Saying "just bait out Dead Hard" showcases your ignorance about the perk and the game in general



  • Killerdonut80
    Killerdonut80 Member Posts: 87

    Do you know how hard it is to Dead hard just when a shot goes off? The timing has to be done just right, I guarantee you most players won’t pull it off. Seriously, I don’t even use Dead hard and the complaints about it are BS.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Yeah no you're completely wrong, a team should never balance a game around the skill of an average or bad player, that's how you lead to imbalance. Like how can you think this way? A team should always balance around the max potential and leave it up to the players to learn and get there, then they can truly see if something is good or not. If you balance around bad players that can miss or not abuse certain things, then the experienced players will have to deal with something incredibly broken.

    Take ds for example, the devs wanted it to be an anti-tunnelling perk after the rework and changed it so. However eventually good survivors learned that it could easily be abused and the whole meta changed around survivors getting to be immortal for 60 seconds after the nerf. It was simply unfair but good survivors learned to use it that way, hell even bad survivors learned that running unbreakable and ds lead to being untouchable. If the game was balanced with the max potential of ds, then this would've never happened.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
    edited April 2021

    Do you know how ######### hard it is to predict when someone dead hards so you aim where they are going and not where they are?

    It's a lot harder than using dead hard when a shot goes off.

    you don't play deathslinger at all and it shows.

    I'm not complaining that he used dead hard to dodge my shot I'm complaining because MY SHOT LITERALLY HIT HIM so I should have had that spear reel him but it triggered a bullshit invincibility frame. That's not fair at all.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Ah yeah lemme just do a gen on hook, oh wait...

    I like Noed and use it occasionally because it’s one of the few second chance perks killers have. However, in my opinion, the ‘just do bones’ argument kind of just ignores all possibility for nuance. In an incredibly close game, there simply isn’t time to do bones because if you do then you’re just getting your team killed anyways by not doing a gen. Furthermore, there’s never a guarantee that the killer even has Noed in the first place. If you aren’t running Inner strength then doing bones is usually a waste of time. You’re essentially helping the killer if they don’t have Noed. Even if they do have noed, you’re still helping them out by buying them time during the match. Especially so, if you don’t manage to cleanse every bone.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I can’t tell if your being serious or trolling ....

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2021

    dead hard is not difficult to use. you have to look at this type of stuff from the survivor perspective, and this requires you to play both sides. if you do play survivor, do YOU think dead hard is actually that hard to use?

    the problem with DBD gamers (survivor and killer) is that, for some unknown reason, the simplest stuff is so difficult for them (ahem freddy having the highest playrate ahem).

    i used dead hard back when david came out. it was not hard to grasp that you use a dodge for a speed boost to something i wanna get to. i have barely taken it off since then and nothing has changed. it's still extremely strong. yet people still dead hard into nothing and then scream "you can just bait it out!"

    so you are half correct. the majority of the average timmys that play this game have no clue how to press a button to dash to a pallet or window without completely screwing up and dashing into the edge of the map.

    however, the people that DO know how to use dead hard are absolutely ridiculously busted strong in chase. having perfectly timed/executed multiple abilities in succession to land a hit, only for someone to press a button to completely undo it is a little outdated in design imo. i don't think dead hard would be made today and for good reason.

    so, why I think you're half wrong is, if dead hard WERE to get a nerf, then it would only be getting nerfed for people who know how to use it, and the people that have no ######### clue what they're doing with it would remain unchanged as they're already bad at using it as is, thus making it a fair nerf.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    saying wait out dead hard is the same as saying "do bones"

  • Mysteriouschild
    Mysteriouschild Member Posts: 19

    Real talk. I played against a red rrank, moonwalking swf's yesterday who were all really good, and as Wraith I was able to bait out every dead hard. You have to time it right, and as some killers its easier. I was playing Wraith, so I just had to partially cloak and it worked. For other killers the pressure of being right up on you will force survivors to use Dead Hard. I have no idea what this guy is saying.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Save your breath for another thread. This one is clearly a lost cause.

    It’s a lose/lose conversation, because none of these Dead Hard haters want to look in the mirror (or have an actual conversation).

    They’ll just tell you the survivors you played weren't actually using Dead Hard “correctly” if you were able to bait it out.

    Hell, you could create a montage showing us all how you bait out Dead Hard from every DBD player on earth, and these people would still say “moot point, they’re not using Dead Hard correctly.”

