Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

This is beyond ridiculous

PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Had several matches in a row in the mid teen rank with abusive survivors.

Not just abusive in post chat, but abusing game mechanics.

example: One unhooks, the unhooked BT Bodyblocks, a 3rd one pallet stuns, and a 4th bodyblocks the final chase to the exit. All of this within 20sec. THEN they get to post chat and, to quote: "Aww, Wittle Baby Killer Gonna Cry?"

BTW, these guys were supposedly rank 20 . . .

THIS is why you have no killers and queue times suck. Fix the abusable mechanics and you won't have survivors in the absolute pinnacle of the power dynamic. things like 99%ing the gates, BT bodyblocking (I was trying to hit the unhooker, not the unhooked), survivors having priority of movement resulting in survivors shoving killers to the side when they are chasing someone else, the list goes on.

Killers already have the most stressful part of this game, having to keep track of who is where, who got unhooked when, which generators are being worked on, which hooks are still up, where the pallets are, where they've been dropped, which pallets have been destroyed, which survivor is running with which exhaustion perks, location of hatch, location of exit gates, how long since each survivor has used their exhaustion perks, cooldown on power/ammo, cooldown of perks, locations of lockers, which totems are still up, and where are they.

Add the heavily survivor sided mechanics and SWF and it's WAY too much for new and casual killers to manage. Please revisit these mechanics to balance out the game.

Taking a break for a couple hours to cool off. These survivors today seem to have VERY toxic attitudes and playstyles. Frat BOYS like that should be playing beer pong, not tormenting people that are trying to play a GAME.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Matches after rank reset are hard. Im sorry you had that experience. I play both killer and survivor (really enjoying survivor lately though). Killers are sweaty to get ranks back up and SWF are common for same reason. Id say give it a few days and it should get better.

    In regards to the example, bodyblocking and BT is hard. Id say if this keeps happening run NOED or Starstruck and punish them. Id also turn off chat and just move on.

    Not all survivors are bad, so don't lose all hope.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    I think you misplaced a few ab characters in your post. Those survivors weren't abusing mechanics, they wer USING game mechanics. It only becomes abuse because you don't like it. Granted, they were dicks for being toxic in the post game chat, but if you shout abuse every time a survivor outplays you, you're going to keep getting outplayed.

    By the way, killers can bodyblock too to guard pallets and windows. Is that abuse too?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I would generally agree with this, but OP points out that these Survivors are allegedly Rank 20. Possibly people who deliberately deranked?

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Those are all fair and legit strategies, similar to how you killer mains keep saying that tunneling and camping are fair and legit strategies as well and that Survivors have to deal with it.

    I'll agree that comment in the chat was unnecessary as long as you didn't trashtalk them before.

    Otherwise they outplayed you fair and square.

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    There's a difference between Teamwork and bullying. they crossed that line SEVERAL times in that trial, and they aren't the only ones today.

    BT Bodyblocking and BT protection hits need to be stopped permanently. If you have BT, you shouldn't have collision.

    If you come from the side and pallet stun the killer during chase, the one being chased should get 1/2 the stun the killer gets.

    next time I see even the slightest hint of coordination like this, I'm just gonna make them play Skill Check Simulator while I strafe back and forth on the exit gate, opening it the INSTANT the last gen is done. these SWF Bullies are not getting ANYTHING from me ever again! Not until the mechanics are fixed and the game is less Babysit the Gen RATS!

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I don't think they were abusing game mechanics but yeah the toxicity in this game can be pretty bad sometimes. If I were you, I would take a break from the game and whenever you decide to come back try to avoid reading post-game chat.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Just go into the match without expectations of victory and know that the game is designed to be frustrating. Just do your best to earn BP and have fun. Never DC as those blood points were hard-earned even if you lose.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I think most people missed the rank 20 part. This is the experience that new players can expect when they join in after the RE chapter release.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    In my experience as a killer main, I never start playing DBD with a toxic attitude. It develops from facing toxic survivors who troll and try to get me to swear in PSN messages so I get suspended. Granted, I'm not saying only survivors are toxic. Everyone is toxic at one point or another.

    I just keep in mind that anyone that is going out of their way to make your day worse is projecting their pain onto you, and your reaction, to them, is read as sympathizing with their pain. They should be finding more constructive ways to get what they need, but alas, this is the quickest outlet.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Best thing to do pal is to turn your end chat off. I mean I've had so much abuse today its been unreal both sides. I've played alot of survivor match and because I didn't ready up within 3 seconds (sorting my perks and BP web out) i got abuse before we even started the match saying "hurry up you cretin) or something like "you have your nan as your DP and you're as slow as her ) ... literally mate I felt bad for them taking the time for the most embarrassing message I've ever read.

