Why is the survivor punished for killer being toxic?

just got face camped by a Bubba with 5 gens up and I’m the one who depips. Shouldn’t there be some system in place to at least black pip in a completely uncontrollable situation like this?
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Face camping as bubba at 5 gens within the first 2 minutes of the game isn’t toxic?
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So because I can’t run an insta down killer on a 5 Gen chase while he uses tinkerer...that’s my fault? That’s like survivors saying “Oh well if you don’t like getting Gen rushed and tea bagged at the gates just apply pressure.”
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Well you got caught at 5 gens and died on the first hook. What did you do that wouldn't warrant a depip?
Like sure it sucks to get face camped and depip, but it shouldn't be too hard for you to get back that pip.
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Ugh, found the face camper. I hate people that justify this kind of ######### playing.
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TC I agree with you even though you have a bunch of ######### arguing this kind of ######### play just for the sake of it.
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You might not like it, i don't like it either and i think that people who play that way don't know how to play as LF, but that's not toxic.
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You said it your self, you camp, unless you’re doing it end game, it’s a ######### and dumb way to play the game as a killer, unfortunately you get away with it because of bad solo players.
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Lol whatever you say. I reached rank 3 as a killer and never once did I camp a survivor unless end game hit. Otherwise it’s a ######### / dumb way to play, and a gen efficient SWF team will tear you a new ######### if they so much as smell you face camp.
Not to mention it just robs someone elses enjoyment of the game. So imo I agree with TC it’s toxic.
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I agree with you. Camping is tactic and legal. But i found funny you invited him to vs for see who is good. How old are you lol
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The killer sandbagging survivors all game and people holding the game hostage in general are also toxic. I mean, you can be banned doing those things for a reason. 🤷🏼♂️
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What I like about these forums is that people who advocate for killers normally act like Bloodlust and endless tunneling are not a thing. If a killer catches you, because he sure will, it's ALWAYS because you got outplayed. I'd like to see survivors getting Sprint Burst active all the time, becoming increasingly fast for each 10 seconds of chase.
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Because even you defeat him in game that will not make you right. We are talking about camping is toxic or not and you are invited this guy vs because of who is good lol. So if this guy defeat you, that will make camping toxic? What is point?
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Oh no you mean there are players that don't follow the imaginary survivor rule book 😭😭😭
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I hit rank 3 as killer and never once did I have to resort to face camp like a tool. It’s a dumb way to play and a gen efficient SWF will tear you a new one and then find a way to save their friend and all exit while you stand there like a dummy wondering how that happened.
The only time I ever camp is when end game hits period, and that’s not always the case sometimes I’ll cut some people off when they head to a gate not expecting me to show up.
Face camping is a douchebag way to play the game that robs someone else their enjoyment of the game, maybe try not to be so sweaty.
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First of all, watch the attitude. Second of all, are you actually serious? Lmao. So if a killer finds a survivor in a corner or a room with only one way out and they block them from leaving, that isn’t sandbagging? Could’ve fooled me. The moderators on this forum have already stated this is bannable because the killer is stopping the survivor from participating in the match.
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But that's exactly what survivors say. They deny Gen rush is even a thing, they think all 4 survivors going into a different gen each so in 80 seconds (less with Brand new parts) you pop 4 gens if the killer doesn't find you i t's ok.
So what's the problem? Survivors get an easy win, find a key, leave through hatch, but the killer can't secure a kill with Bubba?
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I already said that, i agree with you. Camping is legal and killers can use that. And that is not toxic. If you dont wanna get camp, dont down. Win chase and escape. But inviting this guy to match was off topic
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I play like that at Red rank. Its due to my being forced to play at Red Rank, i have to be insanely tryhards at Red Rank ,its just better for me to Derank. Facecamping lets me derank, Unles the Devs do something that rewards rank i dont want to play at Red Rank, its very stressful and anti fun
i play a couple of matches and i am already at Rank 1
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It’s nothing to do with my ego? And this hasn’t actually ever happened to me. So stop assuming as you know what happens then. The moderators and the developers have said this is bannable. So how is that simply the killer ‘owning’ the survivors?! Please just say you’re a troll and leave.
