

The base lore for the entity and certain things are meaningless

Member Posts: 282

Okay at this point DBD lore has no effect on the game and liturally is better if you just make something up.
I mean DBD has its problems that can be worked and sorted out, but probably never will.
(Lest year the nightmare is going to be more sucsesful then DBD)
But the lore is something that needs a rework or something more, we need diolouge and interactions, more then screams grunts and other noises.

(Can we get voiced diolouge from characters reacting to things, like action commends, hiding in lockers, being chased/injured? If the killer runs stridor they will get to here these things and thus make stridor stronger)

Maybe make a kinda story mode you can play on your own (maybe with your friends too) :
You pick a survivor/killer, you get cutscenes, then while playing the game doing gens/hunting, you then get choices that effect what happens next. Now I'm not saying go full fledged until dawn ( Until dawn the next DLC survivor, killer, and cosmetics)
Just make it so the characters say stuff and you stop what your doing when it happens.
And doing gens isn't your only job, maybe the next match (depending on who you are) will have different objectives.
And eventually, you either escape/kill everyone or you fail and so the cycle repeats (NOTE: if you do fail you can try again, but after a certain time)
Not only that, you could make it so you could aquire legacy this way (after completing all the levels of difficulty and during an annual event) and other cosmetics that were "if you didn't get it, you never will, unless you hack"

NOTE: if you play killer you play alone
If you play survivor, you can choose to invite your friends to help out (but you can't unlock cosmetics)
Certain objectives and challenges in the game mode are timed,

Now I bet some of you are like:
Why would they waste their time on this instead of fixing bugs, balencing, and problems with the game?

The Devs can take a break from working on a doomed game mode, and work on something that doesn't have anything toxic.
Unless they are going to rework big parts of the game, I don't see why they can't do it.

Also in kill your friends, can we also have it so up to 8 people can play survivors and we can have 4 people play killers?
I'm not a programmer, but I don't think it would be that hard to make it so 1 killer/survivor is the real host and if they dc the whole thing ends.

Of course there are draw backs I know, but I'm not the only one who feels this way right?

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  • Member Posts: 1,493
    edited November 2018

    i feel the same they could change objectives from just gens to change the gens to other things like idk refergerators it just gets boring and then consoles which i play on didnt get the game until after legacy was over so i just feel left out

  • Member Posts: 282

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:
    i feel the same they could change objectives from just gens to change the gens to other things like idk refergerators it just gets boring and then consoles which i play on didnt get the game until after legacy was over so i just feel left out


  • Member Posts: 50

    Most of the things you suggested have absolutely nothing to do with the lore as it can be expanded easily that as example the entity tries new types of trials that are more effective in harvesting emotions.

    Personally I don't want talking survivors it is so stupid. Why would you talk in a place where every noice could kill you?
    This isn't like Last Year where the survivors locations are always known so it doesn't matter or F13 where you use the sense ability and are close to them and then when they are talking also doesn't matter.
    This is DbD were stealth is actually an option you can use. Also all survivors are strangers to one another so there are even more reasons to not talk to each other. Also it could be possible that maybe the entity makes it so they can't talk.

    But a singleplayer campaign or just singleplayer missions with the option to also have it as COOP would be something i would love

  • Member Posts: 282

    @rj1567 said:
    Most of the things you suggested have absolutely nothing to do with the lore as it can be expanded easily that as example the entity tries new types of trials that are more effective in harvesting emotions.

    Personally I don't want talking survivors it is so stupid. Why would you talk in a place where every noice could kill you?
    This isn't like Last Year where the survivors locations are always known so it doesn't matter or F13 where you use the sense ability and are close to them and then when they are talking also doesn't matter.
    This is DbD were stealth is actually an option you can use. Also all survivors are strangers to one another so there are even more reasons to not talk to each other. Also it could be possible that maybe the entity makes it so they can't talk.

    But a singleplayer campaign or just singleplayer missions with the option to also have it as COOP would be something i would love

    Let clerify the talking bit if it was in the game.
    The survivors would interect with eachother and say something after something obiviose happens (like a skill check fail or completeing an action)

    The trick here is, the killer/ person who plays killer/ you or me, can't here them say anything.
    Yeah I guess your right that nobody really wouldn't want to talk in the relm of the entity.
    But I think it would add something more to the characters, give us something to bond with the characters.

    You are that is also more of a gameplay then lore issue, maybe I'll move it to wish list.

  • Member Posts: 5,176
    BLUE_APE said:

    @rj1567 said:
    Most of the things you suggested have absolutely nothing to do with the lore as it can be expanded easily that as example the entity tries new types of trials that are more effective in harvesting emotions.

