why do survivor map offerings trump the killers?

I honestly think if there is a survivor and a killer who put different map offerings up the killer should ALWAYS trump the survivors map offering. I only say this because 4 stacks literally put certain maps up to weight the match in their favor and its bs to the fullest. Its the killers trial so the killer should have ultimate say
Sacrificial wards exist.
And no, killers would just put on maps favourable to them like indoor maps or macmillian for coal tower and shelter woods.
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Simple answer: they don't
if there's an offering from a survivor and an offering from a killer, it's a 50/50 chance. 3 offerings it's a 33/33/33 chance. 4 offerings it's 25/25/25/25. 5 map offerings it's a 20/20/20/20/20 chance of any of those offerings being picked.
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They don't...
Unless you are using a very old map offering, such as Fuming Cordage or Painted River Rock, which have a smaller chance of sending you to the desired map.
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Coal Tower is tiny and can have very few pallets.
Suffocation Pit is also really good for Killers.
Shelter Woods is also super good.
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Coal tower is probably the most balanced map in the game, favouring killers for how easy it is to pressure generators. It's why it's the most picked map for tournaments.
Shelter woods is killer sided as it has little pallets to work with and is quite open, so it's easy to find survivors.
Suffocation Pit makes it incredibly easy to control a 3 gen.
Groaning Storehouse & Ironworks of Misery are acceptable, the God Windows got removed so there is nothing absurd about them anymore.
Macmillian maps are pretty balanced and even killer favoured.
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suffocation pit is very dependant on the middle of the map imo; if there's 2 l-t walls and 2 pallet gyms you're fine, if you get 2 long walls next to each other you're #########.
shelter woods is imho actually semi-strong for survivors if RNG is kind to them, based on your killer. it's a large map so not having a mobility ability is rough, especially if they just find their forward key and duct tape it down.
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Suffocation Pit is like a 3 gen machine tho. Sure, they might have 90 pallets in the middle, but it won't do them much good if you lock down gens.
Shelter Woods has, generally, few pallets and they aren't usually good one's. Not having mobility IS rough there tho.
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yeah the bad pallets with SW I agree with but unfortunately everyone i face on there seems to be making out with their W key so it doesn't help much. unless im playing like, freddy, nurse, spirit, wraith
with suffocation pit, maybe im just unlucky cause usually i try to 3gen but they just wont stop running to the middle and its pain incarnate, unless i run ruin in which case its a guaranteed win lmao
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It’s a 1v4 tho so them having the upper hand should be the case.
im think it would be fine if killers had iri map offerings or survivors had to offer 4 of the same map to increase odds being sent there... or make them anti-map offerings instead
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They ALREADY have the upper hand. Throwing a map that makes it even stronger for them is ridiculous. I understand if the killer DOESN'T throw a map up but if there are conflicting maps it should atleast be 50 50 EVERYTIME i throw a map up to try a meme build i get 2 object 4 stacks with a farm offering. Like doesnt that s**t get boring for you urvivors?
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it should atleast be 50 50 EVERYTIME
And it is with 2 offerings in play. With 3, 4, or 5 the chances will decrease to give every offering a fair chance at being used. I don't see how that's a problem.
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even tho favorable still beatable. where as if someone is lets say demogorgon and they are trying out a build on hawkins and a swf wit 2 objects and keys throws up farm its NOT winnable in any sense
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4 games in A row was survivor map
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What offerings are those? Never heard of those.
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Relics from a distant past which, in my opinion, should return.
Anyway, take a look:
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I just think they should remove map offerings all together imo.. In a game that is mostly RNG based to have offerings that 100% bring you to a map is kind contradictory
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Which is unlucky but not proof survivor offerings have priority.
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I agree they need to go. It's not healthy for the game. Survivors are bound to bring a realm that favors them a lot of the times.