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Is dbd survivour sided

Member Posts: 177

So as most of you know that throughout the years killers has the short end of the stick getting nerf after nerf so surviors could teabag and say gg ez at the exit gate cough cough hillbillly,freddy,demogorgon,ghostface,pig, these killer were balanced but survior main complained and these character got nerfed and surviors oh boy lets see luck break ds , borrowed time by the way if a person have ds a get downed they can get a easy escape no matter what i had match where i downed a laurie she was crawling for exit picked her up ds and easy escape and undying came out which was balanced because it was a bandaid for bad totem spawns and keep ruin for longer plus if surviors had maps and or autohaven worst place for totems u would be left with only two perks and no gen defense the entire game i play survior as well but come on surviors getting easier and easier just by killers getting nerfs so surviors can have fun and killers no they dont deserve fun

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  • Member Posts: 177

    but killer who are balanced get nerf simply because surviour want fun killers want to have fun too

  • Member Posts: 11,763


  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Here’s the right answer:

    Rank 20-16 Survivor Sided

    Rank 16-5 Killer Sided

    Rank 4-1 Survivor Sided

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    How, exactly, is is killer sided? We just had two back to back killers that have every counter in the book thrown at them.

  • Member Posts: 303

    Like many have said before me, this game favors SWF but not survivors in general. In solo queue matches, as I'm sure we have all had our own frustrating experiences with, the game is usually killer sided; however, if it's a map like haddonfield and they're all splitting gens and decent at chase you will lose but very rarely. If you get a map like Coal Tower against solo queue survivors and are a decent killer you will stomp them likely before three gens are finished.

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    If all players in single match are of equal skill then yes. 4 really good survivors beat 1 really good killer.

    But then there's the disaster called solo que match making which make it look like the opposite.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    you are welcome

    -solo survivor who runs object so I get chased instead of the baby bill

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Very, but more balanced than it used to be

  • Member Posts: 177

    some matches are flat out impossible had a match where two survior were on a gen and one looped me while the other did a gen 3 gens situation were all the gen were 80% it was impossible and lost due to swf bodyblock and everyone got up and i was rank on all 4 was on a gen and leatherface dont got it

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    It's hard for me to truly say whether I think the game favors one side over another when I'm rank 20 being matched against people who are rank 7.

  • Member Posts: 177

    what i mean is that killers that have good kits get nerfed because he is doing well

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    SWF sided. SWF is the reason why both sides suffer

  • Member Posts: 230

    If we assume the survivors are all solo and are decent and the killer is decent it's a pretty even match.(2k)

    If by survivor sided you mean SWF then yes,heavily survivor sided.

    This is what i think.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    With the exception of Hillbilly (against most players better judgement, including survivors, who found Billy balanced), all of those killers were only buffed, and Pig was indirectly nerfed.

    ######### are on about?

  • Member Posts: 965

    Both roles are ######### tbh

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I get you, I was just saying that the game would probably feel a lot less imbalanced to a lot more players if matchmaking wasn't so seemingly random.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The game doesn't favor killers time wise as a killer does not have enough time hook survivors multiple times before gens get done. In practice, a lot of survivors don't split up giving the killer free pressure.

    But a group of equally skilled survivors should dominate an equally skilled killer outside of really bad map rng. But matchmaking currently rarely ever groups equally skilled players together.

  • Member Posts: 177

    ds is a get out of jail perk lucky break is a get out of chase perk undying is a bandaid for bad placements and make the killer lose two perk slots

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    It's been tested in tournaments (with and without coms) that survivors stomp on top killer players consistently, data shows the game is survivor sided, top players on both sides admit the game is survivor sided, and if we are also including scoring (not just kills or escapes) the game is survivor sided since the killers scoring is directly impacted by survivors actions (such as multiple hooks demands survivors save each othet) while the killers actions have much less impact on survivor scores. Solo queue has less consistency because lack of consistent good players bit if you have the best play together without coms they will win against the best killer. Swf will also stomp on killer if they are good enough players

  • Member Posts: 328

    I'm with the for SWF- survivor sided. (Co-ordinated, efficient, works to their skill set and perks combos).

    For soloQ - killer sided. (More luck based as you can't help to control your team mates, lack of efficient, mixed skill, no Comms, lack of co-ordination).

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    In terms of strength SoloQ < Killer < SWF

  • Member Posts: 20

    Survivor side, but there is an explanation on why.

    When you look into the structure of an async game (4x1) you will need only 1/4 players to be on one side.

    So what you need to do to ensure that? You give the side you want more players more benefits to be more attractive. Winning is the most attractive thing you can give a player.

    If you look into this fact you will notice why they are so affraid of buffing killers or even releasing killers that are good to start with (Trickster). And they are not wrong in the perspective of keeping the game alive because when you put on paper, if you get some main killers upset it will not matter since you need only 1/4 killers/surv anyway.

    I am a main killer and I just give a time in the game from time to time because its upseting when you play well and still 3 survivors left, and the majority of ppl that says that the game is killer sided are players who never played killer till a purple rank. (Just to inform I got rank 1 on both killer and survivor).

  • Member Posts: 117

    Well yeah cause every time a survivor gets mardy about a survivor being "OP" the developers nerf it when in reality it has nothing to do with the killer being OP it's more to do with things like broken hitboxes, the survivor using miserable perks, the survivor looping like an 8yr old on a meri-go-round or the killer actually just being ya know good at the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    As I said it once, survivor will always have the advantage due to having 4 players vs 1.

  • Member Posts: 378

    This game has been always survivor sided. I love the people that keeps saying the game is fair to both sides, but they never want to play killer... Hmmm..