    Personally I don't want talking survivors it is so stupid. Why would you talk in a place where every noice could kill you?
    This isn't like Last Year where the survivors locations are always known so it doesn't matter or F13 where you use the sense ability and are close to them and then when they are talking also doesn't matter.
    This is DbD were stealth is actually an option you can use. Also all survivors are strangers to one another so there are even more reasons to not talk to each other. Also it could be possible that maybe the entity makes it so they can't talk.

    But a singleplayer campaign or just singleplayer missions with the option to also have it as COOP would be something i would love

    Let clerify the talking bit if it was in the game.
    The survivors would interect with eachother and say something after something obiviose happens (like a skill check fail or completeing an action)

    The trick here is, the killer/ person who plays killer/ you or me, can't here them say anything.
    Yeah I guess your right that nobody really wouldn't want to talk in the relm of the entity.
    But I think it would add something more to the characters, give us something to bond with the characters.

    You are that is also more of a gameplay then lore issue, maybe I'll move it to wish list.

    I think the devs said once that they didnt want to give the characters actual voices or lines because they wanted US to make them what we want them to be or sound like when they talk 
  • Member Posts: 3,271
    "Give them voice lines but don't let the Killer hear it"... in a hide and seek / tag game
    ... sure thing. /s
  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Story mode sounds cool and I think it would be if done well, but it would be a huge amount of work and realistically it's not going to happen for a very long time, if at all. The devs have much bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    As for the legacy thing, I'm guessing you're just going to tell me it isn't fair no matter how I try to justify it, but I'll give it a go anyway. (Disclaimer: I don't have any legacy skins, because I'd only just started playing at the time, but I was there when the change happened.) Prestiging a character used to be a much, much bigger time commitment. It took like 5 times longer than it does now. The legacy skins were a reward for those who put in so much effort to get there before the devs made prestige a lot easier. It's the same as event-exclusive skins - you put in the work, you get the reward. The skin is like a badge of honour that says "I put in this much time and work into this game at a point in its development when getting to this place was much more difficult". And you want to have a badge that says that you did all that work, even though you didn't? Now that's unfair. Exclusives are exclusive for a reason. It doesn't affect your game at all, it's just an optional identifier to say "I was here, and I did the grind". Just get the next exclusive item that comes along, and you can have bragging rights for that. But let the people who did the time get the reward for it. You're not entitled to something you didn't earn, under any circumstances.

  • Member Posts: 282

    @Raptorrotas said:
    "Give them voice lines but don't let the Killer hear it"... in a hide and seek / tag game
    ... sure thing. /s

    Before I get crucifide like everyone else here for saying something...

    Yeah I already noticed one thing I forgot to mention.

    If you run stridor, you'll here the survivors talking, this would give stridor users (like Micheala) a strong advantage.

    Also I know it would make sense they didn't talk at all, but if they did, it would make sense if they stopped talking when they here the killer is near by.

    Unless of course your playing Micheal, Pig, and Wraith. Maybe Spirit while using her ability?

  • Member Posts: 282

    @Fibijean said:
    Story mode sounds cool and I think it would be if done well, but it would be a huge amount of work and realistically it's not going to happen for a very long time, if at all. The devs have much bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    As for the legacy thing, I'm guessing you're just going to tell me it isn't fair no matter how I try to justify it, but I'll give it a go anyway. (Disclaimer: I don't have any legacy skins, because I'd only just started playing at the time, but I was there when the change happened.) Prestiging a character used to be a much, much bigger time commitment. It took like 5 times longer than it does now. The legacy skins were a reward for those who put in so much effort to get there before the devs made prestige a lot easier. It's the same as event-exclusive skins - you put in the work, you get the reward. The skin is like a badge of honour that says "I put in this much time and work into this game at a point in its development when getting to this place was much more difficult". And you want to have a badge that says that you did all that work, even though you didn't? Now that's unfair. Exclusives are exclusive for a reason. It doesn't affect your game at all, it's just an optional identifier to say "I was here, and I did the grind". Just get the next exclusive item that comes along, and you can have bragging rights for that. But let the people who did the time get the reward for it. You're not entitled to something you didn't earn, under any circumstances.

    Woah! Slow down crucifier, I didn't mean it like that.

    Okay I know a decent amount about DBD, but I only have been playing since christmas last year in 2017.
    But I didn't know thats some of the main reasons why, they made it exclusive.
    So I wasn't around at the time to play DBD at the time (due to still being under house rules)

    But tell me this
    How many people are getting reported/banned and unfairly targeted because they have legacy?
    How come there can't be new challenges/events that let late players like us get a chance to get them?
    Whats to say they have a different/new look for legacy, but its not the same as the ones that were the event exclusive?

