Loadout Challenge - Ideas

Hello everyone !

As some of you already know, we have started a couple weeks ago, the Loadout Challenge on Fridays.
These challenges can be found on our social media!

If you want to give your ideas for these challenges here's you chance!


  • Need minimum 1 perk
  • Perks for Survivor
  • Perks for Killer
  • Come up with a challenge to complete the Loadout that you suggested
  • Need a screenshot of the specific challenge

Ex: Equip the perks Ace the hole and Plunderer's instinct, loot every chest on the map, and place the items in the basement. Post a screenshot of your results!

Thank you !
See you in the fog


  • BabyKitty
    BabyKitty Member Posts: 37
    Pizza Dwight with no mither, empathy, borrowed time, tenacity.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited September 2018
    The speedy gens build

    No Mither
    Prove Thyself

    Any toolbox with Clean Rag and Socket Swivels

    Either shroud that spawns 1 survivor with you or all of them 

    Get out alive.

    Will add a SS as soon as I do this
  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    Survivor Hard Mode : Equip only Object of Obsession and No Mither. Escape with over 10k BP. 

    Killer Hard mode : The Nightmare with Overcharge, Unnerving Presence, Distressing, Huntress' Lullaby. Try to get all 4 survivors in the dream world at once (It would be asking too much to kill all 4 with this)
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    Wraith with NOED and Blood Warden. Go stand somewhere invis and let them do gens. See how many you can get after the gates power. Might want to throw on Bitter Murmur too.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Mercy Build:
    Iron Will and No Mither

    Goal: The killer will feel bad for you and will give you the hatch!
  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502


    Risky Saboteur:

    Hooks, hooks, hooks everywhere! The killer appears to have way too many! Let's help them by removing some, shall we?

    Challenge mode= Survivor
    Current difficulty rating= 5/10

    (No Mither)
    (Object of Obsession)

    Objective= Break at least 5 hooks in a match and record a video of you breaking them.

    Forced Vacation

    You have invited four survivors on a little get-together you have been planning for a while. Everyone is going to have fun, whether they want to or not! Don't forget to show your friends the nice pictures you took.

    Challenge mode= Killer
    Current difficulty rating= 8/10

    (Blood Warden)
    (Hangman's Trick)
    (Territorial Imperative)

    Objective= Take three pictures of all 4 survivors in three specific places.

    1. A picture in the spacious, yet very comfy basement.
    2. A picture in the main building or at the central structure on the map.
    3. A picture in an area without number 1 or 2 in them.

    Special Rules= At least two of the survivors in the photos must be in the dying state, hooked, or on your shoulder.

    I'll add more when I have a chance. let me know what you think and if you find them too easy or hard for their current difficulty rating.

  • Aziux
    Aziux Member Posts: 70

    Lightweight, Lithe, Dance with me, Quick and Quiet

    Rogue mode

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Fast leap out of a locker in close proximity of the killer and remain unnoticed. 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I would love to see a no mither + Iron will killer evasion with a survivor wearing ridiculously bright and noticeable cosmetics equipped.
  • Chubster
    Chubster Member Posts: 197

    no one dies on my watch!

    • hope
    • wake up!
    • no one left behind
    • borrowed time
      your last chance of being a hero and getting out of here alive with your team, or sacrifice yourself for the better!
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited September 2018
    Map + Glass bead 
    Place a marker on the hatch in the closed position and screenshot. 
    Must play as Detective Tapp.

    Perks: Sole survivor, Lightweight, Self care, Spine Chill.
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited September 2018
    We all need healing.

    Botany knowledge.
    Object of obsession

    Can't normal heal yourself. you have to count on medkits and your team  but be careful the enemy can see your aura.

    Aim of this is to make it out alive with your whole team.

    Bonus points you can get a screenshot in exit gate with at least two or more still injured
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    edited September 2018

    No Mither Level One
    Object of obsession level one
    No items
    ONE BIG D*CK (Females can use it too, tho!)

    Be the one to be chased, be the one to not be healed and not have dead hard. 

    Bright clothing is encouraged
    Post edited by GT_Legend2 on
  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    edited September 2018
    Been having fun with - 

    Sloppy Butcher
    Hex Ruin 

    Gens and survivors come to a complete crawl . Keep em all slapped and they won't have time to do gens and when they do heal gens are a PIA. WHEN ruin is found it still crawls .

