So I replayed re7 biohazard

And I'll say while it is quite scary but jack backer or margret wouldn't feel the same in dbd as nemissis or mr x would plus their power would be very limited Lucas could be the best from re 7 but why choose him when you have the others
Add Daniel from Resistance and let him summon every Bioweapon.
Somewhat joking but I want to hear that mans voice more in other games.
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I love, LOVE, LOVE, the entire sequence in the beginning as Ethan finding Mia, being lead around the basement, she disappears, and then shortly after leaving the basement, we get a spectacular, terrifying tribute to The Evil Dead. That part of the game will forever stick in my mind, simply because up until that point Resident Evil had NEVER been as terrifying or as violent as that, EVER!
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To respond directly to your post though, I’d say it’s very unlikely we’ll got anything other than the most iconic of villains. It’ll either be Birken, Tyrant/Mr X, Nemesis, Jack Baker, possibly Wesker.
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I think Jack could work fine in dbd, definitely more so than Nemesis or Mr. X would.
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100% agree, and someone made a good point that one of the tyrants? from code veronica might be the one coming in because of some hints within the rift and something that Matheiu Cote said (sorry if I mispelled is name).
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That might have been me! Was it on Twitter?
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Tbh I agree, I really don't think that Biohazard was very representative of the series as a whole anyway, enemies like Mr X or Nemesis are much more iconic than Jack Baker.
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They have more personality but they just dont work he has no real power
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Yeah I heard the news, Cote quoted Clair from Code Veronica. Honestly though, I doubt it'll be the tyrant from that game. I can very much see Clair working, but the tyrant from Code Veronica isn't as popular or well know as the other games. That could just be me though.
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What tyrant is that?
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My point exactly, is just isn't that well know.
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I think Biohazard is representative of what was a dying series, I can't think of any other RE game that isn't as representative as 7, particularly with what the series was becoming so in a way Re 7 saved the franchise from going down that path
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The only re game I didn't like was 6 I've played 2 and up and I'm saying nemissis is best pick with mr x as the second one
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Is he though? In my eyes, Nemesis in my eyes is just a hulking piece of meat that just says stars and that's it. Sure he has a rocket launcher, but do you honestly think they will allow that in DBD, without nerfing it to the ground? What about his tentacles you'll ask, we have Deathslinger, and what if he uses them as he does in Resistance, we have PH. Basically, the only thing he can do is bust through a wall, and that's it
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Something I always found funny was that for how much Nemesis is considered to be the most iconic RE monster, the original RE3 is the least grossing game in the franchise.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it was a good game, but as I said it's just something I always found amusing.
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Wait really? Damn then I don't why people want Nemesis so bad now
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I made an entire power related to nemissis and I personally think it works quite well
And personality is nice but Myers is literally just a guy with a knife that stares at you and people love him the only time he isint is when he is killing you with mori
(Not haiting on myers btw love the movie just clarification incase that sounded like I was hating)
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Least grossing at what year because if this is of all time I can see why with the remakes being out and not being able to be played on certain console's anymore
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I believe that games like 5 and 6 were the series beginning to die, but I feel as though the only thing that caused 7 to be so successful was the fact that it was from a big company, had a recognised title, and exploited the fact that VR was all the rage at its time of release. I think that the only thing that actually tied it in with the rest of the series was the fact that a virus created the enemies. Had it not been for these factors, it could have passed as a completely different title altogether.
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Yeah deffently 6 I can't be sure with 5 because that's where I started
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There haven't been any recent articles about it from what I've read, but as of October of 2020 RE7 is actually the best-selling game in the franchise.
Edit: I found another article also from October of 2020 that said apparently RE5 is the highest grossing game. But I've seen more articles from August saying RE7 is the best-selling game. Man, I don't know. I wish someone would just release a modern article. I'm just gonna go with RE7 is the best-selling game because I've seen way more articles saying that it is rather than any other RE game.
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I'm not sure, the article was from October of 2020.
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I mean that I've known, so I'd say Re 7 is a lot more known then RE 3 or some of the others
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I'd also like to say I've fully finished my fan made chapter for Jack if you'd like to look at it in another thread.
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Really I'll look what's it called because I Made mine for nemissis
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Sorry, wasn't a tyrant, but the character that I was talking about was Alexia Ashford, the main antagonist of Code: Veronica.
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They look unique dont know anything about them
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That just reminded me that Evil Dead game is being made.
It has Coop versus other players too so it will be a lot of fun I hope.
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yeah I’m looking forward to that one.
We’re gonna be getting it good with coop horror.
Back 4 Blood.
The new Aliens game.
Evil Dead.
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Alright, if you want to look at it, it's right here in this thread.
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Food for thought:
If it's Baker they could bring a RE map with the Swamp update, I think
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I like that idea if there is a map
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I am a massive aliens fan but that game looks....I dunno doesn't have much to it. No versus, only 3 people teams, and everything I've seen is just walking through corridors spraying down aliens. Not much depth to it. When asked about replayability and what would keep people coming back to their game devs just said "Well it has numerous difficulty options". I don't think it will be awful, but I think it won't be a long stay by any means.
Back 4 Blood I also didn't enjoy the beta all that much, and almost everyone I played with was as confused as I was as to what was going on half the time haha. Loved Evolve but I dunno, this one is supposed to get a versus mode down the road and other things so I hope it turns out okay.
I like what little I saw of Evil Dead though so far quite a bit.
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Did you ever play Left 4 Dead?
I was fanatically in love with both games. So that’s enough for me to be excited about Back 4 Blood. It looks like everything L4D was times 10.
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Yes I played it a bunch, I loved it.
However everything I loved about Left 4 Dead wasn't much in Back 4 Blood when I played it.
I'll have to see if they do another beta or it's improved at launch, but I wasn't impressed at all really.
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Hmmm. That’s concerning. I already put a fully paid off preorder on the ultimate edition the day the announcement dropped.
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They got a ton of feedback and a lot of it was people, so it will depend on how much they listen to it. We'll see.
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Would also like to point out that in the teaser, it sounds like Molded noises.