Survivors splitting up and doing a gen each one is bullshit

Why is this even a thing? How come all 4 survivors can split up, go into the corners of he map and start working on a gen? If you don't find anyone in 80 seconds that's 4 gens doing in ONE MINUTE (and 20 seconds). If you do find someone, in those big ass maps, then during one chase or just as you got the first hook you have 3 gens pop up.

You can't teleport around the map, you can't make chases take 1 second, you can't make the gen progress actually regress because Hex: Ruin spawn is a joke and kicking the gen doesn't do anything (And pop goes the weasel literally requires you to hook someone).

Then survivors claim there is no gen rush and that they are just doing their objective but their objective sure as hell isn't to take advantage of how it's more efficent for some reason to do gens alone (Instead of being the opposite so it encourages teamwork) and each one go on a gen in the corners of the map so the killer can't find you.

And why should anyone even bother with late game if all the totems will have been destroyed by then (since they spawn righ next to generators) and if the killer is trying to defend the last remaining 3 gens they will just find a key and leave through the hatch.



  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    If they are happening every single one of your games, then the pebkac.

    This problem is because of poor map design.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    By making it inefficient? As I said, it's bullshit that it's even a thing in game. In what kindof horror movie the characters survive by splitting up? I'm talking about how it's unfair and that survivors come and act like it's not a problem to be able to do 4 gens (80% of the match) in 80 seconds.

    The game should reward teamwork, not have slow killers and big maps so you hear 3 gens pop by the time you get your first hook and then, surprise, there was no late game to snowball in because they all escaped through the hatch.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    There are no gens in the corner of the map, unless you're on Swamp. Plus, it does not take 80 seconds to find a survivor. The moment you spawn in, a generator patrol will ensure that you're going to find a survivor, and as long as you can down a survivor in less than 30 seconds (if not, get a lot of pallets out of the way), then you're good.

    But that rarely happens. Just as how killers don't play at 100% efficiency, survivors don't play at 100% efficiency. There are going to be mistakes and bad judgements. There are going to be Claudettes blending in the corner for 5 minutes. 

  • oliviaa
    oliviaa Member Posts: 104
    edited April 2021

    survivors staying together and finishing a gen in 40 seconds: omg this is gen rushing

    survivors splitting up and finishing gens a different times: omg this is gen rushing

    use corrupt and discordance/tinkerer and unless you are genuinely the worst killer in the game, you should be able to pressure survivors off gens

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    I at the other hand have many matches were i need to do three gens and sometimes even that is not enough. Or i start a gen at the start of the match and another survivor joins me after 1 minute and i need to ask me: what did he do this entire minute and why does he need to come to my gen when there are 7 available.

    But enough ranting. The real problem is not survivor being efficient. The first problem is that at the start of the match you have zero pressure. This needs to be solved with a game mechanic. Then when you have one down, chase one and one rescues, only one survivor does gens. But theres the second problem. Many maps make it impossible for the majority of the killer to down good survivor fast enough to maintain this pressure. So we need map reworks.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Yes, that's bullshit. I can't cancel picking someone up to avoid a flashlight save or pallet stun. I can't cancel breaking a pallet neither.

    So why can Survivors cancel unhooking people so they don't get grabbed? If I make a mistake while picking up someone that took me hours to kill I get the SWAT team and it's bye to the kill, yet if a survivor starts unhooking someone in front of the killer they can just stop pressing M1 and they won't get grabbed. Teleporting around and cancelling animations it's exploiting game mechanics.

    I usually end up with 4k, don't tell me to get better. It's still infurating and demoralizing to have 3 gens pop up by the time you get your first hook. Why even keep playing when those 3 gens being done means if I kill 2 survivors the hatch is already there for the other 2 to leave? In what concerns them, they finished the game already, and in 80 seconds. A player should not have to tryhard or be afraid of a magic door on the floor if he wants to have fun.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Tunneling doesn't win games and I can't tunnel when the game begins and I hear 3 gens pop up. Securing a kill is neither fun nor does it make the killer win. It's nice for a bitter revenge since the survivors decided to screw the killer's fun by having the game end after 80 seconds but it also puts you at risk since 3 survivors left mean the hatch is there without them having to finish the last gen.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Ugh but Plague is like 9000 iridescent shards and lame.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646
    edited April 2021

