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  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    We all know DS and NOEDs are best friends because they both have one thing in common:

    They reward you being ######### at the game.

    But, it's not hard to go and find all 5 totems at 1 generator left. Soooo..

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    NOED either speeds up the game in lighting a fire under the asses of the survivors to escape, or it slows the game down forcing survivors to break totems, or dealing with potential rescues once the gens are done.
    Make your choice.
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    So why want it gone when a lot of valid points have been said also erm all you need to cover noed is to use a Insta down character or chase the wounded guy they come for a rescue and get slugged almost won a 4k game with Michel with it and stalking
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @Fibijean said:
    @twistedmonkey While I agree that NOED doesn't need a nerf, I think you're seriously underestimating the cost of countering it. The time cost isn't how long it takes to cleanse all the totems, it's the time it takes to find all 5, and if multiple people are cleansing, the time it takes to say, cleanse 3 and then find the other 2 broken ones to confirm that they are, in fact, broken. Takes several minutes at least, if you're lucky. More often it takes at least half the game, assuming you don't have a perk like small game to help. Obviously it's quicker then, but most people don't run small game.

    Personally I don't think i am underestimating anything, now if you apply it to one survivor only then yes it can take a long time and I think the case for it taking a long time with everyone looking only applies to certain maps like Lery's or the game, most other maps you will end up walking/running past a totem to get to a gen, how often have you saw someone on a gen and a totem right beside them?

    The overall problem is not everyone actually cleanses them and i find it is generally those people who don't cleanse them that complain, the only issue is if you are the only one doing them is you can not tell if others have ignored then which is probably more than likely the case, if you are running around the map the chances are you will always see one or two totems at least (again apart fro Lerys or The Game), the fact is NOED is designed to slow the game down and to stop survivors just sitting on gens or be punished at the end game which it seems to do a pretty good job of.

    Even if everybody cleansed them, it would take a lot more than 14 seconds out of the game. You're not factoring in the time it takes to find them at all. Some totem placements are better than others, and some maps are easier to find them on than others. But in most cases regardless, it still takes time to look around and find them, while also trying to avoid the killer if they're nearby. Or if you get found, which usually happens to someone within the first 30-60 seconds of the match, that's time that you're not cleansing totems as well. Even if no one gets found and they all make totem cleansing a priority, they still waste time finding the rest to make sure that they're all gone, because without SWF and third-party VC they have no way of knowing how many totems other people have cleansed without checking for themselves.

    So if all the survivors collectively spawned within view of all 5 totems and cleansed them straight away, plus they were a SWF 4 man and could then tell each other that they'd all cleansed totems, and they weren't interrupted by a killer like nurse or hillbilly (i.e. huge map presence) during that time, then MAYBE it would take as short a time as you say. But that's a fantasy situation, not the reality for most games.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    It's just another buff for babykiller, it's fine.

    in SWF just remove all 5 totems before last gen.

    In Solo(like me)... Good luck
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Lanis_ said:
    It's just another buff for babykiller, it's fine.

    in SWF just remove all 5 totems before last gen.

    In Solo(like me)... Good luck
    Or in solo do any dull you see. I literally just played a game where I hit 2 dulls, haunted, and another dull leaving TotH up. Post game lookie there a NOED that didnt get to go off...
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Orion said:

    @Brady said:
    We all know DS and NOEDs are best friends because they both have one thing in common:

    They reward you being ######### at the game.

    But, it's not hard to go and find all 5 totems at 1 generator left. Soooo..

    DS punishes Killers for catching Survivors. NOED punishes Survivors for not breaking totems. They're not equivalent in any way, shape, or form.

    I hate the lame survivor excuse.
    Even DS is not for "######### player", because if the player is just crap, I get him right after the DS.
    Instead DS is a force multiplier. The better the player is to begin with, the better the perk gets and that's a huge problem.

  • Rudio1337
    Rudio1337 Member Posts: 34
    Cleansing all the dull time actually takes more time than you think, especially on stupid maps like swamp or game. And other factors mentioned before. Pretty much the reason why most survivors just give up on the totem hunt and do gens to progress the game. Besides that, the perk isn't too hard to counter if you actually do the totems, survivors just stick around too long on the map after exit gates are opened. This ofc leads to the killer just getting free downs with NOED
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Rudio1337 said:
    Cleansing all the dull time actually takes more time than you think, especially on stupid maps like swamp or game. And other factors mentioned before. Pretty much the reason why most survivors just give up on the totem hunt and do gens to progress the game. Besides that, the perk isn't too hard to counter if you actually do the totems, survivors just stick around too long on the map after exit gates are opened. This ofc leads to the killer just getting free downs with NOED
    That's a really flimsy arguement. You dont have to search for them, most of the time you wander past them. 

