Is dbd survivour sided



  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    SWF sided

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    what about perk wise killer side and surviour surviour has way good tools to work with other than killer who perks get nerfed if they are used to much

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    It's not SWF sided. At least not in the terms of general SWF. I play SWF with me and 1-2 other people and we are literally just people who like to play games together. None of us are particularly good though we do try to win. You won't find us looping you for more than a gen unless we just happen to have your proverbial number that night. However, most of the time it's a 3-4K and we're all fine with that.

    What the game likely is sided towards are 3-4 SWF who have played together a lot, have the map & strategy knowledge to be able to coordinate their efforts very well along with perk choices to make them even more efficient. Then you have super teams who deploy like SWAT (I played Killer for the first during the first release of MMR and ran into one of those teams. Thankfully, they were one of the nicer ones who apologized because they didn't realize it was my second game playing Killer) and before you know it 4 gens have popped, you've been blinded twice and the world feels like a terrible place.

    You might run into some solo Qs who have a decent amount experience across the board and complimentary play-styles and perk choices that gives them an edge where most solo Q doesn't. Or you have 1-2 srvs who are exceptionally awesome at looping and the Killer over-commits to them. I've had games like as survivor and on the whole, it's probably a 40/60 split on getting teammates who do that. That 60% when they don't? It's Killer sided. Not unwinnable, but deffo Killer sided and you can generally here the death knell for the whole team with the first person who gets sacrificed.

    TL'DR a lot of it is going to depend on who you get matched against, what Killer you're playing, and what map your on. Stealth Killers on indoor maps can be freakin' brutal without the right perks and in solo Q. The game is over before it even begins. If you're having a tough time, try a different time slot maybe. I find that morning games for me pair me up with more people (Killer and Surv) of equal skill than evening games.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    As a 50/50 player I think the game is SLIGHTLY more killer sided. Yes you will get some SWFs that are nigh impossible to 3-4k but on average - I get way more BP (even without BBQ) as a killer.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Only when it's SWF or you get a Killer on a map that's SUPER bad for said Killer. Otherwise it's pretty even despite what Killer or Survivor mains say.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Sentence structure, please! But you are right. It's crazy survivor sided.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    i had a game where i played optimally as a demogogoron and the gen was done faster than i can travel and everyone end up getting out regardless of how good i played

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943


  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    im not saying nerf swf entirely but balance killers and stop nerfing killers perk and gen defense the whole reason why the game is unbalanced is because most kilers with no map pressure dont have any good perk that slowdown the game btw old ruin was better than new ruin

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    leave a gen at 80% go back 25% due to ruin with old ruin it was at least fair because it didnt regress the gen 200%

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    but still would you rather a gen regress at 200% percent when u leave it or cleanse and have a gen where u left it

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    so you would rather leave a gen at 80% then do it all over again from 0% that gonna cost u the whole game

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177
  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    solo queue already makes me want to rip my scalp off, i dont want to deal with even more inconveniences.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Rank 20 - 9 super killer sided

    Rank 8-5 kinda alright

    Ranks 4-1 balanced for the most part in solo Q but SWFs who are actually trying to win will in like 80%+ of games.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2021

    While it is not as extreme as many players make it out to be - and likewise, not as minor as others do - the game is skewed in favor of Survivors - particularly SWF groups, which in turn makes Survivor in general the easier and less stressful of the two roles most of the time.

    BHVR has a history of striking nerf after nerf to killers when Survivors view them as too unfun to play against - whether they are balanced or not - and that in turn creates a snowball effect that just compounds upon itself. For killers to actually get meaningful buffs, it takes a year or more before they can release a "Rework" for a killer - and then usually even then the results aren't that spectacular (Clown) or ruin the killer's original gameplay because the Survivors found it unfun to begin with (Freddy - invisibility) instead of building off of it.. On the other hand, many calls for nerfs to Survivor perks and map design go unanswered for years before they get address (as the Decisive Strike change did).

    Some will tell you it is balanced because of that. My working theory is that even if something is healthy for the game, if the developer playtesters do not enjoy something then it does not get implemented. Vice versa, if the developer playtesters think the game needs something then it gets adjusted whether it really needed it or not. This also skews things towards the Survivor-side - and BHVR is actively scared to make too many changes to balance Survivors to 50-60% escape rate against every killer (as it is supposed to be, not just outliers) because they're afraid their dwindling numbers will drop even more because Survivors will all quit if they can't "have fun and troll the killer" like they can in the majority of cases now.

    In their effort to balance the game towards tihis 50% kill rate (which is effectively closer to like a 60% rate than anything), they often forget that the killer role is supposed to be the power role and Survivors - even solo queue - are meant to rely on teamwork. In the current state of the game, however, it often times more beneficial to run away from your teammates. This is especially bad when SWF are involved, because you have split Survivors utilizing communications to relay Killer position and movement to one another - which disrupts the balance of the game even further into the Survivor-side's favor.

    So you have a tiny handful of killers that actively perform well enough to be considered a power role; one or two outlier killers that need to be nerfed down but get looked over for the illusion of non-bias (ie. Spirit); killers that need to be majorly buffed/reworked but doing so means they would become 'unfun' for Survivors (ie. Trickster); and a plethora of Survivor perks that need to be tune and brought into line to provide less safety nets and second chances, but aren't because of fear of backlash (ie. Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, etc.).

