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4.6.1 Killer Tier List

Member Posts: 841

Got bored, decided to make a tier list on the upcoming patch and I probably have a controversial one, feel free to discuss.

Yes, Blight is the third strongest killer in the game, I will fight you on this.


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  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Blight is not S tier

  • Member Posts: 147

    I feel like the twins are still at the bottom of A tier and that Plague is before Wraith. I would also put Deathslinger between Hag & Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I actually agree with pretty much everything here.

    The only thing I'd change is to move Clown and Legion up to B-, and move Pig down to C, but those are just minor disagreements.

  • Member Posts: 587

    Wraith is s tier.

    Fight me

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Nope. Maybe with jflick exploit he is, but he's decent A

  • Member Posts: 2,785
    edited April 2021

    Bubba is B+ Tier, Oni > Billy unless you're facing very good survivors.

    Huntress is A tier and probably right beside Slinger (can be put either side of him) as range can be lethal on most loops.

    Pig is D tier, against semi good survivors she has no chase power unless you're an extremely advanced Pig, in which it changes to very little chase power

    Myers is D tier, focuses too much on his early game and good survivors will have the game practically over by the time he gets a play with his P3.

    Ghostface is B- simply due to his ability to get the first hit+ hide the red stain.

    Legion just behind Plague due to slowdown in B- tier.

    C tier is now renamed "Clown is god".

    Obviously everyone's opinions differ and many of mine may be unpopular.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    He's not same level as nurse or spirit, so not S tier

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't ever see anyone using Plague, Blight, Twins, Oni, hardly ever Freddy. I don't understand why, if so many people consider some of these characters so good, they're outnumbered twenty to one by Trickster players in my games.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    he's top of A tier. S tier is for completely busted killers who needs nerf or rework. Blight isn't overpowered so he's not S

  • Member Posts: 587

    Haven't played blight as much since I'm a console peasant with a ######### controller. So I won't be able to fully experiences the ping ball man but it great you're able to experience it

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I agree with this mostly but I don't think Ghostface should be C.

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    Hot Take: Deathslinger is B- Tier, and Trickster is right there behind him.

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  • Member Posts: 2,923

    trickster isnt the worst anymore

  • Unknown
    edited April 2021
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  • Member Posts: 841

    Nah, Bubba is A tier. He chews through pallets incredibly fast so you can't loop him for long, windows aren't an issue with something like bamboozle and can be handled easily. He can one-shot an entire team and his camping game is still the best in the game and the survivors have no choice but to leave the hooked person to die. If Bubba wants the hooked person dead, they will die.

    Bubba's only notable weakness is his standard mobility, other than what he has an excellent chase game and good utility.

    Except he is, but people sleep on him because not many play him at a competent level.

    His mobility is the best in the game. Almost always available, fluid control and gets you from one side of the map to the other in 10-15 seconds. What other killer can do that? Only Billy is comparable.

    Chase? You can't loop this guy at jungle gyms, L & T walls, killer shack or anywhere with straight loops because he'll simply bounce off an object and come right at you and get a hit and his killer comes back up in like 5-10 seconds.. lol. The only place you can loop this guy is at unsafe, circular loops which take 10-15 seconds to deal with by regular killer mechanics and then he's right back on you after breaking any pallet because you can't outrun him.

    Nurse and Spirit have better chase game, but if they're a 10/10, he's an 8/10... but they don't have the same mobility as he does. Spirit & Nurse still take 30-40 seconds to cross the map.

    Bubba for above.

    Oni's biggest weakness is getting his power. Good survivors will make it an absolute pain to get it, heal and limit how much you can use it and since without his bloody fury, he's just an M1 killer.. I can't put him above Billy who has his power at all times and isn't controlled by the survivors.

    Huntress is highly overrated IMO. She's so slow, the slowest killer in the game by a far mile and the hatchets have so much counter-play to them (which is good) that any good survivor has a chance to live against her for a decent time and she's map dependent, she's utterly useless on something like coldwind.

    Pig is barely B- because her traps are the best generator slowdown mechanic in the game and can outright kill the survivors with disgusting add-ons like the 5th box/tampered timer.

    Myers has one-shot, so he reaches C.

    Legion is C because he's just an M1 killer who makes everyone permanently injured. Plague does that but better and has corrupt purge on top of it if survivors heal against her.

    Deathslinger has one of the best chases in the game. He will kill you very quickly and the survivors choices don't matter, he's just slow and takes some time, hence A and not S tier. B- is for killers who are just M1 killers with good utility.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Here is mine:

  • Member Posts: 841

    Eh, the only ones which are criminal is Executioner and Deathslinger.