    But the arguement is that if NOED is as overpowered or game changing as people say, 5 totems is a very small thing to do to prevent its existence.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rudio1337 said:

    Cleansing all the dull time actually takes more time than you think, especially on stupid maps like swamp or game. And other factors mentioned before. Pretty much the reason why most survivors just give up on the totem hunt and do gens to progress the game. Besides that, the perk isn't too hard to counter if you actually do the totems, survivors just stick around too long on the map after exit gates are opened. This ofc leads to the killer just getting free downs with NOED

    That's a really flimsy arguement. You dont have to search for them, most of the time you wander past them. 

    But the arguement is that if NOED is as overpowered or game changing as people say, 5 totems is a very small thing to do to prevent its existence.

    True, if every survivor just cleanse the dull totems they just wander by, Noed is a non issue.
    4 survivor doing 1 dull totem each plus one Hex Ruin = no Noed.

    And I hate how survivor mains call that "free downs". The killer PAID for it by spending a perk slot and playing most of the match with one perk less. So what about that is "free"?

  • Rudio1337
    Rudio1337 Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2018
    Wolf74 said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rudio1337 said:

    Cleansing all the dull time actually takes more time than you think, especially on stupid maps like swamp or game. And other factors mentioned before. Pretty much the reason why most survivors just give up on the totem hunt and do gens to progress the game. Besides that, the perk isn't too hard to counter if you actually do the totems, survivors just stick around too long on the map after exit gates are opened. This ofc leads to the killer just getting free downs with NOED

    That's a really flimsy arguement. You dont have to search for them, most of the time you wander past them. 

    But the arguement is that if NOED is as overpowered or game changing as people say, 5 totems is a very small thing to do to prevent its existence.

    True, if every survivor just cleanse the dull totems they just wander by, Noed is a non issue.
    4 survivor doing 1 dull totem each plus one Hex Ruin = no Noed.

    And I hate how survivor mains call that "free downs". The killer PAID for it by spending a perk slot and playing most of the match with one perk less. So what about that is "free"?

    The "free" part means survivors playing with their food after exit gates are opened just for one unhook with an active NOED, thus resulting in free downs for the killer.

    I doubt you would find all the totems on first glance, then again it depends on the map aswell like I said before. Hence the most of the times I guess

    I would say NOED is at a fine spot right now. The "buff" wasnt that drastic as all the killers at the red ranks always had a lvl3 NOED lol

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited November 2018

    @Fibijean said:

    Even if everybody cleansed them, it would take a lot more than 14 seconds out of the game. You're not factoring in the time it takes to find them at all. Some totem placements are better than others, and some maps are easier to find them on than others. But in most cases regardless, it still takes time to look around and find them, while also trying to avoid the killer if they're nearby. Or if you get found, which usually happens to someone within the first 30-60 seconds of the match, that's time that you're not cleansing totems as well. Even if no one gets found and they all make totem cleansing a priority, they still waste time finding the rest to make sure that they're all gone, because without SWF and third-party VC they have no way of knowing how many totems other people have cleansed without checking for themselves.

    So if all the survivors collectively spawned within view of all 5 totems and cleansed them straight away, plus they were a SWF 4 man and could then tell each other that they'd all cleansed totems, and they weren't interrupted by a killer like nurse or hillbilly (i.e. huge map presence) during that time, then MAYBE it would take as short a time as you say. But that's a fantasy situation, not the reality for most games.

    Yes what I was stating is it takes 14 seconds for each one, the best case scenario is each one a survivor runs past gets cleansed, that is only 70 seconds to cleanse all the totems, its the equivalent of almost doing one gen and it only takes away 14 seconds from each survivor with one being 28 seconds.

    Of course they have to use a few seconds running to the totems they see and if the killer finds them they can lose what progress they may have done but let me put it this way, in doing this objective you do not let the perk activate, it saves someone going down at the end game so easily, it saves the time in everyone or maybe just one trying to find NOED at end game, the time taken within the match saves the time at the end, of course you could just leave the game but most do not and that is why it is complained about so much.

