Remember Me and No Way Out are the same perk

They are the same effect achieved in a different way. I dont think that we should have perks that overlap like this. Seems lazy and I think that one of them could be changed into something else. Both essentially add time to open the exit gate. They are both bad and barely felt on their own. When coupled together you dedicate half your perks to something that can easily be worked around by most survivors.
I think we could brainstorm something better. Maybe the devs can take that idea and implement it so we have more flavor in the game. My proposition is to change No Way Out. I think that we could have it affect the hatch mechanic in some way. Maybe Let the killer see the aura of the hatch? You guys got any ideas or thoughts on this?
I always had an idea to rework remember me
Every time you hit the obsession gain 1 token up to 4. Every time a survivor lets go of an exit switch it will be blocked for 10 seconds. During this time it will regress 25% of its total progress
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I mean you could make it take about 70s to open the exit gates after the last gen pops. That's about 2 chases without having to worry just because of those 2 perks
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no, see both are bad but no way out is worse
remember me forces survivors to actually be on a gate but with no way out you can see the gate is blocked from like a mile away then just afk immerse until it's unblocked
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170 perks currently.
There is bound to be some overlap by now so it's not really a problem. You can put them all together for a fun end game build now so that's something
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they are not a tall.
no way out is highkey underrated.
it has given me value on blight every single game the gates have been powered, and i don't have to play any differently for it.
the perk will save your ass if you get any information in the endgame. can be the difference between +2 hooks/a kill or not (or a 4k)
remember me adds 16 seconds on a gate for BASIC ATTACKING your obsession. used to be ok, now it's just hot trash. no way out is genuinely decent.
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No way out adds 42 seconds during which the exit gates cannot even be interacted with. Remember me adds a maximum of 16 seconds, which can be counteracted by having the obsession open the gates or with leader and wake up. You can still 99 gates with remember me, too. I wouldn't exactly call these perks similar.
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Oh my bad!
Once the switch has been blocked and regressed you lose one token