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Stake out is actually super underrated

SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So for a long time I thought about stake out as a total garbage perk, you get a token for every 15 seconds you're in the killer radius and the tokens convert normal skill checks into great but this perk has a little bonus effect.

EDIT: A lot of people seem to be confused, despite the perk's poor wording, the 1% extra progress applies to skill checks that you hit and not just the ones that consume a token, so if you hit 100% of your great skill checks and never consume a token you'll still get the extra progress

It increases the bonus progress gained by 1%, the normal bonus progress is 1%, so it doubles it. Instead of saving .8 seconds you save 1.6 seconds of repair so if you can hit all great skill checks speeds up gens by an average of an extra 5.1 seconds. (8% skill check chance per second means average 6.4 skill checks for 80 seconds of repair) not to mention the other affect this perk has actually makes hitting great skill checks a little more consistent since you'll inevitably have a couple tokens to use as a safety net.

If you bring a toolbox it gets even more spicy since toolboxes double the chance of getting a skill check (16%) after the midchapter they will increase the skill check chance of toolbox repair to 5x (40%!)

For comparison prove thyself speeds up a 2 man repair by 6 seconds and that's ONLY FOR COOP REPAIRS.

Of course there is some RNG to it. Sometimes you might get unlucky and it will be less, but sometimes you can get really lucky and get some very ridiculous time saves. The game I was using it I got 10 skill checks on a gen and hit every single great. Normally that would shave off 8 seconds to a 72 second repair but because of stake out it took off 16 seconds to make that a 64 second repair.

So yeah, if you can hit those great skill checks stake out is actually pretty damn good.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • JasonIsADove
    JasonIsADove Member Posts: 45

    Yeah, the skill check nerf from a while back (which decreased it from a bonus of 2% to 1%) definitely gave Stake Out an edge, and now I feel like it's slowly being buffed indirectly by other factors (like how you mentioned the increased skill check amounts with toolboxes, especially after this upcoming midchapter).

    The only 'issue' that it has (if you even really want to call it that) is the limited number of tokens it has, plus token requirement. Other than that, I do think it's underrated :)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The ruin rework really hit stake out hard tbh

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    I just like using it as a way to get Archive challenges that need Great skill checks done faster

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174
    edited April 2021

    I love stake out, it's a staple in my builds, it's gotten me so many crutch gen repairs and heals while the killer is coming. And it counts as greats for the tome challenges that require great skill checks.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited April 2021

    Here's a graph displaying skill check amount probabilities if anyone is interested, this for 80 seconds of repair without anything altering your odds of getting skill checks.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    once you learn to play without perks (and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone, no joke, play matches without any perks and see if you can adept) everything becomes underrated and a cool and welcom addition.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I've been enjoying it with Fast Track lately, too. If you go into a match building around Stakeout (which can include taking healing items that give bonuses for great checks), it can be really useful.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    I recently did the achievement to escape 8 times using no perks...I can honestly say I was the single worst Laurie Strode anyone has ever seen. I was working on getting her to P3 at the same time so I figured, why not do the achievement too? I never realized just how much I have relied on perks until I went perkless, lol.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Stake Out is no joke. It's my favorite survivor perk in the game and a heavily underrated one.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    You need to spend 105 seconds in the killer's terror radius without being chased (with a cap of 60 seconds before you use your tokens, so it's easy to waste time in the TR) and then convert 7 good skill checks for Stake Out to give you more value than Prove Thyself. Prove Thyself also has the added affect of granting bonus coop bloodpoints, it's useful in most matches rather than being insanely killer-dependent, and it can even be used to speed up the repairs of teammates on solo gens. Stake Out used to be decent for countering Ruin, but since the Ruin rework it's pretty bad.

    For Stake Out to be a viable alternative to Fast Track I'd like to see its token cap be outright removed. That way it's still killer dependent, but it can give huge value against killers with large terror radii, so the good has an opportunity to outweigh the bad. Also, it should probably be changed so that any skill check success, good or great, uses a token. As is, if you hit a great skill check, you keep your token and you don't get your additional 1% progress. Given the low token cap and the lack of benefit for unused tokens, you're effectively being punished for hitting the great. Yes, you can play around this by just intentionally hitting the good skill check, but I don't think enough people know about this and it still feels silly to punish you for landing a better skill check.

    I thought about suggesting that it should work at a set radius in an attempt to make it less killer dependent, just like new BT, instead of removing the token cap. That would be a pretty sweet buff too since it would also become a valuable detection perk against small-TR or stealth killers, like a reverse Whispers until you hit 4 tokens, but this characteristic would once again make its usefulness killer dependent. So, it'd be more interesting as a buff than as a way of making its strength more consistent. It might be too strong like this but I personally don't think it would crack the meta and it'd be better in solo queue than SWF, so I could definitely dig it.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    The bonus skill check progress works without tokens, you don't need tokens. Just equip the perk and hit great skill checks without tokens.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Stake Out is also fantastic for healing paired with a med kit and the gloves or sponge that give healing progression bonuses for hitting greats, plus of course the additional 1% that Stake Out gives.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s incorrect. Even with Stake Out, correctly hitting Great Skill Check Success Zones only grants the normal 1%

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I haven’t even bothered to try that one yet because my play style usually involves at least 2 aura reading perks, if not 1. So I rely a lot on the information they give, especially Bond because it tells me so damn much.

    So going perkless means a huge lack of info.

