugged at 5 gens. those games last like 3 minutes of actual gameplay then 5 of people laying on the ground.

    i literally dont care at all if a killer slugs me, i will just dc and they can keep their silver devout emblem and +0 for letting ppl bleed out for 5 minutes and dying on their first hook

  • Member Posts: 673

    I mean, is you're complaint against slugging or is it against being left on the ground after being slugged because the killer refuses to pick you up, because that's more akin to Hostage holding which I don't agree with or like either.

    But if a whole team goes down to slugging before any gens are done, absolutely that makes them bad. There's just no way they didn't make a massive mistake in order for everyone to get downed before a single gen, you'd literally have to be swarming the area together all bunched up, or playing immersed with no one actually attempting gens. It takes so long to actually get a down, and the twins aren't even particularly fast at it.

    Anything else I can say, well yea that's kind of annoying, like camping and intentional tunneling without even attempting other chases (which tbh of you're tunneling like that, it will lose you the game 9/10 anyway).

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    usually the only time I get 4 slugs is because the survivors are too cocky and trying to swarm me

  • Member Posts: 209

    Twins need a soft rework. Their base power is ok, but it needs more complexity. I think giving Charlotte some kind of power based on whether she's attached to Victor or not is one way to add this complexity.

    Changing how Charlotte plays after Victor gets crushed is another really interesting idea.

    There's nothing wrong with altering the mechanics to avoid unfun gameplay for survivors but the idea that we're now moving away from the twins heyday is kind of depressing considering how little they've done with them.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    My guess is that while twins is by no means a top tier killer, they do have a very effective one trick strategy to play, which lets be honest is not a very fun method to go against, not saying I agree if that is the reason but I could also see why they wouldn't want players to have to deal with that. End of the day the twins imo need a full rework they are pretty unpopular on both sides, people on the whole don't like playing them and they sure as hell don't like going against them(at least not the good ones that actually abuse their ability to slug and proxy camp).

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