    Nah. As killer you always see WHERE the generators are first. There’s always 3-4 clustered together somewhere. As killer as long as you make it so there are 3 gens clustered together when 1 gen is left then the survivors are screwed... Unless the killer doesn’t apply enough pressure, makes critical mistakes, fails to snowball, etc. The game should pick up when there are less generators remaining on the map. When there is 1 gen left you need at least 1 person dead... If all 4 are alive by the time 2 gens remain you’re probably going to lose as killer unless you go for a snowball, or camp they die ⛺️. In Red Ranks I usually see 2-3 pop within 3 minutes. The last 2 can take like 10 minutes or even more sometimes. A killer can skip their way to the generators when they’re clustered, never giving survivors time to work on them. You’re not beating any efficient player with a mobile, or warping killer when there is a “Gen Triangle” left on the map. Billy, Oni (Rage), Spirit, Nurse, Blight, FREAKN HAG!!! Especially if they’re running Pop. 😂

  • n0suchluck
    n0suchluck Member Posts: 35

    I was just giving you some suggestions to counter it. Carry on complaining...

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    I do not like plague either lol, I looked away when I grinded her (because she is disgusting) to level 30 and didn't use her once.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    It's not smart to end the game in 80 seconds, it's sad. Why even play this game if you want to have a queue that lasts longer than the actual game?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    That type of play should be encouraged. If more survivors actually played with an ounce of efficiency, the devs would have a better idea of where the game sits in terms of balance.

    As to playing around it: Do you have Corrupt Intervention permanently locked in your load out? It should be. Save for a select few maps, you will never stand a chance against an efficient team without it.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    It's sad how survivors feel so threatened when someone asks to make the game fair because you know if you didn't have an advantage you wouldn't win a single time.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Why should I bother protecting the last 3 remaining gens when as soon as I kill a survivor the hatch wil spawn and all 3 survivors remaining can escape with a key?

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 646
    edited April 2021

    So? That’s what keys are for. Keys are fine because Franklins knocks it off. Second unless the survivor drops the key somewhere the others are screwed. You can’t kill them all every match. As killer simply you have to get that out of your brain. It’s frustrating, but that’s the reality. This game LIES. Especially for killer. I’ve seen so much bull, and I haven’t played even 1000 hours... Your attacks will whiff right through people sometimes during their slow vault. Survivors fall into walls a certain way when you down them so you can’t pick them up. Guaranteeing a rescue, an Unbreakable, or it simply allows their friends on comm to work in safety if you choose to sit on them. I’ve seen the hatch spawn right under the dying person when they became last survivor. Because of all the lies and nonsense that happened throughout the whole match I had anticipated this, and immediately slammed the hatch the moment it spawned. Denying the sweater survivor their handout escape. 😭

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Okay... I'm gonna guess from the fact that you have only 80 posts that you're not a massively experienced player. I could be wrong; either way it's fine.

    The first thing to consider is that unless you're playing a strong killer with good regression perks you're almosy certainly going to lose some gens early on. That's perfectly acceptable. Killers start out weak with all 4 survivors healthy and all the pallets still up. As the game continues and you break pallets and exert pressure you'll get stronger. I can't even begin to count the number of matches I've seen from both roles where the killer loses 3-4 gens early and then stages a comeback.

    As far as splitting up on gens go this is one of survivors' best tactics and it's a major blessing that so many teams don't realize this. Discordance is one of my favorite perks and the matches where it rarely goes off are by far my most stressful. It's not OP though, it's just smart gameplay and it can be countered.

    As people have already said, the best strat is to make a 3-gen - that is to say, manipulate the match so that the final gens are all clustered together and easy to defend. You do this by using your game sense and information perks to figure out which gens are being worked on and deciding which ones you can give up and which ones you need to defend.

