How about a new Item with the new Resident Evil chapter?

With the anniversary coming up with both dead by daylight 5 years and Resident Evil 25 years. I can inmaging it's going to be big. So i hope we get a lot of good stuff in the next chapter. And i hope a new item too.

If i think of Resident Evil, i think of knifes. In lots of Resident Evil games you can find knifes, to cut or to get a zombie of your back when you are grabed. Our favorite charakters of Resident Evil are not to mess with and i think they need a way to show that :). So i sugges a knife as a new item in the game. The knife can be activeted when you are grabed of a gen or pallet, window ect. You get a skill check te stab and the killer get a stun. Just like they do in Resident Evil 1 remake when a zombie grab them. They can hold the knife in the hand like the medkit or toolbox for people to see. 

If you want to make it really dangerous, you can sneak up to the killer and squat en slash with the knife by the killers legs, to make them slow down for a couple seconds, perhaps make them limp too? I think this will make for interest gameplay.

I also like the idea of a smoke grenate you can throw on the floor for a smoke screen. We al know how Resident Evil like there grenates :). The flash genate is a predictable choice, but we already got a lot of killer blind stun items. 


  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Im sorry, but i think that giving survivors free DS for no reason would be too powerful. The old DS was

    Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape.

    Once per Trial, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 3/4/5 seconds

    and it was too powerful, therefore changed. Now you suggest to bring it back in form of an item, so with plundereer and coins survivors could use it multiple times.

  • LiloCita
    LiloCita Member Posts: 3

    Why not think in possibilities? Why is it for no reason? A killer can't look away when he is vaulting a window, breaking a pallet or picking up a survivor. A killer blind stun with a flashlight is unavoidable with a survivor that can handle a flashlight. Why is that still in the game? Its a way to play the game and help you escape or help your fellow survivors, you can use the knife for that too.

    They nerfed DS yes, there was little counterplay against it because survivors could do anything they wanted wiith DS on. So the developers thought of possibilities to come up with a fair gameplay. So if the knife is OP then think in possibilities for counterplay. For example:

    Knife can be used only once, skill check missed is gone too. 

    Can only be used after first hook or second or only when you're healthy, injured or dying. 

    Develop a perk for the killer to counter it. Like the lightborn perk.

    Skill check is very small or give the killer the skill check to counter it. 

    Use the knife for something else: You can use the knife only to stab the killer when he is picking someone of the ground. You can only slash legs of killer to slow them down for couple of seconds. You can only throw the knife at the killer to slow him down for a couple of seconds.

    Its a game that can be programmed, use your imagination.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Maybe environmental herbs to collect and combine to make the equivalent of a brown medkit? 😅

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Tbh I would prefer a new map over a new item :D

    Respect to the decision to keep focussing on what is in the game and improve it. I would like to see this decision be done on not bringing a new DLC but solely fix bugs for one major chapter interval. But Resident Evil is such a big one. I really really really wanna play DBD in the RPD police station or something.

    But on topic, "we already have a lot of killer blind/stun items" also counts for your knife idea :) I think a DS item may be way to powerful. It is already a wide opinion that medkits are the strongest items in the game. I also think that the purple pills are the strongest addon. A bit hard to time sometimes but giving you an additional hit can be huge.

    I would prefer the smoke bomb you mentioned. It can cover open gens or an exit gate switch for example to force the killer to actually get close rather than just get sight. Could be some interesting plays, if the smoke lasts long enough. Otherwise it would just be a crow item for the killer, showing him where someone has recently been.

    Flashbomb is I think not a good idea as they already have the firecrackers, which would be kinda the same

    that would be a great idea. you could even make that a perk, so that this survivor is able to find those (like certain challenges spawn glyphs or plants). I would not add that by default into the game, because as said medkits are pretty strong

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    I think this would be cool to be honest but killers would hate it. Idk what but if this was to happen give killers a new item to do something so its fair.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    I think it could be cool to link to the Imperiatti/Pariahs with some vaguely occult stuff.

    What if survivors could lay a sigil on the ground like a 'trap' that would show the killer's aura or set off a loud noise notification if they move through it?