    You actually hit the nail on the head, of course it wastes time and that is the pupose of it being a totem, the fact that you have to take time of gens means it is working as intented, numerous times I have cleansed 3 or 4 totems per match only to find NOED activating, guess what happened? 1k turned into 3k and those players complained the killer was a noob for using it in the end game chat, who was actually the bad player in that scenario?

    My point still stands apart from Lery's and The Game how often do you actually run around doing gens and not spot a totem within 30 seconds? i would say its very rare that you never pass any unless you spawn right next to a gen and start on it instantly.

    The reality for most games is that a lot of players just dont do them, NOED is in essence a totem to give survivors what many people have been asking for, another objective for survivors to do, of course it can take time but thats the whole point, dont take the time and you risk the perk activating, its a choice you make.

    Would you prefer it went back to be the original way? NOED used to be perma at the end game when the game first came out, now it has an actualy counter its just people refuse to use that and then blame the mechanic or the player.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Bad killers use noed and noed activates against bad survivors so the perk seems balanced so far.

    Nope, i met enough tryhard billys and nurses with over 3k hours who used that perk, even at high ranks.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @JanTheMan said:
    This perk is so stupid. I had I game were a doctor was running this perk (tier 1 oc) and got an easy 2 kills because of it. I did most of the gens, when for saves, stayed stealthy, even cleansed some totems too. But nope he hits me once the whole game and I die. He wouldn't have even found me if he didn't have bitter murmured too, I was in madness 1 the whole game also. He ended up camping me and nodded his head, as well as hitting on hook, like why?

    I feel with you. Can't count the amount of matches anymore where i had that exact scenario.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @megdonalds said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Bad killers use noed and noed activates against bad survivors so the perk seems balanced so far.

    Nope, i met enough tryhard billys and nurses with over 3k hours who used that perk, even at high ranks.

    I'm asking this to stop.
    One shot killers like Billy, Myers, and Pleather Face shouldn't be allowed to run that Perk.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    You can delete noed by destroying the totems. I think the importance of doing totems is a filler until the devs work out how end game will change. Don't be cocky, you are not safe if the gate is open. You are only safe when you are out. 
    I like this noed buff because I have the worst luck in the bloodweb and I get a lot of perks which don't mix well on the killers I play least.

    Like I prestiged my spirit to level 40 and the only good perks I have at tier 3 is save the best for last. 
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
    ShyN3ko said:

    @ReneAensland schrieb:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.

    Its a meta perk.
    The others are DS, Self Care and Sprint Boost.
    And on high rank everyone used it.

    Neither Adrenaline nor Sprint Burst are meta, exhaustion perks have been trash for a while now.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Star99er said:


    Neither Adrenaline nor Sprint Burst are meta, exhaustion perks have been trash for a while now.

    O.o You can't be serious about that post.
    SB is still one of the most used perks. I would say still #2 after SC.
    And ADR is usually a runner up for the 4th slot.
    Sure has hell they are both full meta.

  • Fenix
    Fenix Member Posts: 13
    Do the f#$%ing totems. You now most killer use it ,so if you cleanse a totem safe. Do it.
    I got some bad mouthing by some players, because i do totems before gens if they are close to one other. Saved some of these idiots because of that.
    Its a ######### perk for surv buth so is DS. 
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    You got dunked on... LULS.

    Good post!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    Star99er said:
    ShyN3ko said:

    @ReneAensland schrieb:

    @ShyN3ko said:
    Funny thing.
    When you think NOED is just for bad killers.
    Why every survivors uses adrenalin?
    Adrenalin is in the meta for survivors.
    When you said NOED is for noobs, then adrenalin
    is for noobs, too.

    You have to level up Meg for that.
    And I rarely see Adrenaline users.

    Its a meta perk.
    The others are DS, Self Care and Sprint Boost.
    And on high rank everyone used it.

    Neither Adrenaline nor Sprint Burst are meta, exhaustion perks have been trash for a while now.
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @Fibijean said:

    Even if everybody cleansed them, it would take a lot more than 14 seconds out of the game. You're not factoring in the time it takes to find them at all. Some totem placements are better than others, and some maps are easier to find them on than others. But in most cases regardless, it still takes time to look around and find them, while also trying to avoid the killer if they're nearby. Or if you get found, which usually happens to someone within the first 30-60 seconds of the match, that's time that you're not cleansing totems as well. Even if no one gets found and they all make totem cleansing a priority, they still waste time finding the rest to make sure that they're all gone, because without SWF and third-party VC they have no way of knowing how many totems other people have cleansed without checking for themselves.