    Turn off your end chat babe, seriously its not worth stressing. However, what you've said about how they've played is standard allow game play. But you've broken yourself and stressed out over someone being a class clown to message you and DCing is exactly what they expected and wanted you to do. Take a breather from it, turn your chat off. Cant narrow that anymore. Hope you're alright now x

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    A lot of people here are talking about how bodyblocking isn't cheating, but it being "cheating" isn't actually the problem.

    The issue is that it ruins the tone and makes what was supposed to be the power role completely powerless. Its worse than either tunneling or facecamping, because those have valid counterplay and keep the whole concept of the killer being powerful. Its even worse than slugging, since survivors have each other to get them back up.

    It makes absolutely no sense that Claudette can stand directly in front of Kazan and keep him from going past with almost no consequences for doing so. Even Amanda, Danny and the Legion should be able push a survivor out of their way given enough time and effort. Ji Woon Hak is possibly the exception.

    And no, saying "you have perks to counter it" is not a valid argument. If literally everyone had access to these perks and had enough perk slots to waste one on Starstruck or Mad Grit and bodyblocking happened often enough to justify taking them at all, then it would be a functional argument. Equipping anti-bodyblocking perks is as smart as running Bubba with Cut Coin, Begrimed Chains and Franklin's Demise but you can't see what the survivors are holding in the lobby.

    Slugging is the only thing that is even comparable to bodyblocking. It is only matched in it's effectiveness by how extraordinarily unfun it is to play against. But bodyblocking is almost only reliably effective if you have a SWF using it, so you don't actually see it being used very often like slugging is, so you don't know if you're even going to have to deal with it or not.

    It's a scummy tactic. If you bodyblock, you don't get to complain about tunneling, camping, or slugging, and vice versa. I get to complain about it because the scummiest thing I've ever done was run NOED on Wraith not too long ago when his lunge was broken and I had gotten Haddonfield three matches in a row.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Only abusive part of that was the chat. The rest of it was just playing the game.

  • oliviaa
    oliviaa Member Posts: 104

    given matchmaking wasn't horrid as it usually is, you are probably yellow or grey rank.

    you just got outplayed.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    That actually sounds funny. Body blocking and protecting teammates is not abusing mechanics. I am going to say using BT to protect others is bullshit, the perk is meant to be to help someone escape if the killer is camping, not for 12 seconds of invulnerability to do as you please. People with BT can jump right back on gens

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't know why people get upset at BT being used to tank a hit. Frankly, I think it's a bad play most of the time. but if you can prevent a down with BT, then by all means do so. Having that deep woulds effect just guarantees the killer got something out of it anyway. Because you can ignore being injured to do a generator - but you can't ignore Deep Wounds.

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    You can ignore Deep Wounds if it's a mad dash to the exit gates. I only got 4 hooks that entire trial because those rank 20s were playing like, and had the perks/offerings/addons of a rank 1, 4 man SWF.

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    I'd love to hear the dev's thoughts on smurf accounts

  • oliviaa
    oliviaa Member Posts: 104

    theyre just perks, literally anyone can use them regardless of rank.

    they could have been not playing for 2 months and set back by rank resets or just switched to console/pc/whatever recently

    regardless, i've seen it all and what you described is so mild to what an extremely coordinated SWF can pull off

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    If you find bodyblocking and pallet stuns to be toxic, then just wait until you reach ranks where survivors can actually hit flashlight saves.

    All of the gameplay tactics that you think are toxic and bullying can be bypassed entirely with many perks, killers and strategies.

    It just takes time to learn how to deal with them.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    It's probably considered toxic because "WAAAAAAH, tunneling is more evil than genocide!" attitude killers have to tolerate. Most evil thing in the world unless it's convenient for survivors, then force it to happen because it serves their purpose.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Because survivors don't get to use BT to counter camping AND then "SURPRISE" they never cared about camping to begin with and just wanted to take advantage of invulnerability to do as they please, be it gens, totems, locker stuns, flashlights saves, etc.

    If you're being camped, you should get the F out as soon as you're rescued. If you're using that BT invulnerability to unhook others, stop gen regression, bait the killer, take hits for others, etc then there was no camping.

  • PsyQuil77
    PsyQuil77 Member Posts: 130

    Actually, it was toxic because of HOW it was used. BT tank hit for unhooker, followed 4 sec later by 3rd person ninja pallet stun, then 8 seconds later 4th person bobyblocks me into a wall allowing them all to escape. They tapped the gate open on their way. total BS. This game wasn't designed for that level of survivor coordination.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    Great idea, if you just throw the game when you get a good team, you can avoid all the effort of actually having to improve.