    Always remember when you have no arguments, say that you dont like being killer. No one can mess with you because, you know, its just your opinion. Win-win strategy.

  • Member Posts: 583

    Yes, it is objectively survivor sided.

    The only reason you get any 4k - 3k games is due to the fact survivors do not always play optimally.

    Even though this is the case, you still have the potential for all gens to pop in 5 minutes or less (literally), for everyone to be strong loopers during that time, for everyone to run second chance groups, for everyone to bring keys and instaheal med kits, ect.

    The fact that this all is possible I think would make it irrefutable that this game is survivor sided, as if we have to rely on the survivors making mistakes AND not playing SWF as some here think is the only way that its killer sided (which is still false), I would have to say that is suitable for it to be survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 328

    I don't get the arguement of its 4 Vs 1....?

    4 Vs 1 as soloQ is still a struggle for most* of the games cuz of matchmaking.

    The problem has and always will be grouping survivors as SWFs and soloQ , they're totally different skill levels and experiences.

    Have you ever done kwf 3 v1? It's so easy to kill them.... Same with an instant DC. It's 4 v 1 for a reason, there's practically no game with less than 4 (again, unless it's against a SWF) - highlighting once again it's SWFs that cause the imbalance and not the number of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 334

    I look at it this way. The survivors out number the killer 4 to 1. The devs need to cater to the majority.

    Any company would do that. You want them to have more fun and an easier time. They will bring their friends. They will buy the cosmetics. The will grow the game.

    The killers will be there. They want to get matches and not wait 10 mins, they are good enough to play etc.. The devs know this. It's standard business. Cater to your majority and the money will come.

  • Member Posts: 177

    yeah eveytime a killer and survior player talks about balance they get called a camper a becuase killer or somewhat in bhvr standard is balanced takes also freddy was not op and heavily relies on perks and strategy

  • Member Posts: 177

    but the majority is killer mains and if killers arent fun and good then they wont have that many killers hence fourth long loading time what the point in playing if survior can use lucky break iron will decisve strike and unbreakable or borrowed time which btw why u need edurance if the killer is across the map smh

  • Member Posts: 87

    I mean you wouldn’t say it was survivor sided if you play solo survivor. It’s tough man. I’m rank 7 and you still have survivors that can’t stay on their feet longer than 30 seconds at those ranks. You’re saying this because of how easy some top SWFs make it look.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Getting paired with bad survivors doesn't make the game less survivor sided.

    Solo Survivor can be annoying with the teammates you get, but I've played enough solo survivor to know that a good group of 4 solos will still dominate any killer.

  • Member Posts: 87

    Actually getting paired with one or two bad survivors puts the odds in the killer’s favour. A quick kill with 3-4 gens left, means odds are you won’t win.

  • Member Posts: 841

    The game is generally sided to the better player on either side, but there are exceptions, such as a SWF on haddonfield, or a Spirit with meta perks on shelter woods.

    But generally, the side which is better will win most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 177

    but lets be honest spirit will get a nerf eventaully lets be honest then survior will continue to outdue killer

  • Member Posts: 841

    No? They'll still be like 10 other killers who are very strong.

    If you're good with killer and the survivors aren't some type of SWF with death-squad comms on coldwind, haddonfield or ormond, you have a fair chance to get a 2-4k.

    But killers make mistakes and then blame it on the game instead of improving.

    9/10 times you're the reason why you lost, 1/10 times is because of the game being bullshit

  • Member Posts: 177

    im not saying im saying that killer are becoming weak and we all know that luck break iron will become the new meta for surviors and undying did not need a nerf because it was a bandaid for bad placements for on the map and dont forget you loose 2 perk slots and gen defense its not that im bad but killers get nerfs so surviours can fun so killers can suffer

  • Member Posts: 841

    Come on, let's not try to argue that needing to break up to four to five ruins was fair and balanced. It was absurd and dumb.

    Lucky Break/Iron Will will be stupid, but that'll probably put Stridor into the meta.

    Killers may get nerfed, but so do survivors. Play killer back in 2016-2019 and you'd hate yourself.

  • Member Posts: 177

    try winning a game against swf with only two perks because your ruin and undying has been cleansed which mean no gen defense and no pressure aka no map pressure killers who cant run to the other side of the world to kick a gen

  • Member Posts: 841

    Funnily enough, if you play a decent to strong killer on a balanced map, you still have a good chance to win against a SWF.

    SWF doesn't automatically mean you lose, it's just a harder game and with the right killer, map and personal skill, they're 100% defeatable.

    The average SWF is just decent survivors wanting to play with friends, not some deathsquad that everyone thinks of.

    Yes, sometimes you lose through no fault of your own but 9/10 times you lose, because you made mistakes and killers need to stop blaming the game for their losses.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yes, the game is definitely survivor sided. However the problem is mostly matchmaking putting sweaty SWF teams against killers that stand no chance at all regardless of skill, aka anyone not playing Spirit, Nurse, Hag or Blight with full meta builds.

    Unfortunately, because the requirement for "sweaty SWF" is splitting up and going gens while holding W and predropping pallet awhile in chase, and the requirements for "sweaty killer" is practically master the character you are playing and have near-perfect game sense, there's a lot more sweaty SWF than sweaty killers.

  • Member Posts: 841

    In terms of power hierarchy:

    3-4 man SWF > Killer = 2 man SWF > solo survivors.

    SWF aren't as bad as people as people say.

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2021

    watch 13:53 of this video till the end and say swf arent as bad as you think

  • Member Posts: 62

    It’s not survivor sided. It’s SWF sided.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    It's very killer sided. The killrates show it too.

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