    Edit - discard this . I didn't read the whole OP. This is a fun build though (I have video proof of how long it can make a game last :)

  • Stevo
    Stevo Member Posts: 121


    No Mither, Object of Obsession, Slippery Meat, Up The Ante

    • Luck Offerings are allowed
    • Any item you want

    Goal: Escape after successfully unhooking yourself.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Run ace in the hole , bond ,plunders intstinct, and adrenaline. The objective is to search the chests and swap items everytime you see a team mate , bond is your self heal and you must swap everytime! See what you end up with at the gate!
  • Nero
    Nero Member Posts: 43

    BBQ,Play with your food.Monitor and Abuse,Save the best for last...For a Great game

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Last Action Hero:

    • No Mither
    • Borrowed Time
    • We´ll make it
    • Iron Will
    • try to as many unhooks as possible without dying. Even when the killer is nearby.
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    Make a build with Hex: third seal
    do NOT use knockout

    kill all survivors by bleeding out. No hooks allowed.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The Lover's Challenge.

    "Your mission, should you choose to accept it is as follows."

    Queue up for a game as a survivor and choose one of your three allies to become emotionally attached to. After selecting your partner they must survive the trial. You should ideally also escape at the same time (roughly) via an exit gate.

    Your perks and tools are as follows


    Self-Care will allow you to take a hit for your partner and ideally lead the killer away from them. It will also serve as your lifeline should you two become separated.

    Borrowed Time will help you overcome any campers should your partner get on one's bad side.

    Urban Evasion will allow you to crawl at the same speed as or faster than your partner allowing you to peak corners and lead away trouble before it reaches them.

    Leader lets you actively strengthen your partner by being near them and thus encourages you to actually be near your partner for the duration of the trial.


    "Broken Heart Key"
    (Broken Key + [Eroded or Gold Token] + {Prayer Rope or Prayer Beads})
    "A keepsake to remind you of your partner, you can feel their embrace when you squeeze the handle."
    Use this tool to ping for your partner unless you get lucky (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) with a Shroud of Union.

    Victory Conditions:

    1.) Happy Ever After, spend the majority of the match together and escape together.
    2.) Long Distance Relationship, spend almost no time together and escape together.
    3.) 'Til Death do you Part, spend most of the trial together and die for your love's safety.
    4.) Star-crossed Lovers, spend almost no time together and you both die.

    In order to receive credit for completing this challenge, you'll need a screenshot of:

    • the lobby where you specify whom your partner will be
    • a screenshot of you exiting the match with or without your partner
    • a screenshot of you with your partner during the trial at least once but more is better (ideally not just at the end)
      (repairing, cleansing, sabotaging, use Leader for something)

    • A screenshot of the tally screen if you left your partner in the trial (or if they left early)

    Note: You and your partner are a couple so if you get any third wheels for the majority of the trail your victory is void.

    The main challenge here (aside from the screenshots) is potentially having to overcome a hard tunnel.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Play Nurse and use Bamboozle.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Territory imperative and nurse's calling catch a survivor and hook in the basement then attack and hook there rescuer using nurses calling all (only counts if you see aura not chasing) saboteur break five hooks by yourself once each any obsession survivor perk survive the match without using it if its ds if its the one that shows you and the killer survive without turning it off outside team heals carrys and hooks
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Are they ok as good challenges?
  • FoggyWeather_
    FoggyWeather_ Member Posts: 163


    Ninja Build:

    Quick and Quiet
    Iron Will
    Calm Spirit

    And as extra challenge to that:
    You have to wear the brightest clothes that you have on your character.

  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543
    edited September 2018

    Guardian challenge.
    Find another survivor who is Killers Obsession, while you play survivor. Protect said survivor and help him successfully escape the trial through the exit gates, without Obsession losing a single drop of blood.

    edit: since this is loadout: dead hard, We're gonna live forever; unbreakable; Iron Will
    No Self Care, since if Obsession is alive, he should be able to heal you

  • Ashkiin
    Ashkiin Member Posts: 52
    Obsessive challenge, 
    Rancor, play with your food, save the best for last and remember me  Post a screenshot of you moring your obsession with tokens in every perk.

