Are flashlight saves working for anyone else?

It's happened in a few matches now where; the killer picks up and I get timing right as well as the flashlight blind icon in the corner but the killer isn't stunned and is still carrying the survivor. I've checked after the match and none of them had lightborn.
well if you blinded them and they didnt get stunned you obviously didnt get the timing right. I swear there was someone like a week ago complaining about flashlights being broken when they didnt even know timing existed.
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No hahaha they're working just fine. But feel free to quit trying and just let me toss your buddies on my shoulder hahaha don't worry im a survivor main
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But surely if they get blinded they should get stunned and drop the survivor? I wouldn't of posted this discussion if I wasn't given the "killer blind" in the corner.
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Yes there's something fishy with flashlights,i had a couple bizzare misses as well where it shouldn't miss at all,no lightborn.I got the blind but not the stun.
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nope you can mess up the timing and get killer blind. Thats what messing up the timing is its bliding the killer to quickly before their animation is finished so they are still blinded but wont drop.
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again learn flashlight timings you cant just shine as soon as they start picking up.
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Sorry amigo,wrong dog to fight.My timing is perfect and i said there were a couple instances,not all the time.Not that this game is bug free and everything working as intended right?
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Well getting the blind and not stunning sounds like a timing problem to me. Sure bugs are common but I havnet had any issues.
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The timings changed (again) by a fraction of a second couple of months ago, which is extremely annoying to deal with. Other than that, everything seems to be working fine.
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Its a latency issue, not a bug.
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I'm aware about the timings, but I didn't know that if you mess up by a few seconds when they are picking up you don't get the stun. I am pretty sure I got the timing right, but if theres no other explanation then I must of cucked it. I got deceived by the "killer blind" aha.
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If you blinded the killer but they didn't get stunned, you did it too early and they were still stuck on the picking up animation
Saves working fine for me
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Ah, I was not aware the timing has changed... I feel kinda dumb posting this now aha. I think I was just heated after getting my first CJ tech and not getting the killer blind. Thanks for informing me!
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The flashlights I come across instantly blind me. Don’t even have time to turn my head or anything. I will be chasing them, they will turn around, instantly blind me, then escape.