    They both eliminate any input from the survivors. No matter what you do, they hit you. Drop pallets? They hit you. Fake it? They still hit you. If Spirit's chase is 10/10, they're at a 8 or 9 out of 10.

    Oh and Executioner literally removes DS/BT from the game and can tunnel someone out the game faster than anyone else.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, but the thing is, PH and Deathslinger are chase-oriented killers, naturally worse than those with high mobility. A big map, or survivors who slam gens, can be devastating for them.

    Because of this, I don't think they are deserving of the A Tier. But I could be wrong tho, this is jut my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 841

    This also applies to Spirit, yet she's universally accepted as S tier eventhough she's slow.

    PH and DS are slow but have a comparable chase game to her.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    With the ptb id lower freddy a lot tbh

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    PH can't use his power to catch up to a survivor he just hit as his range isn't that far and survivors will easy run out of his range before he can recover.

    DS can really only do it if he lands a M1 hit first and has enough stacks of STBFL to recover for a quickscope shot before the survivor runs out of his max range. And even then that doesn't always work in some tiles due to walls.

    Spirit's duration addons currently also make her recovery her power faster and unless spirit uses her max duration every time she phases her cooldown isn't that long. Meaning she can realistically use her power, land a hit, recover, and then phase again giving the survivor very little distance against her.

    All 3 are strong in chase, but Spirit certainly has an advantage with how her power currently works.

    Blight can also do this too and even more effectively with Alchemist's Ring.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Swap Billy with Huntress. And Pig with Ghostface

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  • Member Posts: 2,193

    S is a killer who needs nerfs. There should not be s tier in perfectly balanced game

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2021

    if 2 killers are in the same tier the ones that I consider better are further left.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Yeah, ive seen as many polar bears this year as ive seen Blights.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Bubba is absolutely one of the worst characters in the game. If you can't run a bubba for 5 gens on most maps you're just bad

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    Id put him somewhere in the middle of the pack. A lot are better than him Anda lot are worse

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    Twins belong in C, Huntress belongs in A, Demo belongs in B-, and Bubba belongs in B+.

  • Member Posts: 508
    edited April 2021

    D TIER

    Trapper, Plague, Myers, and Pig in that order. Trapper doesn't need an explanation, and neither does Myers. I downgrade Plague because her power is completely in the survivor's hands to choose the convenient demerit to face against. She has potential to be better than Myers, but Myers has better consistency and arguably better perk synergy. He's still bad because he has to jump throug more hoops to ge ta mediocre power than any other killer in the game (yes, including Trickster ever since his buff). His perk synergy carries him though. Pig is a jack of all trades that's mediocre in in 2 out of 3 elements of her kit. Her traps are good. The only argument is "muh RNG" and those people unironically run ruin. The problem is Stealth slows Pig, requiring 2 perks (monitor and Whispers) to be functional, and her dash requires her to win a potential of 2 50/50 mindgames to be useful. Mindgame 1. Do they stay at the loop? Mindgame 2. Can I fake the direction or double fake? And some loops are simply too big for it to be used effectively.

    C TIER (the ok against casual squads killers that could use some further tweaks or a rework that change up the style a bit).

    Ghostface. Don't get me wrong, he's decent, but he's just a normal speed stealth M1 killer with possible surprise one-hits. His crouch is useful, but not amazing. All this, and his cooldown is awful. Legion is next. His slowdown and information is extremely useful. He also gets the first hits on survivors easier than any other killer, and if survivors decide to not heal, he's just a perma insta-down killer. Info perks are not as necessary, so you can stack up on slowdown and chase perks. He's surprisingly effective. Trickster. He's much better now. That aim speed and movement speed is really helpful for poking down survivors or forcing survivors to either not drop the pallets, or nearly fill up laceration while doing so, and main event not being punishing fixes a lot of issues. It's a strong burst of damage that can also be a huge altruism or out positioned punisher. This is even better with Monitor causing him to be psuedo-stealth. Of course, he's 110%, so when he comes across shack and LT walls, he struggles because his power is not the best there.

    B TIER (not separated into + and -).