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    4 Solos? No

    4 man Swf? Hell yes

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    yes i agree with you for the most part but i remeber playing against with ghostface best addons i lost it was 4man escape and after that game i didnt want to play ghostface anymore because i thought he was weak no i didnt camp or tunnel but it made me so angry after i lost because even with stealth behind loops i was still getting looped it was unfun espically with bodyblocking and septics i coudnt compete ever since that match ive fear using ghostface and running into that swf

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is very killer sided. Undying was far from balanced, it was actually a free win. It still is with Ruin or Devour Hope. Killers have hardly been nerfed, all of the buffs outweigh the small insignificant killer nerfs. Overall, killer perks have been overwhelmingly buffed or new strong ones released where survivor perks have been nerfed. And maps are now very killer sided. And finally, hitboxes and pallets are in killer's favor. Survivors at all ranks go down too fast and killers snowball too easy with unfair slowdown perks. Killers crutch their wins with Ruin and POP and tinkerer.

    Killers win too much.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Even without SWF, the game will still be survivor sided.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    swf win too much ive played a game as ghsotface it was a 4man escape with best addons it made me be hestiant to play ghostface because how bad i lost that game it made me so angry never wanted to play ghostface ever again and im a ghostface main

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited May 2021

    Not anymore. It’s been leaning towards killer for a few months now.

    Edit: I hate the term “survivor sided” anyways, I feel like the correct term is swf sided. Solo queue is hell, even duo queue is pretty bad.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    There's not really a simple answer to that. Sometimes it can be, other times it can be very killers sided. It depends on the maps and the killer being used. While SWF does dominate most killers, solo teams usually get the sort end of the stick a lot more than killers do due to the bad matchmaking and the RNG of maps.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    I'm gonna be polite as I can with this. If you are really struggling THIS much with survivor game play as much as you claim on these forums, it might be a you problem rather than game balance. Yes there are some BS things like stridor Spirit, map RNG and overly oppressive addons that need to be addressed but over all as long as you don't have a team that sits in the corner of the map doing nothing or a map with only 5 pallets, you should have a fair chance to win with skill. You make out as if every game, survivors are just getting slaughtered with no mercy when that obviously isn't true. Its about as true as every game being a SWF sweat squad who just bully and harass the weak killer all game, that some killer mains on here like to claim.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Even with SWF, its only SWF sided if they decide to split up and do 3 gens at the same time from the beginning. Otherwise killers tend to be able to deal with it.

    Yet you still have people saying base genregression is fine because Ruin and Pop exist. Which is technically true, but that's like saying slugging is fine because Unbreakable and WGLF exist. It's not. Being forced to rely on very specific perks to fix a vanilla mechanic is terrible design.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    dont mind sluzzy he is a surviour main who dc if he down first in the match

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    DbD is skilled and RNG sided.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177
  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    DBD is DBD-sided.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    Yes. You put a team of good survivors against any killer, and the survivors will completley and utterly stomp the killer.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    When we speak of side I think most killers think 4k is balance in game they looking for well it aint I thinl game is doing just fine

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited May 2021

    That's not accurate. I can't find it because it was a few months ago, but when polled most killers said a 3k is a win with a 2k being a tie. It was right off the heels of a big streamer talking about it too so it got a lot of input as it was the hot topic at the time. I know 1 poll isn't everything but 3k won by a landslide (like 80-90% iirc), so I think its safe to use it as a general indicator. Killers who want 4k's are very much the minority.

    The people pushing the "killers just want 4k's" narrative are just salty survivor mains looking for excuses, you shouldn't listen to them.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Only 4 man swf military squads.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Matches can go so many ways and there are so many factors involved in deciding the outcome of a game that it's impossible to tell. There's absolutely no way to tell if DbD is killer or survivor sided; it's just not that simple.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2021

    No, survivors have been taking nerfs while killers get buffed for years. Freddy was AVERAGING 3 kills a game, that is why he was nerfed because he was not balanced. Trickster also just got a buff. Nurse and Oni got a buff to their lunge ability. In the mean time survivors have gotten nerf to med kits, insta-heal, toolboxes, DS, Iron Will, Small Game and keys. Maps were made brighter, all maps have had the spaces opened up for better killer visibility, most maps got a reduction in god loops and safe pallets (except The Game), all the trees got skinnier and harder to hide behind, auras changed so survs are easier to see, Gens take longer to complete and the added EGC and hatch changes (both of which are vastly killer-sided) especially when door RNG puts them right next to each other. I understand that most of these changes are to make playing against SWF, unfortunately SWF are the lowest percentage of players in this game. All this did was screw solo survivors from being able to play. When I started as a solo I got out about 50% of the time, it is probably about 10% now and I don't think my game play got worse over the last 2k hours.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    I'd say both.

    But then again I'm one of these that ignore the toxic game play and just have a laugh, and if I die I die like. There's always another match.

    I'd say whoever says it's survivor sided is a bait and clearly killer main.

    And the ones saying its killer sided is also bait and survivor sided.

    I think some people take this game too seriously than they actually like to admit or infact need to and forget to see the game supposedly to be fun?

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I don't listen to them I know them even biggest streamers admitted only 4k is for them a win balance was always 2:2 not 3 or 4 so we gotta take that in consideration

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    Neither, a good killer can easily destroy a group of SWF if they know what there doing. But I do agree that the killer nerfs over the years were unnecessary, the pig was fine how she was before the nerf and now she is just bad. Survivors over the years had there buffs/nerfs just like killers, for an example: Gen Speed Changes, DS nerf, Self Care even got a change back in the way when it was better, etc. Why can’t we stop fighting about which side is more favorited and just have fun playing the game??

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    No. It is SWF sided.

    Solo Q is still the most miserable experience in the game.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    but if we dont have dicussion about this one side will be completley stonger than the other side

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    ds at endgame is a gaurented escape no matter what the killer does