If a killer blocks a survivor into a corner ALL GAME and refuses to let them participate in the match, they are being sandbagged as they’re unable to move. I’m literally repeating what the people who made this game have said. So maybe let them educate you a bit. 😘
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Your right, expect that this's called bodyclocking not sandbagging, so your also wrong, he's right that only survivor can sandbag, the killer can bodyblock survivor into a corner and don't make them play, which is bannable but it's not sandbagging
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You clearly asked "Let's just play it out and see who's better ;)" If you didnt asked for vs here, how you will see who is better? You are clearly trolling us, so good bye.
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This is the last time I’ll be speaking with you. I literally just told you in BLACK AND WHITE that what I said has been CONFIRMED by the CREATORS OF THIS GAME to be B A N N A B L E.
But apparently you know the rules of the game better than the people that created it? Good to know. 😅
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Okay, then that’s my bad. But the point I was making still stands and it’s still bannable. A killer body blocking a survivor all game isn’t simply the survivor being outplayed. If that was the case, the killer wouldn’t get banned for it? This TTV guy is just incredibly biased and has the most outlandish views on everything so I’m done speaking to somebody who’s below me in every sense of the word.
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I know that is PvP game and i already said million times, camping is one of the killer tactics. If killer wanna use it, all killer can use. That is not against rules. But point is if you playing better than him, that will not make you right about this topic. So if he win, then he will be right? No thank you
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I agree with this, the only think that was incorrect was how you called it, it's bannable for a reason, it's being a ######### ######### person, there's no outplay, and I agree with you on that.
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He’s just the typical internet user that likes to just presume. He keeps insinuating that I struggle against killers which is laughable as playing survivor is so easy and I actually play killer more. The thing with this forum and the internet in general, if you state something about survivors, you’re a whiny survivor main who can’t handle losing. And if you mention something about killers, you’re an entitled killer main who can’t handle losing lmao.
All I stated were facts. How is doing something that the developers have said you’ll be banned for, not toxic? This isn’t even something that’s up for debate. He just clearly has too much time on his hands and likes trying to stir the pot on here, so that’s why I’m not longer giving him what he wants.
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There is rules. If you dont play against rules, nothing is toxic. For both roles. You can win games and you can be really good killer/survivor but that will not make you right when you say "Genrush is toxic". Because it is survivor tactic. But you are saying "Let's just play it out and see who's better ;)" this. Even you win your all matches that will not make you right about anything. That is off topic.
And yes i am so sad. :((( The guy i never see, i never meet and possibly i will never see and meet made me sad :( Please stop :(((((( I am crying on bed right now, are you happy huh?
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Okay, let’s ask a moderator shall we?
@MandyTalk If a killer was to find a survivor at the start of a match in a room with only one way in and one way out, and that killer was to stand in the doorway and body block the survivor ALL GAME so that they couldn’t participate in the match, could that killer be reported / banned for holding the game hostage for that survivor? Because I think so. But @TTV_WAWAbyWibWib seems to think that’s just the survivor being ‘outplayed’ so if you could clear things up. That would be great. 🤟🏻
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I believed I was asking for Mandy’s response and not your own? So I’ll wait to hear what she replies with. 😚
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And again you are not making any sense. I am saying "winning matches will not make you right" and you said lets see who is better. Even you are best DbD player, that will not make you right. You managed to be wrong about something you were right. So you cant confirm your opinions with win match. You can confirm with rules, we all know already game tactics are not toxic. So you tried with wrong way.
And you called me upset and now you are saying my emotions are my own business. So why you talked about my emotion then? Are you okey budiiii? :d
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I'm sorry this happened to you but camping is a valid strategy. I hate being face camped too but at the same time I'm okay with it as long as my teammates can rush out gens and leave.
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