    It's by no means easy and it takes practice and experience. Try to choose gens that are both close together and in areas where you've broken a lot of pallets. It's not foolproof, as it relies on your ability to catch survivors quickly and know when to commit to chase and when to break off and defend your gens. It is very doable though. It's easy to feel helpless when your opponents get good RNG or play well. Just keep your cool and do your murder thing and the rest will fall into place.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Why should I do the 3 gen strategy if the survivors can escape with a key? I was told the best way to play trapper was to do that, so I move all traps into an area with 3 gens together. I kill one guy, manage to make it impossible for the 3 survivors left to even touch a gen without stepping on a trap.

    What happens? All 3 of them escape through the hatch right in front of me without having even touched a single one of the 3 gens.

    So again, why even bother with that strategy when survivors don't even need that 1 final gen to win and completly ######### the killer's game?

  • JosephStylin
    JosephStylin Member Posts: 5

    It's just playing it smart. Usually when 3 gens pop almost simultaneously it's a 3 gen match.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    Kinda hard for me to tunnel someone at the beginning of the game when I'm not even near them, kinda hard to tunnel them at all until they first get unhooked.

    Meanwhile survivors can finish 4 gens in 80 seconds right off the bat since they literally spawn right next to gens. My tunneling can't be done early game and doesn't make the game end any sooner, hell, it can completly backfire. Gen rushing can never backfire and it will always guarantee a win for at least one survivor.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    What's ironic? You seriously comparing tunneling to gen rushing?

    Somehow, me, going after the same guy to kill him, which not only takes time because not everyone sucks at chases and as I said, you can't do it right off the bat, and there are perks to counter said tuneling, is the same as 4 survivors spawning right next to a gen and keep M1 pressed until they win?

    Me going through the effort to find, chase, kill, hook, wait for the unhook, chase again, wait for DS to expire or get stunned, chase again, kill, hook again, and repeat that a third time, is the same as survivors pressing M1 on a gen?

    Also why wouldn't I tunnel when players are not punished over how many times they got hooked? In fact, getting hooked is rewarded since you bought your team time and then you give them points for altruism. If I don't kill someone I have 4 survivors doing gens, winning and teabagging. At least with tunneling I have to deal with 3 teabaggers.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    This is optimal survivor play unfortunately. This is what makes try hard swf so bad to play against.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794
    edited April 2021

    Seems like your issue is less about survivors splitting up on gens (which was the subject of your post) and more about survivors using keys.

    Keys are bulls**t, don't get me wrong, but they have some counterplay. The hatch only appears when the number of gens completed is 1 greater than the number of survivors remaining. You can keep the hatch from spawning by simultaneously keeping survivors alive (by slugging them all) and preventing them from completing enough gens. It's very hard and stressful and it's not always doable, but it is a possibility.

    The other thing to consider is that SWFs using keys in such an efficient matter are a relative rarity. It sucks but it's easy to disregard. I don't even count it as a victory for their team. It's a consolation prize they get after not completing their objectives.

    The devs made keys much easier to see in the lobby, so if keys piss you off that much you can always dodge them. Quick switching to keys is a thing, and it is very scummy, but I see it happen waaaaaaaay less than it used to on the NA servers. If they loot a key from a chest then good for them. Like it or not, luck plays a pretty big role in this game. They just got lucky.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793


    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    Play console where purple rank feels like green rank

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I'm just gonna say this. If you hear 3 gens pop and you haven't even gotten your first hook AND this happens consistently.

    You might want to look at your own skill. I have literally in the 5000 hours playing this game had this issue but maybe a handful of times, and it was due to all of them bringing toolboxes or some specific instance like that.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I'd play that game mode. Dead by daylight meets octodad

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    If u get survivors all doing gens separated in the corners of the map congratulations,u got yourself a nice 3 gen and an easy trial cause this is a mistake new players do.

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    I don't care about your delusions of being good. Watch any pro player, play as survivor yourself or as killer and you'll see by the time the killer gets his first hook at least 2 gens will pop. If you think you're good because you played once against bad survivors who did zero gens then it's a shame bad players boosted your ego so much.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Because it’s not “get off my lawn simulator” (I.e. it’s not “prevent any gens from being repaired in the first 80 seconds”)

    Your goal is to kill/sacrifice as many of them as possible. It doesn’t matter how quickly some of the gens pop early, or even if they finish all 5 repairs if they all, or most of them, end up dead