    So if all the survivors collectively spawned within view of all 5 totems and cleansed them straight away, plus they were a SWF 4 man and could then tell each other that they'd all cleansed totems, and they weren't interrupted by a killer like nurse or hillbilly (i.e. huge map presence) during that time, then MAYBE it would take as short a time as you say. But that's a fantasy situation, not the reality for most games.

    Yes what I was stating is it takes 14 seconds for each one, the best case scenario is each one a survivor runs past gets cleansed, that is only 70 seconds to cleanse all the totems, its the equivalent of almost doing one gen and it only takes away 14 seconds from each survivor with one being 28 seconds.

    Of course they have to use a few seconds running to the totems they see and if the killer finds them they can lose what progress they may have done but let me put it this way, in doing this objective you do not let the perk activate, it saves someone going down at the end game so easily, it saves the time in everyone or maybe just one trying to find NOED at end game, the time taken within the match saves the time at the end, of course you could just leave the game but most do not and that is why it is complained about so much.

    You actually hit the nail on the head, of course it wastes time and that is the pupose of it being a totem, the fact that you have to take time of gens means it is working as intented, numerous times I have cleansed 3 or 4 totems per match only to find NOED activating, guess what happened? 1k turned into 3k and those players complained the killer was a noob for using it in the end game chat, who was actually the bad player in that scenario?

    My point still stands apart from Lery's and The Game how often do you actually run around doing gens and not spot a totem within 30 seconds? i would say its very rare that you never pass any unless you spawn right next to a gen and start on it instantly.

    The reality for most games is that a lot of players just dont do them, NOED is in essence a totem to give survivors what many people have been asking for, another objective for survivors to do, of course it can take time but thats the whole point, dont take the time and you risk the perk activating, its a choice you make.

    Would you prefer it went back to be the original way? NOED used to be perma at the end game when the game first came out, now it has an actualy counter its just people refuse to use that and then blame the mechanic or the player.

    I think you've misunderstood me. I never suggested that NOED was a bad perk, that it is overpowered, or that the fact that it takes time to counter is a bad thing. I think it's great, actually. I was just contesting your suggestion that it realistically takes 70 seconds to cleanse all the totems, because it actually takes a lot more than that. Yes, you often see totems around the map. That doesn't mean that you can find all 5 easily. You might only see 3 or 4, and spend ages looking for the rest. Just because totems are visible doesn't mean you can just go from totem to totem taking them all out with ease, because you might know where 1 or 2 are but you have to search for the rest, while being stealthy so the killer doesn't find you. It takes time.

    And as I said, it doesn't actually matter much in terms of efficiency whether or not everyone is cleansing totems, because even if others have cleansed some, you don't know that, so if you want to make sure they're all gone you have to go around and find each one anyway to make sure it's gone (plus they're not as easy to see when they're already broken). And that takes more time. Which, again, is not a bad thing necessarily, but it's incorrect and dangerous to think that NOED takes no time at all to counter. The counter is simple and easy, but in reality it isn't quick. That's all I'm saying.

    If you still aren't sure what I'm talking about, imagine that I said "well it only takes a maximum of 120 seconds to kill a survivor, so your games should only last 480 seconds at a maximum. I mean, how often do you see other survivors when you're in a chase?" Obviously it's not exactly the same thing, because survivors are sentient and mobile unlike totems, but the point is, moving around the map takes time. Locating and chasing down survivors takes time. Hooking them isn't the difficult or time-consuming part, so it's silly to act as though that's the only part worth mentioning. Similarly, the difficult and time consuming parts of totem cleansing aren't the actual cleansing but moving around the map, stealth, and locatinig totems. There's a lot more to it than just that 70 seconds.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    i hate when posts like this last forever

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Fibijean said:

    I think you've misunderstood me. I never suggested that NOED was a bad perk, that it is overpowered, or that the fact that it takes time to counter is a bad thing. I think it's great, actually. I was just contesting your suggestion that it realistically takes 70 seconds to cleanse all the totems, because it actually takes a lot more than that. Yes, you often see totems around the map. That doesn't mean that you can find all 5 easily. You might only see 3 or 4, and spend ages looking for the rest. Just because totems are visible doesn't mean you can just go from totem to totem taking them all out with ease, because you might know where 1 or 2 are but you have to search for the rest, while being stealthy so the killer doesn't find you. It takes time.

