Decisive Strike.

So I thought I would just put my thoughts on there and a place to discuss it, so Decisive strike the perk killers hate and 'top' survivors cling too.
So lets just start with how I hate that its still even in the game. I recently was able to start playing again so I'm ranking up from rank 20 (I'm generally a rank 1 killer) and I saw 1 or 2 D-Strike at 20-15 but once I got to 15 it felt like a switch was flicked. Every game after rank 15 had at-least 2 D-Strike in it and that's if I was lucky.
Now to get down with what just makes me want to never play killer again, I was just tracking how often I saw D-Strike and in 30 games I've had 20 games all with 3-4 D-Strike and the reason it's so annoying is this if you play any killer that's not nurse then each chase you're going to get looped for 1+ minute unless you catch them or they mess up. That means if they have 4 Decisive that just to hook all four of them once it will take around 10 minutes and by then any competent survivors will have all 5 gens done. The other problem as well is that you know that there is always 1 Decisive by the symbols on the bottom left, but we have no idea how many more Decisive's the other survivors have so unless you expect all 4 survivors to have it it's hard enough to catch survivors good at looping paired with D-Strike,Dead hard and instant heal or flashlight that makes some survivors practically non hook-able.
Simple change I would make is to just get rid of D-Strike but If they had to keep it I would make it so it has the same effects as no mither so that if they use D-Strike they are always injured and or make the skill check much harder to hit or at-least give killers some sort of counter play because at this point D-Strike is the main reason I don't have fun.
Just one last example before I check off, so for example this happens to me quite often where I'll down survivors 8+ times but 4 of those will be decisive's and the rest of the chases take ages if they're any good at looping so even after downing 10 or so survivors I still only black pip.
Thank for reading my opinions.
i would say make it if u use decisive u are exhausted and cannot SB away!, also the stun should not be 4s! in T1 DS should be 1s stun, then 1,5s and with T3 DS it is 2s stun to the killer. Survivors should also carry an item with which they can stab the killer (DS), so if they do not carry an item then they cannot use DS. This should be good enough balance to the DS imo
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I'm a Rank 1 survivor and I think D-strike and Deadhard are overrated perks. I also dont play killer very often, so I'm not biased. In fact I'm one of the few killers I know that doesn't dribble people with d-strike.0
the problem is prior preparation via swf. most have the primary ambition of making killers look foolish, de-pipping them and minimizing their bloodpoints. preparing prior-everyone uses d-strike, doesn't need bond, self care or empthathy, everyone gets a flashlight...blah. blah. blah.Post edited by EpicFailTryHard on0
@Krueger1428 said:
I'm a Rank 1 survivor and I think D-strike and Deadhard are overrated perks. I also dont play killer very often, so I'm not biased. In fact I'm one of the few killers I know that doesn't dribble people with d-strike.For survivor players saying the perks are over-rated, the main reason D-strike and dead hard are so good is the same for both. When catching a survivor at high rank to get them at a pallet usually takes some sort of mind game. Now lets look at what those 2 perks do, D-strike first. A killer chased you for a minute + and he finally mind gamed you on a pallet/window you get a free get out of jail card to go straight back to looping and there is no counter except to just try and mind game again. Same concept with Dead Hard you may catch someone jump through the wrong window or over a pallet by "mind games" but then a press of a button that's every 30 seconds I believe restarts the whole loop and you can go back to looping and the killer once again has to out mind game you.
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@EpicFailTryHard said:
the problem is prior preparation via swf. most have the primary ambition of making killers look foolish, de-pipping them and minimizing their bloodpoints. preparing prior-everyone usea d stroke doesn't need bond self care or empthathy, everyone gets a flashlight...blah. blah. blah.I've got my account to rank 8 Killer atm so I've only ran into a few SWF but for me the worst part is when they T-bag or do just annoying stuff. Then after the game talk about how bad you are/how good they are. I don't know if they're being ignorant or just being a jerk either way makes me hate surv mains even more :P
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I just look at a survivor who uses those perks as lacking confidence in their abilities. If you need D-strike and deadhard to win, only to turn around and teabag at the exit, you're a bad survivor.1
I'm embarrassed by survivors who teabag and troll the killer with perks like that. I also hate survivors who blind the killer at a pallet for no more reason than to just be a sick. So on behalf of all the non toxic survivors out there, we're sorry.0
@Krueger1428 said:
I'm embarrassed by survivors who teabag and troll the killer with perks like that. I also hate survivors who blind the killer at a pallet for no more reason than to just be a sick. So on behalf of all the non toxic survivors out there, we're sorry.I agree with both of your statements if people are using those perks its obviously because all they want to do is bully the killer, sadly however at this point the people who wants to bully killers is a larger number than people who want to just play the game so its fair to say the majority of survivors are toxic.
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Make the skill check half the size it is now, and if you don't attempt it when it first pops up, you lose it. This means you can't save it for the end game unless you're not the obsession and don't reach 35%. Alternatively make it a dead perk if you're not the obsession. Non obsession DS wastes considerably more time than obsession DS and unlike non obsession DS, there is zero way to know if someone has DS until it's too late.
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@shadowsfall42 said:
Make the skill check half the size it is now, and if you don't attempt it when it first pops up, you lose it. This means you can't save it for the end game unless you're not the obsession and don't reach 35%. Alternatively make it a dead perk if you're not the obsession. Non obsession DS wastes considerably more time than obsession DS and unlike non obsession DS, there is zero way to know if someone has DS until it's too late.What infuriates me the most about other people having DS is trying to get someone to the basement even when I'm just upstairs in the Shack for example but they get 35% before I get to the hook. Generally now unless I know they've used their DS I never try to basement hook anymore as it's too risky.