Goodbye Babysitter Meta

R.I.P Babysitter Meta. You were so good to us. /s
Lucky Break bouta make this perk look like a joke.
Isn't it a joke already?
Besides, I find it funny that every anti scratchmark perk (Dance With Me, Deception) only last last 3 seconds. Lucky Break lasts for 90.
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Okay I'm genuinely going to miss this perk tbh
I know I know I'm weird, but I actually liked the perk. I hope they buff it later on to increase the timer, maybe make it so that it makes the unhooked survivor silent for a duration.
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DWM can used every 40 seconds. Lucky Break eventually runs out entirely.
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Babysitter could actually really use the new ds style of deactivates whenever you progress your objective.
Giving the unhooked survivor no scratchmarks or blood untill they touch a gen or totem or whatever would make it so much better without being abusable
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I like this idea
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Wait I am so confused, what's wrong with Babysitter, what is happening to the Perk??
I used to use it all the time together with Distortion and We'll Make it as a great Unhooker/Healer build. It's actually one of my Favorite Perks to play as Survivor, please don't tell me they're doing something to it! I swear I've never met anyone else even using it but me ######### lol
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*edit, not sure why I replied to this comment, think I misread it as a defense of baby sitter
At maximum: If you run babysitter and unhook every other survivor twice you generate 48 seconds of this effect and reveal your aura for a total of 24 seconds.
As opposed to lucky break granting the effect for 90 seconds at undoubtedly more useful times.
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Lucky Break is getting buffed where for 90 seconds while injured you leave no scratch marks or blood trails, which pauses when healed. You will instantly lose the Killer with Iron Will and some other perk synergies.
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You're trolling lol
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Self preservation is better lol
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Ooh, smooth idea, props.
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This is good, you should put it in suggestions
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There was babysitter meta?
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The problem with Babysitter is that it has a very stringent condition for pay-off. It only works if the killer is on their way back to the hook, but not close enough to have direct visual on the hook target.
Sonzaishinai's idea is a great buff to it though, it can make a tunnel-chase considerably harder to pull off.
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I honestly don't know why Babysitter doesn't remove grunts of pain also.
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Yes, but DWM lasts for only 3 seconds every 40 seconds, assuming you can meet the activation condition and choose to use it.
This means that it takes DWM activating 30 times to get roughly equal value to new lucky break (30×3=90), and this would take 1200 seconds minimum (40×30). This is equal to 20 minutes minimum to get the same value out of DWM as new lucky break. Lucky breaks timer is now way too long.
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DWM can be used regardless of health state and used multiple times in a match. LB can be used once and is only activated while injured. I don't know if duration time is paused during hook state as well but it'll be rare to come into effect if you're hooked because it's purpose is to avoid being hooked all together.
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Timer of lucky break is paused whilst healthy, downed, hooked, or wiggling.
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Interesting I wasn't aware of that. Is that new, I never ran the perk before.
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I don't entirely disagree with you, but Lucky Break has a very high potential to be used up in a single interaction- most likely 2-3 interactions (which lines up fairly well with how often DWM could help you lose the killer, if not even less often) You have to factor in the heal time along with the time it takes to get away from the killer to heal- you probably won't want to heal within range of Nurse's Calling, for instance. If you bring a really good med kit, you'll get more use out of LB. But on average I would reckon that by the time you get away from the killer and heal (IF you brought a medkit or a friend to communicate with that you need a heal right then and there), you've used up about 30s of LB, which leaves about 2 more uses if you utilize it in the same way. Many chases can take longer even with no scratch marks (you don't need scratch marks on a loop with very short walls, for instance, and you often don't need scratch marks on loops where the survivor is zoned in a corner or there are windows that you constantly regain LOS [T&Ls, for instance])
Honestly, I do see them reducing the timer on LB. 60s seems reasonable to try on live servers, and if it shows up that it is way too overpowered, it could be nerfed by the next patch.
I'll be honest, I'm willing to give LB a chance on live servers just because I'm excited for a potentially amazing counter perk to Spirit LMAO
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I agree with you but I think lucky break has a way higher chance of giving you value and ending a chase then DWM, though both can, due to giving you more time to get away.
Also imo new lucky break has the same problem as old ds. While injured there is no reason to heal for 90 seconds. Just run lucky break and spine chill and leave early with no repercussions if a killer starts approaching a gen. They will never be able to track you, especially if you run iron will, so it could make individual survivors way to safe.
So you could either use it all at once to make yourself very strong for that minute and a half or you could potentially escape multiple chases, probably 3 or 4, with it, which isnt a big deal for killers that spread pressure but is huge for chase killers.
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That's always been the case and is the case for buffed lucky break too
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That does have some power behind it.
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omg that's actually pretty crazy! lol
Although I suppose if you are in a close to 90 second chase and the killer doesn't lose you then it can run out pretty quickly.. but I bet it would be really fun perk to use to mindgame killers that's for sure!
I wonder if it will become meta - sounds very high potential.
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I agree!
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Sorry for the late reply but yeah I'm p sure you've figured it out by now. Babysitter was such a well-designed perk IMO but it's going to become obsolete once the mid-chapter update releases (if the Lucky Break rework makes the cut), so I'm REALLY hoping it gets buffed.
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Well yes it would be meta because this perk would be immediately far above where Mettle of Man (original) and D-Strike (original) were in terms of power.
While both of those perks could let you ignore getting downed or ignore getting hit one time, Lucky Break ensures you lose the Killer after being hit once and can do so several times if you heal fast enough and soon enough, especially with certain synergies.
It makes you untrackable, with a single hit, several times. Even DS let you escape a carry the first time you got downed, and MOM would let you tank a hit once - Lucky Break has a powerful effect with incredible synergy, multiple times.
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Bring a good medkit and it pauses.
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I suppose that if it truly becomes meta then Killers would have to start bringing Sloppy Butcher + Nurses Calling more, and possibly even Franklin's for Med-kits.
Although if a Killer brings those then Lucky Break won't be nearly as effective even in its buffed state.
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This is honestly one of the best ideas I've seen here!
I'd personally also make it so that:
Healing the Survivor deactivates it (no need for a Babysitter at that point)
The Killer can see your aura and vice versa until the Survivor is healed or interacts with something, but you can ALSO see the Survivor's aura until they are healed or interact with something - This allows you (without voice/as a solo) to see if you need to attempt aggro, provides info on where to go if they remain injured for a while, and still carries a fair risk with your aura being exposed in the meantime.