    And as I said, it doesn't actually matter much in terms of efficiency whether or not everyone is cleansing totems, because even if others have cleansed some, you don't know that, so if you want to make sure they're all gone you have to go around and find each one anyway to make sure it's gone (plus they're not as easy to see when they're already broken). And that takes more time. Which, again, is not a bad thing necessarily, but it's incorrect and dangerous to think that NOED takes no time at all to counter. The counter is simple and easy, but in reality it isn't quick. That's all I'm saying.

    If you still aren't sure what I'm talking about, imagine that I said "well it only takes a maximum of 120 seconds to kill a survivor, so your games should only last 480 seconds at a maximum. I mean, how often do you see other survivors when you're in a chase?" Obviously it's not exactly the same thing, because survivors are sentient and mobile unlike totems, but the point is, moving around the map takes time. Locating and chasing down survivors takes time. Hooking them isn't the difficult or time-consuming part, so it's silly to act as though that's the only part worth mentioning. Similarly, the difficult and time consuming parts of totem cleansing aren't the actual cleansing but moving around the map, stealth, and locatinig totems. There's a lot more to it than just that 70 seconds.

    Sorry yes I misunderstood a bit, I am in agreement that NOED can take a lot of time to remove, totems take 70 seconds to cleanse not factoring in finding and moving to them, but thats not to say its hard to do, it could take 3 times as long in the grand sceme of things, I do however still stand by my statement of which it can be taken out the game very quickly if each survivor simply did each totem they saw when they had the chance too, I also think for the most part in most of the maps we will all see a totem if spawned accross the map within the first 30-60 seconds of the game starting and thats not actively looking for them, that is just moving towards our objective of doing gens.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @Fibijean said:

    I think you've misunderstood me. I never suggested that NOED was a bad perk, that it is overpowered, or that the fact that it takes time to counter is a bad thing. I think it's great, actually. I was just contesting your suggestion that it realistically takes 70 seconds to cleanse all the totems, because it actually takes a lot more than that. Yes, you often see totems around the map. That doesn't mean that you can find all 5 easily. You might only see 3 or 4, and spend ages looking for the rest. Just because totems are visible doesn't mean you can just go from totem to totem taking them all out with ease, because you might know where 1 or 2 are but you have to search for the rest, while being stealthy so the killer doesn't find you. It takes time.

    And as I said, it doesn't actually matter much in terms of efficiency whether or not everyone is cleansing totems, because even if others have cleansed some, you don't know that, so if you want to make sure they're all gone you have to go around and find each one anyway to make sure it's gone (plus they're not as easy to see when they're already broken). And that takes more time. Which, again, is not a bad thing necessarily, but it's incorrect and dangerous to think that NOED takes no time at all to counter. The counter is simple and easy, but in reality it isn't quick. That's all I'm saying.

    If you still aren't sure what I'm talking about, imagine that I said "well it only takes a maximum of 120 seconds to kill a survivor, so your games should only last 480 seconds at a maximum. I mean, how often do you see other survivors when you're in a chase?" Obviously it's not exactly the same thing, because survivors are sentient and mobile unlike totems, but the point is, moving around the map takes time. Locating and chasing down survivors takes time. Hooking them isn't the difficult or time-consuming part, so it's silly to act as though that's the only part worth mentioning. Similarly, the difficult and time consuming parts of totem cleansing aren't the actual cleansing but moving around the map, stealth, and locatinig totems. There's a lot more to it than just that 70 seconds.

    Sorry yes I misunderstood a bit, I am in agreement that NOED can take a lot of time to remove, totems take 70 seconds to cleanse not factoring in finding and moving to them, but thats not to say its hard to do, it could take 3 times as long in the grand sceme of things, I do however still stand by my statement of which it can be taken out the game very quickly if each survivor simply did each totem they saw when they had the chance too, I also think for the most part in most of the maps we will all see a totem if spawned accross the map within the first 30-60 seconds of the game starting and thats not actively looking for them, that is just moving towards our objective of doing gens.

