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Do you guys think we will ever get more "monster" related killers

Member Posts: 2,027

as it stands right now only 1 killer is not anthropomorphic i hope i used that word right lol. Meaning they are all humanoid and only the demogorgon walks on all 4s. id just love to see a bit more killers that are outside the box so to speak. I get that its alot harder to balance and script and animate right but i just want to see behavior stretch their animators and designers minds a bit more. What do you guys think

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  • Member Posts: 4,692

    I think it's difficult to create a compelling monster character, since it's hard to motivate them. Every killer has something that makes them a killer, ideally, but monsters are more like animals or forces of nature.

    It might be possible, but it'd be way harder to pull off.

  • Member Posts: 907

    We already have a lot variety even if they are human. And i dont think nurse and Blight fit the same Box for example. The human mind can go very different paths.

    I dont get the hype for alien or some other outer space stuff (maybe dead space but thats another topic).

    Discount Joker was not liked because he is a weak Killer and it's K-Pop imo. His concept is fine though.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited April 2021

    Yes actually, in the file leaks they literally just revealed that there are three more skins upcoming actually to make killers more monster like.

    Also, the new Resident Evil will be some degree of monster.

    I also feel that Blight, Krampus Trapper, Minotaur Oni are all humanoid but still pretty monster like.

    I don't think Demogorgon will be the last, but they will need to be able to walk upright except in animations (Like demo is), I don't think we will ever get some like spider or anything like that, it will always be some degree of humanoid for game design reasons.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    There are some really good options. Something from the "souls-borne" series, evil within, alien, predator etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    What about a swarm of something, like from "don't be afraid of the dark"?

  • Posts: 5,229

    It could be a power maybe, but it would still be in the form of a humanoid whatever it was. They've said before that's going to be pretty much universal no matter what because of how the game is designed.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    just look athe the entire witcher series for ideas on monster killers

  • Member Posts: 827

    I want alien

  • Member Posts: 434

    I've always wanted a Yeti in the game

  • Posts: 5,229

    Yeah I want Pumpkin head so bad; and him having like 3 hex perks like hag would make sense.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Pumpkinhead, The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers, Werewolf (The Howling style preferred, please no the Wolfman), Vampire (wolf form for quick running and teleport with swarm of bats?), Gator-Human hybrid (like Killer Croc, but not copyrighted?), Cenobite things (similar to but not copy-claimable by the rights holders of Hellraiser), Rawhead Rex (the legendary evil fae, NOT the one from the movie)

    or just anything from the public domain part of H. P. Lovecraft.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Chances are we will be getting some sort of monster from resident evil

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    thing is tho resident evil is all humanoid aside from nemesis and lickers and even those guys are quadrapeds

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I prefer the human ones, not into monsters :/

  • Member Posts: 130
  • Member Posts: 965

    I want a non-human survivor tbh Like an elf for example or a fairy idk

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    I’m seriously just curious if the majority of the player base would hate a non humanoid killer or not I wonder if they ever play tested any concepts for a radically stylized killer

  • Member Posts: 788
    edited April 2021

    From a lore standpoint, no. I don't really like that demodog is in the game because it doesn't really make sense. He's basically an animal that kills for food which I would think the entity wouldn't care for.

    From a fun standpoint, oh yeah. Gimme xdnomorph all day baby

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    A xenomorph would be pretty cool

  • Member Posts: 816
    edited April 2021

    The Entity motivates them. Demos didn't just eat, they serve a dark entity, The Entity just took one over. There's lore on different killers and why they serve the Entity, one of the big ones is if they don't, it tortures them. That's why Trapper and Doctor look so messed up. Then you have Leatherface, Pig types that are used to serving so just do it. Other end, you have Myers that's uncontrollable and just plain murders instead of sacrificing when he wants to, but the Entity accepts it like a compromise. If a monster is like an animal, it can be trained.