    Somebody hacked my friend's dbd account and gave him legacy, later my friend got banned, and he didn't even wear the legacy into a match (not that he told me of at least)

    I'm not saying I want a badge of honor, I just want a costume, there is nothing stopping the devs from making different legacy cosmetics that are not the same or as rare as the others.
    Like people who have legacy (from the event) get a special medal on the costume or something?

    Okay so before you start excusing me of wanting something I didn't understand was a badge, make sure I know first.

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    Sorry but i think that if "atmospheric/immersive" voices get added, they'd automatically be audible for everyone.
    Its part of the whole concept.

    Btw stridor would become the #1 meta perk because those voice clips would work like madness screams.

    Look at LY footage.
  • Member Posts: 8,342

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Fibijean said:
    Story mode sounds cool and I think it would be if done well, but it would be a huge amount of work and realistically it's not going to happen for a very long time, if at all. The devs have much bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    As for the legacy thing, I'm guessing you're just going to tell me it isn't fair no matter how I try to justify it, but I'll give it a go anyway. (Disclaimer: I don't have any legacy skins, because I'd only just started playing at the time, but I was there when the change happened.) Prestiging a character used to be a much, much bigger time commitment. It took like 5 times longer than it does now. The legacy skins were a reward for those who put in so much effort to get there before the devs made prestige a lot easier. It's the same as event-exclusive skins - you put in the work, you get the reward. The skin is like a badge of honour that says "I put in this much time and work into this game at a point in its development when getting to this place was much more difficult". And you want to have a badge that says that you did all that work, even though you didn't? Now that's unfair. Exclusives are exclusive for a reason. It doesn't affect your game at all, it's just an optional identifier to say "I was here, and I did the grind". Just get the next exclusive item that comes along, and you can have bragging rights for that. But let the people who did the time get the reward for it. You're not entitled to something you didn't earn, under any circumstances.

    Woah! Slow down crucifier, I didn't mean it like that.

    Okay I know a decent amount about DBD, but I only have been playing since christmas last year in 2017.
    But I didn't know thats some of the main reasons why, they made it exclusive.
    So I wasn't around at the time to play DBD at the time (due to still being under house rules)

    But tell me this
    How many people are getting reported/banned and unfairly targeted because they have legacy?
    How come there can't be new challenges/events that let late players like us get a chance to get them?
    Whats to say they have a different/new look for legacy, but its not the same as the ones that were the event exclusive?

    Somebody hacked my friend's dbd account and gave him legacy, later my friend got banned, and he didn't even wear the legacy into a match (not that he told me of at least)

    I'm not saying I want a badge of honor, I just want a costume, there is nothing stopping the devs from making different legacy cosmetics that are not the same or as rare as the others.
    Like people who have legacy (from the event) get a special medal on the costume or something?

    Okay so before you start excusing me of wanting something I didn't understand was a badge, make sure I know first.

    I apologise, I assumed that I wasn't the first person to tell you why asking for legacy skins isn't a good idea, and that if you were going to request something like that you would have known what the legacy skins actually are and what they represent.

    To answer your questions:

    1. I would say not many? Most people who have legacy skins earned them. Those who have hacked skins usually hacked it themselves, and so are in the wrong and deserve to be punished. I would guess that people like your friend who acquired skins wrongly but not through their own misbehaviour are very much in the minority. If you're talking about being targeted by other players, well, it's their choice to wear the skins or not.

    2. The reason there can't be events that let players who joined later have a chance at getting them is exactly what I said. It would defeat the whole purpose of the legacy skins in the first place. If you just want exclusive skins, play the holiday events. In short, there already are events that let "late players" earn exclusive cosmetics. But not cosmetics that you didn't earn. Wearing a legacy skin says "I ground for the prestige way back when". Wearing the Huntress' dog mask or David's donkey jacket says "I ground for points during the Howling Grounds event". But they're exclusive for a reason, because if they weren't they wouldn't mean anything. You say you understand that legacy skins are akin to a badge of honour, but if you understand that then I don't know why you still think that new players should have a chance to get them.

    3. You're right, there is nothing stopping the devs from making different exclusive cosmetics. They already do. But that's not a legacy skin, that's a something-else skin. Legacy skins are the ones awarded to players who prestiged characters at a time when it took a lot of work to do so. So as I said, they can make other cosmetics, and those can be exclusive, but I'm not sure how that would solve anything in terms of people begging for legacy skins they didn't earn. The main reason people seem so desperate for legacy skins is simply because they can't have them. So creating an exclusive skin that's like legacy but different wouldn't solve the problem. Case in point, the Hallowed Blight skins, which is about as close to the appearance of the legacy skins without actually being the same thing as you're going to get. Those were available very recently, and yet there are still those who feel that they should be able to get the "real" legacy skins.

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