    First is Letherface. Yes, he crushes pallets and is great for insta-downing out positioned survivors, and punishing altruism, but windows are a weakness that needs to be addressed with bamboozle, and he is, at the end of the day, a killer with no mobility or slowdown. Huntress and Clown take up the next spot. So. Clown is really underrated. He actually is really good in chase. On just about any loop, if the survivor does not pre-dropped, they are getting hit if 2 purples or a purple and yellow is used. Even with predropping, he can still get hits with the yellow bottle if it's not a big safe loop. Of course, there's the reload buff they give him which helps massively enabling these kinds of plays. Next above them is Deathslinger. Great chase potential alongside stealth with Monitor. The first hit will happen regardless of the loop as long as he can aim, and he does a great job with the second hit. You'll notice that there's a common theme. Good in chase, no map mobility or secondary way to influence the match. However next is Doctor. He does have good chasing with shocks, and he has detection and minor slowdown. This being said, his secondary benefits are really good, but not THAT good, so B-tier for him. Wraith is next. Getting purple windstorm at base is massive as it frees up his other add-on slots, my personal favorites being bone clapper and ghost for better ambushing. He's the inverse of everyone on the list. Bad chasing, but great mobility, and hit and run tactics are very effective. That being said, bring Franklins if there's a lot of medkits.

    A TIER

    Freddy. He belongs in the bottom, though he's still great. So, he's basically the first iteration of clown with high mobility mid-late game thanks to his teleport. Nothing else to say. Pyramid head is next. So, he's oppressive in chase, and has little else, though the cage does have high-utility options. However, having the consequence of removing the sword from the ground makes him weaker than he was, so he is no where near as high up. Demogorgon. Why is he this far up you ask? Well, his mobility is going to be significantly buffed, and he has much of Pyramid Head's zoning potential (more situational though). This, and his new add-ons are actually good this time. Next is Billy then a tie between Oni and Twins. Some swear by Billy, but no, he has problems. Yes, Billy can be all over the map from the start, but is that worthy of putting him above Oni and Twins? Yes, they get a start up though M1's, leaving them vulnerable to survivors playing safe, but how different is that from Billy? His chainsaw isn't going to become useful for downing unless a survivor is more vulnerable than what is required for an M1. Sure, he can mindgame loops, but there are 4 outcomes that's a 50/50 of rewards or severe punishment. Billy charges the chainsaw at the pallet and gets rid of it quickly. The survivor greeds the pallet when Billy's charging, getting another loop. Billy fakes it, and gets a curve or an M1 when the survivor greeds. He fakes, it, but the survivor doesn't greed the loop, so he played as a basic M1 killer. Also, his add-ons are almost exclusively memes and don't help him functionally. I don't see how the setup of Oni and Twins make them below him. Also, Hag is top of A.

    S Tier. Spirit, Blight, Nurse. If we're going by consistency, Nurse, Spirit, Blight. Why the distinction of consistency? Because Nurse is bugged to hades with chase-loosing bugs and some maps are just outright terrible for her. Hawkings and Lery's are borderline unplayable unless you happen to be using double recharge. Blight may have chase-loosing bugs, but you can learn the bugged collision. You can't teach yourself to avoid Nurse's bugs. They're random. That being said, with her best add-ons (the most expensive of which is simply a purple), she is the strongest killer in the game.

    The reason why Blight is above Spirit is because he can get hits the majority of places Spirit can, and he controls the map far better to the point to where there's no comparison. Unless there's a tile that's literally surrounded by nothing, Blight can get you by winning a single double back midgame on loops if he takes control of the pallet. Pre-dropping is not a great option either since he'll just get back his power 2 seconds after breaking it, and can usually catch up. In order to beat a Blight, he has to screw up, or you have to outthink him. Even on his bad maps, he's still a 115% killer with incredible mobility. And while Spirit can get hit in more loops than him and easier at that, that's not worth the map mobility trade-off.

  • Member Posts: 461

    i love seeing Wraith higher up on the tier lists. really liked that buff.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    It feels so weird to see Wraith higher than Hillbilly.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Lots of people are sleeping on him because he's had a history of being bad but rn he is in the strongest state he's ever been in

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  • Member Posts: 1,246

    Nea is F tier

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    The only argument I could agree with Blight being S-tier is with his dumb flick. Otherwise A-tier.

    I like Demo, but stronger than Doctor... Plague... Huntress... and Buffed Wraith... lol.

    Deathslinger above Oni... interesting...

    Pig and Clown over Ghostie, lol.

  • Member Posts: 19

    The issues I have with him that put him in trapper tier is how because he is 110 and using his power slows him against a good team he cant force pallets the same way as the basic M1s and his time efficiency just cant justify it. He also has a weaker snowball than trapper. Hes like a jack of all trades master of none but jack would imply he's average at them, unfortunately he's not so I cant see him as better than any of the other killers RN assuming your facing really good suvs. He is completely fine and viable most games like any killer so I don't mean to trash on him I just have to put someone at the bottom and I think its him.

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