    The Entity, like any good religion, can justify anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    TBH I think Blight and Entity will be the closest thing to lovercraftian horror we will get. The whole point of lovecraftian horror is it being unconprhensable and a lot of them are on like a cosmic scale so you cant really make a killer in DBD be that. Blight is meant to be the kinda person gone mad by powers they cannot comprehend trope and the entity will probably be the closest thing to a lovecraftian being in it.

  • Member Posts: 609

    I once had an idea for a Vampire, but instead of white skin and a cape, it was a man-sized vampire bat creature. You know, like Man-bat from the DC comics.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I'd be down for having more monster type killers. The Demogorgon felt weird to have in DbD to me at first but they fairly quickly became one of my favourite killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    i really want pumpkinhead added lol even tho he is a bit humanoid

  • Member Posts: 841

    Demogorgon does need a friend...

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    lol you into beerbellys beelz

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    true but hes the closest we have to a "monster" type killer i keep thinking hes more of a demodog but alas hes not

  • Member Posts: 87

    I still wonder how this game doesn’t have a Vampire killer.

  • Member Posts: 301
    edited April 2021

    Random idea just popped in my head but what if we got the Xenomorph as a killer and we start off as a face hugger and have to cling to a survivor almost similar to Victor. From there we would injure the survivor, fall off, chase, latch on again, then down the survivor. From there we could start the gestation and hatch the Xenomorph.

    The Xenomorph would offer many upgrades. However the face hugger would still be decent enough at the beginning to make getting that first down not too difficult.

    This idea kinda reminds of Michael In a way. Tier 1 is face hugger, Tier 2 is going through the gestation animation, and Tier 3 is staying as the Xenomorph.


  • Member Posts: 2,919

    I would love anything beastly or animalistic like. Look at Demogorgon. He fits perfectly into DBD.

    The two big ones I’d want is Xenomorph or a werewolf. @Cornpopers_Evan is also an advocate of more monstrous type killers

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    i do like the idea of a xeno but i doubt they would add one since only Alien was a true horror movie and they only seem to want horror type properties but id love to be proven wrong. Also Aliens number 2 is the best move hah

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    It probably saw the Trickster and decided to up its game

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    edited April 2021

    To each their own but I agree with you. I like the variety. I may think that the idea of a Kpop serial is stupid, but it's something different. The Twins are different from Leatherface. Leatherface is different from The Spirit. The Spirit is different from The Doctor. This game's got a lot of flavors which, ostensibly, means more for everybody. More appeal to more players. We've got mutants, interdimensional beings, Japanese spirits, classic American slashers, original lunatics, etc. I love that. I would never want this game to only have one type of killer. At that point there's nothing really creative or different about them, just alternate skins of the same basic concept.

    I'd love to see a vampire (a cool one like Nosferatu, not the Twilight crap). An alien grey. A Unabomber type who lives off the grid. A government assassin. A Dahmer / Gein cannibal type. A horrific Lovecraftian monstrosity. A cult leader. The Flatwoods Monster. The Tall Man. A giant bug. Hell, I grew up with a goofy Japanese rubber monster show called Spectreman and they had some of the most creative monsters I've ever seen. A creature with hooks for hands and traffic lights for a face. A man in a suit with a disgustingly massive head and sharp teeth. A humanoid creature made of mud. A bizarre ritual dancing monster with an obscenely long neck, two bulging eyes for a head, and drills on its elbows.

    I could go on and on. There's the potential for so much wild ######### in this game in addition to the standard slasher types. The killer variety is one of the most appealing things in this game to me. Just dial back the teleportation-style powers, there are enough of those.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    You guys remember tremors I seriously thought of them when I saw deathslingers map

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Bruh. Imagine if DBD got the license to use Frankenstein's monster.

    I think that'd be ######### wicked.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    I almost feel like behavior should add an ultimate ability to every killer that gets unleashed when the match takes too long instead of a timed collapse. Like I can totally see the doctor Hulking up and rushing around and killing everyone before they can escape. I know that’s not what you said but it almost fits

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