    Its ######### cringe, man.

    You know Dead Hard is not a problem. I know Dead Hard is not a problem. Plenty of other people know its not a problem. I guess the only real insight we can offer this thread is “git gud.” Sucks to suck.

  • Laro
    Laro Member Posts: 5


  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    As long as bloodlust exists I’m perfectly fine with DH the way it is. The killer can literally just W key to outplay you. If that’s not a crock of **** I don’t know what is. If BL was gone I would have no problem with a nerf to DH.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    If all this thread shows your ignorance about the game since dead hard description clearly says that you avoid damage while dashing so saying "exploiting i frames" shows only how ignorant you are

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Dead Hard isn't really a problem for good killers. At least not for me. Idk.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    There are tonnes of veterans and pros at this game who also have a similar issue with Dead Hard. You're not the standard here, don't think you're special.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    This thread as a whole is why the forums are pure garbage. The fact that you guys can't accept the fact DH was designed to make you invincible for half a second is hilarious. It's a strong perk that takes skill to use properly, You act like all the surv has to do is press E and they teleport across the map.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    C'mon Tony, it's literally in the description of the perk. It makes the surv invincible for 0.5s. Anything you do to a surv while they're dashing is ignored.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    If you really misinterpreted what "just do gens" means as a counter to camping, you need to stop talking and educate yourself on why killers camp. You clearly don't have a clue.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I knew exactly what you meant. I've seen the exact same argument literally dozens of times. My point is that you cannot counter camping if you're being camped. At least if you're being tunnelled, there's a slim chance to outplay the Killer and escape. If you're being camped then you're just dead. It removes any interactivity to the gameplay. In solo que, people just kill themselves on hook if they're camped in my experience and I honestly cannot blame them. After all, why should they waste their time unnecessarily just so strangers can win in a game? Anyhow, if the killer decides to camp then it literally just stops being a game. It basically just becomes a cutscene and a tremendously boring one at that. Awful game design in my opinion but the Devs said they won't address it so I don't even know why I bother, lol.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    The only time I’m annoyed with Dead Hard is when they DH over traps or get immune to ranged attacks, which feels cheap cause ranged attacks are so hard to do usually. Like I had one DH right through my Deathslinger’s speargun. In those instances where it’s like that I don’t think they should be able to get away with that. Regular M1 attacks sure. Other than that you can usually tell when someone has Dead Hard cause they just run away in a straight line from you. They are clearly waiting for you to get closer so they can DH. I usually wait it out then.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It can be said saying "just hop in a locker to hide BBQ aura" showcases your ignorance about the perk in general, especially against a high mobility killer. BBQ is a lot more powerful than Dead Hard because it is way too much information for free. Slow down perks as well. Forcing to do two objectives when killer has only 1 is lopsided in favor of killer.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    "It can be said saying "just hop in a locker to hide BBQ aura" showcases your ignorance about the perk in general, especially against a high mobility killer. BBQ is a lot more powerful than Dead Hard because it is way too much information for free. Slow down perks as well. Forcing to do two objectives when killer has only 1 is lopsided in favor of killer."

    Also, morning Sluzzy!

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Probably why i have issues with it at 12-30 ping depending on the day

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Were you talking about how for the survivors who aren't being camped, escaping a camper is easy because all they have to do is to do gens?

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    Both escaping, AND punishing the camper by making sure you don't feed him more kills when you try to be altruistic.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I agree. Most survivors I play against run it and almost every time I down them immediately after they use it. Occasionally I will swing and miss but that’s my fault for timing it poorly

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited April 2021

    Ah yes, I'll do 5 bones on Hawkins against a Deathslinger with 6 hooks at 3 gens. Yep, let's do bones instead of gens guys. He probably doesn't even have NOED lol.

    Detective's Hunch and Small Game won't help either because it still forces you to waste time on bones instead of doing gens. 14 seconds for each bones and two of the totems are probably hidden in the depths of Hell. And this is solo queue we're talking about, not swf. God knows what the other three are doing.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    I always hated dead hard as a survivor, one it requires you to be injured, and two why not run sprint burst or lithe, you gain distance with those perks much better, plus you don’t need to be injured to run them. Screw Cringe Hard.

  • Moodyy
    Moodyy Member Posts: 124

    i say dead hard and bamboozle are the same. just press a button to out play your opponent :)

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    lmao you have responded to another comment, i talk about the DS