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This Last Years Chapters
Which is your favorite? Silent Hill? Descend Beyond? A Binding of Kin? All-Kill?
Since we have an announcement for the anniversary chapter which marks the new year, I thought this post would be fun. Personally, my favorite is All-Kill. I love both Yun-Jin and Tricksters perks. I also find throwing knives with Trickster so much fun, no matter how weak he is.
What about you?
Pyramid Head and Cheryl? Blight and Felix? Twins and Elodie? Trickster and Yun-Jin?
I was and am completely obsessed with silent hill so I of course liked the silent hill chapter but my second would be blight because I love to go ZOOOM
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All kill, the rest just can't reach this chapter's level of Iconic.
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Silent Hill Chapter for sure! I was never interested in Silent Hill before it but playing as Pyramid Head and Cheryl really got me interested in Silent Hill lore. Plus, Executioner is a great killer in the right hands (aka, mine 😈)
I think you're mistaking All Kill with Chains of Hate though. Chains of Hate was the first DLC of 2020.
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Oh yeah, All kill came out a few weeks ago. Not in 2020.
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I didn't realize the games anniversary was in January. I go from anniversary to anniversary. Otherwise year 1 ended after 6 months.
Therefore, I am not incorrect because Chains of Hate came out last spring and the anniversary is in the summer.
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All of them were good imo. I just wished we could’ve gotten more maps for all of the chapters. We could’ve gotten a Dyer’s Island Map for the Blight and Felix, a map of the catacombs/France for Élodie and the Twins, and a neon light themed All-Kill map. Missed opportunities if they don’t at least try to make these three chapters get maps at some point.
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Definitely the Silent Hill Chapter. When the Silent Hill chapter came out for DBD, I knew very little about Silent Hill and never really bothered to read the lore or play any of the games. Playing as Pyramid Head and Cheryl inspired me to play SH3 and read into the lore a bit more. Also, Midwich (Although a bad map gameplay wise) is cool and interesting, and Pyramid Head is one of my favorite killers to play as.
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Silent Hill for sure. PHead is pretty fun, looks awesome, and I might be the only person in existence who enjoys playing on Midwich...
Descend Beyond takes the second spot for me. Could've potentially taken first spot, but playing on Xbox is pretty difficult with Blight. Felix and Blight both look really good too in my opinion.
A Binding of Kin is third, but that's not saying much. Twins are kinda fun every once in a while but I feel like the idea of their power and how they implemented it is very much wasted potential. I feel like the twins definitely could've looked better aesthetically as well. Just felt like a lazy chapter overall.
All-Kill is last. I tried but I just can't really get into it. Trickster just seems like a recycled Huntress with extra steps: why throw so many knives to injure someone when I could just throw one hatchet? Plus, I just REALLY enjoy the Huntress' aesthetic; Trickster on the other hand... I get it, he doesn't need to be a big scary killer but I just get knock-off Joker vibes from him. His bat is pretty cool, so was his laugh at first but it just got annoying after the first few times. Again, this chapter just felt kinda lazy to me.
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Last two chapters are the worst chapters I have ever played. I almost quit dbd on how bad they were. My reaction was when I got the twins and trickster was excitement. After I got done playing them after a few matches I felt disappointment. Only good thing about these worthless killers are their perks
I love the Blight and Pyramid Head. I just hope that the resident evil is good.
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If I needed to single out a chapter it would definitely be Silent Hill. I just love that chapter.
If I can pick and mix the chapters I'd say Blight is interesting now that he is smoothed out and cause he brought Undying within the game. And my favorite survivor is actually Elodie which brought my favorite perk - Deception.
I had so much fun with this perk. I remember there was a match against a Pyramid head where I used Deception. He was so sure I was in the locker that he charged up his power and stood in front of the locker for 2 minutes while 3 gens popped. He was so confused when he opened the locker to find nobody was there. And I used it so many times while a killer was facecamping. When multiple survivors came for the resuce, I used deception the moment they started running from an unsafe hook and the killer stopped to check the locker.
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Descend beyond because of blight
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The Silent Hill Chapter was definitely the best.
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Silent Hill was awesome, a strong killer, a great map, one of my favorite.
A Binding of Kin was very interesting, Charlotte and Victor have one of the best story in the game, and their gameplay is very original.