    You're quite right that totems are often easy to spot and the perk can be disabled relatively quickly if everyone does their job. However, unless the whole team is communicating, as an individual you have no way of knowing how many totems have been cleansed by other people, so you still need to find each totem to make sure that you're safe, and that can take as much time as just doing them all yourself. And if everyone cares enough about disabling NOED to cleanse totems, it's likely that everyone will be taking the time to search the map to make sure they're all cleansed, which means they're not doing generators and they are making themselves vulnerable to the killer. I imagine if everyone did care that much about secondary objectives, it would play out fairly similarly, though perhaps not as dramatically, as the Hallowed Blight event.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @megdonalds said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Bad killers use noed and noed activates against bad survivors so the perk seems balanced so far.

    Nope, i met enough tryhard billys and nurses with over 3k hours who used that perk, even at high ranks.

    I'm asking this to stop.
    One shot killers like Billy, Myers, and Pleather Face shouldn't be allowed to run that Perk.

    Why not? If they have a 1 down it's a wasted slot right? I just like it on meyers for the people that like to t bag and hang out thinking you cant hit EW3 again and show them NOED is a thing. 

    Also, nobody ever expects it. What about Nurse? Teleporting 1 downs behind the exit gate?
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    The fact that the # of totems left is unknown without voice coms is a benefit for the killer. The idea being survivors may still be looking after all have been cleansed. Its not a baby tool though, granted it is used by noobs far more often. Its a tactical choice that heavily relies on survivors rushing to get out. It is easily negated but has a huge pay off when it does activate. 
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Assume NOED until proven otherwise. Bust the totems. And GTFO when the gates are open.

    Harsh reality: The only reason to save your teammates is to assist in getting the gates open. Once the gates are open, GTFO. You don't get extra points for them surviving, and losing your escape points isn't worth the unhook points.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @DemonDaddy said:
    The fact that the # of totems left is unknown without voice coms is a benefit for the killer. The idea being survivors may still be looking after all have been cleansed. Its not a baby tool though, granted it is used by noobs far more often. Its a tactical choice that heavily relies on survivors rushing to get out. It is easily negated but has a huge pay off when it does activate. 

    So it's high-risk, high-reward, and primarily benefits newbies, while good Killers have next to no benefit from it. Sounds like a perfectly balanced mechanic.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Orion said:

    @DemonDaddy said:
    The fact that the # of totems left is unknown without voice coms is a benefit for the killer. The idea being survivors may still be looking after all have been cleansed. Its not a baby tool though, granted it is used by noobs far more often. Its a tactical choice that heavily relies on survivors rushing to get out. It is easily negated but has a huge pay off when it does activate. 

    So it's high-risk, high-reward, and primarily benefits newbies, while good Killers have next to no benefit from it. Sounds like a perfectly balanced mechanic.

    I would say the benefit is the same reguardless of skill which is why it is balanced. The usefulness of the perk is better seen with a good player though as it creates a contest of skill and removes additional chances. Its a great perk but only if you can actually hit somebody. I've gotten away from it more than once cause of bad aim.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Carpemortum said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @megdonalds said:

     @EntityDispleased said:

    Bad killers use noed and noed activates against bad survivors so the perk seems balanced so far.

    Nope, i met enough tryhard billys and nurses with over 3k hours who used that perk, even at high ranks.

    I'm asking this to stop.

    One shot killers like Billy, Myers, and Pleather Face shouldn't be allowed to run that Perk.

    Why not? If they have a 1 down it's a wasted slot right? I just like it on meyers for the people that like to t bag and hang out thinking you cant hit EW3 again and show them NOED is a thing. 

    Also, nobody ever expects it. What about Nurse? Teleporting 1 downs behind the exit gate?

    1/5 Nurses that I've ever faced were adequate at best. I've never faced a godly Nurse, but I'm on Console.
    I wouldn't compare a Billy with NOED with a Nurse.

  • Demonsouls1993
    Demonsouls1993 Member Posts: 261
    JanTheMan said:
    This perk is so stupid. I had I game were a doctor was running this perk (tier 1 oc) and got an easy 2 kills because of it. I did most of the gens, when for saves, stayed stealthy, even cleansed some totems too. But nope he hits me once the whole game and I die. He wouldn't have even found me if he didn't have bitter murmured too, I was in madness 1 the whole game also. He ended up camping me and nodded his head, as well as hitting on hook, like why? Someone tried to save me and they got killed bcause of NOED too. The Devs really need to rework this perk, it allows bad killers to get kills.

    Edit: might have been a bit dramatic with the title, but thanks to those who gave me advice, I still think NOED is cheese, but I honestly forgot small game was a thing.
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