Trapper traps

felix452 Member Posts: 59
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know this this been discusse but does trapper really needs a buff or is it depends on the player. I been experiencing great games against high ranks but been placing trap in wierd ways. The only thing I think of is cartain maps it is easy to see the traps . But there ways to compasatante on these maps do the maps need nerf or trapper needs a buff

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Trapper needs buff ti his base carry capacity, so he can have 2 traps at once without addons and all addons, which increase his carry capacity, will increase 1 less.

  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    Idk one trap starting don't seem that bad if you figure out the map layout I think the capacity is relevant

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The Trapper desperately needs a Brown bag as base kit. Having to set a trap to pick up a trap without a bag is something that almost forces every loadout to feature a bag as part of it -- changing that would lead to much more freedom in experimenting with add-on combinations.

    Also, having your traps not spawn all over the map, but in a closer radius to wherever you spawn would be a nice QOL fix. Nothing more disheartening than to see traps on the complete other side of the map that's huge (think Mother's Dwelling) and realize that you're never going to be wasting the time to go all the way over there to get them.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    just give him 2 extra traps to carry in inventory and call it the day. That's all they have to do. Also, make traps spawn closer to him and not in corners of the map cough grandma swamp

  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    Well this part of does maps need nerf for size or something because with breakable walls and distance it does affect negative in big way. But when I don't bags I use add-ons and parks to make up like speed setting or affect status of players

  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    I think that make him powerful because you addon to increase his set speed and bags to increase the amount to carry. I understand one extra but I think that won't help even with Breakable walls, maps item, and ovo. He does need something done with his traps they are to easy spot on some maps but adding one or two wontt fix his main issue with maps in general

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2021

    Trapper needs quite some substantial buffs. All the maps needs significantly more grass and what not to have more placement potential as well.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    They kinda nerfed Trapper with the trap chance rework, but at the same time buffed him a little. Rn Trapper is in desperate need of a buff. Trapper Bag/Sack should be base-kit, and his traps should spawn closer to each other. Hell, I'd be glad if Logwood Dye became base-kit as well and nerfing Tar Bottle to work as intended as the current one with the slightly darker traps in his kit.

  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481

    trapper really needs the brown bag as his base kit at the very least. One of the most painful experiences of playing no bag trapper is when you spawn in and There’s a trap within spitting distance of your spawn and yet since you can only carry one trap you have to then walk away place the trap you have then walk back to where you spawned and pick up the trap. The amount of time a No bag trapper has to waste just to get actual use from his power is just depressing.

  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    His darker addons should camo his traps on what map he on in my opinion

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited April 2021

    Yeah Trapper is in need of a long awaited buff. Maybe give him a 30 second speed boost when survivor gets trapped. And give him the ability to have 2 traps without add-ons.

    Post edited by Trickstaaaaa on
  • felix452
    felix452 Member Posts: 59

    Does that speed buff goes away when he hits someone else or survivor frees them. That sound like real good qol passive even whit out extra trap that would give more freedom and power on loop or looking for traps

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I'm thinking more of so he can get the trapped person. Someone get trapped 30 second speed boost. Would help him out big time. I don't think he is the worst killer. But he is the killer that a rework is way overdue in need of a rework.

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    Yeah he needs a buff to carry more traps. To that point that corrupt intervention is kinda of required.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    That would be an amazing change tbh, like he would be able to down a survivor in a loop quicker while a survivor is trapped. Would increase his already decent snowball potential.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Trapper needs a buff, he's the face of DBD. Allow him to carry more traps at a time, stop having traps spawn in corners of maps where there's nothing, darken his traps since reworked and indoor maps have less ground cover which makes his traps easier to see and limit where he can place them, and have injured survivors that step in traps receive deep wound if they escape.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    -Trapper should be able to carry two traps base kit.

    - Traps should be programmed to spawn x meter away from gens, you know, places a killer will actually go. Nothing more frustrating then having traps in dead zones on large maps.

    - My last ideal buff for trapper would be to make traps so they blend slightly into the environment. That way when you are on lighter maps or inside they don't stick out like crazy. Simply making them darker can backfire on the wrong map so making traps able to adapt to the environment colours would be nice. For example, on white tile the trap would slightly lighten.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Without a bag, the Trapper is basically an M1 killer with no power for almost the entirety of the game.

    If you want to actually use your traps, even with a bag, you need to roam around the map to collect and place traps, costing you the early game, because otherwise you're just playing an M1 killer with no power.

    If survivors see his traps outside of being chased by him, they can disable them easily with no, leaving him an M1 killer with no power.

    If he steps in one of his own traps, he basically pallet stuns himself, but with no benefit from Endurance. If you were carrying a survivor at the time, well, if you wanna catch them, you're gonna have to do it as an M1 killer. With no power.

    What were they thinking when they made this guy? His power can be disabled or even full on detrimental to him in so many ways that you're better off just playing Hag, since she

    • Doesn't have traps that harm her
    • Doesn't have to collect her traps
    • Has like eight traps or something at the start, and gets them back without having to put in much effort
    • Sets traps way faster than Trapper even with purple trap setters
    • Can hide her traps fairly easily even without add-ons
    • Can reliably inflict M1 effects (IE Sloppy Butcher) with her traps
    • Can use her traps to traverse the map, easily justifying he 110% movespeed
    • Is not the worst killer in the game