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Doors Unknown - Silent Hill - All-Kill - Binding of Kin. In that order
Silent Hill was pretty hype, even for someone who knew nothing about the games, but that's about it. While Executioner can be fun to play, I barely touch him on account of how bad I am with him. Cheryl's perks are fun but situational as all hell and Executioner might as well only have Trail of Torment because the other two are so niche. This chapter also gave us Midwich, one of the most despised maps I've seen. It looks gorgeous, but plays like garbage. But, it's still a map, unlike the other chapters we got.
While Doors Unknown doesn't have a map, I feel it beats Silent Hill in every other category except for hype. A fun Killer? Blight is one of my mains, even with how bugged he was. Good perks? Do I need to talk about how good Undying was and still is? Dragon's Grip is also pretty good, and Blood Favour, while niche, has its uses. On the Survivor side, Felix has one of the best backstories of any Survivor, looks really cool, and has decent perks. Visionary is so underrated, Desperate Measures has its place in a healing build, and Built to Last also has its uses.
Binding of Kin is the weakest of the chapters. While I think Twins are a bit underrated and do just fine with them without camping, everything else about them is just there. Oppression is the only perk that's really worthwhile and its cooldown is so egregious that it's barely worth it. Elodie, like Felix before her, has a really well done backstory, and I love her appearance and personality, but her perks are REALLY situational.
All-Kill is way overhated. Yun-Jin's perks are situational, but Trickster has Starstruck, a pretty decent perk, Crowd Control, which is a better Bamboozle, and No Way Out, which gives you a little extra time at the end game to make a comeback. While not the best, they're not bad either. And I am seriously convinced people don't know how to play Trickster. Is he weak and needs buffs? Yes. Is he as bad as everyone seems to think? Oh hell no. He just can't be played like a Huntress or a Deathslinger. If the average Trickster gets 0 kills like some people say, then I must be in the top 1% of tricksters, because I've averaged around 2 kills per game, with my last two matches ending in a 4k on Coldwind. Merciless Killer at purple ranks where Merciless has ludicrous requirements. Pre-buff. Before I was even level 10. Again, he does need help, but he's not as bad as people make it out to be. That said, there was no way in hell it was standing up to Silent Hill. All-Kill was the definition of wasted potential.
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Pyramid Head and Blight are my favorites, cause Blight's theme is beautiful and Pyramid Head is Triangle Man, why would you not wanna play Cone Dude
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Silent Hill, for sure, it introduced me to such an intriguing series that, I kinda wish was still going to this day. Second place is gonna have to be Descend Beyond, It gave me a new main I enjoy to play, the only negative was that there wasn't new map
Third place: All Kill, as much as I think the idea of the new killer is interesting they barely put much effort to balancing him, and they missed an opportunity for a new map big time!
FOurth place: A binding of Kin, this is the worst chapter I've ever participated, it was buggy, and the Twins were an unfinished product
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What? The killer is bad and there was no new map I mean it’s ur opinion and all but there has been much better chapters
Post edited by Googol on0 -
I absolutely love the all-kill chapter. Trickster is well designed has actual voice lines and everything in the chapter is so detailed. I appreciate the amount of background research that went into this chapter and I'll be sad to see the stunning menu background go when the next chapter arrives. I'm steadily improving with Trickster but even before the buff I could rake in a 1-2k average with him. After the buff i'm getting more consistent in getting even more kills. He shouldn't be played like huntress or a m1 killer, you need to know when to use the knives. Main event needs a change since it's disheartening to lose it before a good situation to use it arrives.
I also highly enjoy starstruck even though it can be a nice perk. On the survivor side I like smash hit a lot. Yun-Jin also has beautiful cosmetics and i'm expecting more pretty shiny cosmetics in the future for both Trickster and Yun-Jin. Now all I need is a map to go with this and i'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping they'll add one after they reworked the existing maps.
Since I like it so much I purchased the chapter in the store to get the exclusive cosmetic for Yun-Jin.
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Not even resident evil will be able to top it. All kill is the begging of a new era for killer themes in this game. Maybe one day I will be chased by an ASMR artist (like belli eyelish) with the mori being them whispering me into sleep, record it and then have that marketed as singing by releasing it as a new single.
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My choice will definitely have to go to Silent Hill. I generally just prefer the licensed content over the original content but Silent Hill was such a HUGE grab for them and I personally love playing Pyramid Head and Cheryl and, yes, I do semi like to play on Midwich but overall, just generally love the way that map looks.