    Impossible challenge, 
    Use surveillance and have 3 regressing gens in white lol
  • skynight
    skynight Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2018
    Long live the King!

    A bearded David King must run No Mither only. He is the King and must be protected at all cost.

    Your goal: The King must live. All others are expendable.

    Bonus points: Take a screen shot where 3 clean shaven David's stand in a circle around and guarding your king while the killer approaches!
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Your number one: As Freddy take 
    Remember me
    Save the best for last
    Play with your food 
  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    The unbroken build - Unbreakable, tenacity, iron will, and vigil, all to indicate a spirit unbroken by the entity, (add a key with survivor addons for gl)

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    edited September 2018


    urban evasion, lithe dance with me iron will.

    challenge: be stealthy and dont get hooked

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Your number one: As Freddy take 
    Remember me
    Save the best for last
    Play with your food 

    remember me and save the best for last?? ewww

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Your number one: As Freddy take 
    Remember me
    Save the best for last
    Play with your food 

    remember me and save the best for last?? ewww

    I know but there aren't many obsession perks and dying light requires the obsession to be dead for it to work completly nullifying rancor and pwyf
  • Ashkiin
    Ashkiin Member Posts: 52
    Your number one: As Freddy take 
    Remember me
    Save the best for last
    Play with your food 
    I mean ... 

    Ashkiin said:
    Obsessive challenge, 
    Rancor, play with your food, save the best for last and remember me. Post a screenshot of you moring your obsession with tokens in every perk
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Killer LoadOut:

    Entity's Favorite

    • Bamboozle
    • Blood Warden
    • Spirit Fury
  • TheDarkLycan
    TheDarkLycan Member Posts: 435

    basement build, monstrous shrine territorial imperative, iron grasp, agitation. as LeatherFace

  • TheDarkLycan
    TheDarkLycan Member Posts: 435

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Your number one: As Freddy take 
    Remember me
    Save the best for last
    Play with your food 

    it wouldnt work at all since half the perks go against each other

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Hex: Third Seal, Dear Stalker, Knockout and Monitor and Abuse

    See no evil.
    Hear no evil.
    Do no evil.
  • FoggyWeather_
    FoggyWeather_ Member Posts: 163

    I got an Halloween loadout idea:

    Trick or Treat:

    Get into the spooky mood and dress up in an "Halloween Costume"


    • Plunderer´s Instinct
    • Ace in the Hole
    • Up The Ante
    • Decisive Strike

    Loot every "Candy bowl" (chest) you can find throughout your trick or treat round and get safely back home (survive) with the best "candy" (item).
    If the neighbours don't want to hand out candies they deserve a trick (Decisive Strike)

    Scare or Dare:

    You want to give those pesky kids a good scare


    • Monitor & Abuse
    • Tinkerer
    • Hex: Haunted Ground
    • Hex: No One Escapes Death

    Throughout the last years, you gained some skills in scaring other people and since you don't want that those kids take your candies, you have to make sure, that they return home, frightened to death and without candies.
    They will notice you too late and it will become your advantage.

    Disclaimer: I chose No One Escapes Death and Decisive Strike as the ultimate perks in the builds, so that the loadouts become scary. It makes sense since it's designed for Halloween. Hope that the idea is good :)

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Myers with:

    Devour Hope
    Make you Choice
    Haunted Ground

    Goal: You are only allowed to attack survivors when they have the ‘Exposed’ status.

    (obvs you can use Evil Within 3 as well)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited October 2018

    Super Freddy:

    The Nightmare



    -Unnerving Presence
    -Hex: Thrill Of The Hunt

    If you manage to get a 4k with this, you are a super freddy! :D

  • Rasmur
    Rasmur Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2018

    Addons you need to use:
    Addons with the OhTofu emote tfuFat

    The Trending Fat Myers build! Build is pretty much explained by the creator OhTofu here: https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyTolerantHamsterJebaited

    You will play as Michael Myers and use these two addons

    • Judith's Tombstone
    • Vanity Mirror
      NO STALKING and YOU ARE NOT allowed to leave tier 1!

    Then you are going to try to down people!
    Yes with a very very slow Myers!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    what about the "I hate Pallets" Build?


    • Wraith


    • any


    • Shadowdance (both)


    • Spirits Fury
    • Enduring
    • Fire Up
    • Brutal Strength

    have fun ^^