    Suppose I could use a key with a token, but then I’ll get tunnelled hard.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    You need to add another graph that shows a 100% probability for skill checks whenever you want to eat/drink something or leave the gen 😒

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    Stake Out honestly is a better version of Fast Track, sure you only get a few tokens but you get them by being in the killers radius, fast track requires survivors being hooked which is not what anybody wants.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    What's the point in Stake Out when Fast Track exists?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Stake Out is mediocre, it has is moments but can be pretty underwhelming at times.

    Problem is that the perk is dependent on the killer, meaning you're pretty much down a perk slot from the start of the game if you're facing a stealth killer.

    I'd change the condition to 32 meters flat, but remove the progress meter so that survivors can't use the moving progress meter to determine if the killer is within 32 meters. Additionally, you can't earn tokens while doing generators, progress will be 99%'d in the background.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited April 2021

    I have spent the past 15 minutes painstakingly getting frame by frame before after images of skill checks and I can confirm that no matter whether the great skill check was achieved using the token effect of stake out or you manually hit the great zone yourself, you still get the bonus progress.

    I achieved this by getting the before and after frames of a great skill check hit manually and did the same thing for one gotten using a token. The footage was 120 fps.

    I then measured the difference of pixels on the progress bar for the before and after images and both cases had the same difference of pixels.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    Are you sure about that? I haven't tested it myself, but the perk's description calls out that the progression boost is added when a token is consumed to change a good skill check to a great one.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    as per my previous post:

    "I have spent the past 15 minutes painstakingly getting frame by frame before after images of skill checks and I can confirm that no matter whether the great skill check was achieved using the token effect of stake out or you manually hit the great zone yourself, you still get the bonus progress.

    I achieved this by getting the before and after frames of a great skill check hit manually and did the same thing for one gotten using a token. The footage was 120 fps.

    I then measured the difference of pixels on the progress bar for the before and after images and both cases had the same difference of pixels."

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    Dang, that description needs to be rewritten! Sounds like Stake Out is way better than I thought it was. Should be good to combo with This Is Not Happening for some off-meta fun.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    It's hard enough to sit in the killer's terror radius for Diversion (20 seconds), especially since some killers outright nullify theirs in some way. This isn't an effective perk slot, and you're better off taking something else to waste more of the killer's time, or speed up your own repairs.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Like I've said in my other post you get the bonus progress from the perk for great skill checks you hit even without a token, so it speeds up repair without the need to waste time in the killer's radius. You take this perk for 1% bonus progress on ALL great skill checks, the token effect is a small bonus that makes that a little easier to exploit

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    There is a reason I chose to do this when I was prestiging Laurie. If someone else brought in an obsession perk, the killer would automatically assume Laurie has DS, even if it is not there. That threat alone saved me multiple times. I also brought in medkits to heal myself when playing solo and the 3 games I played with a friend I used a toolbox. The last one I used a key with aura reading to see where the killer is. Was on the preschool map (forgot its name) against DeathSlinger. The randoms I had were on point and I only survived the endgame thanks to them.

    It was tough but was worth doing it. Since I was prestiging a character I didn't have to worry about wasting or saving my good items on her, that helped a bit as well. I suggest going for it when you decide to go for a prestige 3 survivor and use your best stuff. It might also help to bring in a friend to help out as well. Especially if they bring in an obsession perk and something that gives you info as well like kindered.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It's also pretty decent to let you know when the killers approaching aswell.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    edited April 2021

    Is there anyone who’s experienced enough with the game’s code to confirm if the bonus progression applies without a token? Because if it does I genuinely might level up Tapp to get it. I want to be absolutely sure though. Measuring the amount of pixels on the screen isn’t really 100% proof that it’s actually the case and I don’t want to pump hundreds of thousands of bloodpoints into Tapp only to realise the OP was incorrect. Btw if you’re reading this OP, I’m not calling you a liar. I just want to be absolutely sure. If you are right then I apologise and I thank you for spreading the word about this.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Stake out only gives bonus progression if you consume a token. If you hit great you'll get 1%, not 2%

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited April 2021

    It says "when you have a token... great skill checks have a bonus 1%"

    It doesn't say a token needs to be consumed, only that you have a token. So if you're hitting those greats yourself, and you have a token that's not being consumed, you get that bonus 1%.

    I would imagine you don't get the bonus for natural great skill checks if you have 0 tokens.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited April 2021

    When I tested, I tested the perk with 0 tokens compared to hitting greats with 1 token. The perk description is just poor. It just straight up increases great skill check bonus by 1%

    Keep in mind stake out got this buff when great skill checks were nerfed and it was specifically changed so that running this perk would "undo" the nerf

    as in the this april 2020 developer update found here:

    The developer update just says it increases the bonus not that it has to consume a token to do so.

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    And then you go against Wraith. Or Ghostface, of Pig, or Huntress, or M&A Deathslinger / Trickster, or any killer with Tinkerer... there's just way too many variables that can make it very hard to gain stacks and, if you get unlucky, to use them.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    the stacks don't matter, just hit greats without them, you still get the desirable bonus.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Skate out and Diversion make me wish there are more perk that require in TR. I want to make a full TR build.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited April 2021

    That first bullet ties the progression bonus to the consumption of a token through a good skill check.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Wait, are you referring to Stake Out's bonus staying when performing an actual great skill check? If so, could you keep that as a feature for the perk? Would be awesome.

  • Almo
    Almo Member, Dev Posts: 1,120

    I will consider it! But we have to be very carful with anything that increases repair speed. :)

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2021

    In my tests, this perk simply turns Good Skill Checks into Great Skill Checks. And the description "ranting an additional Progression bonus of 1%." should be ignored. This means that this perk also works for healing and gives 5% additional progress. Here is an article on Skill Checks. That is, 1% extra progress when repairing a generator is just Great Skill Checks without a perk.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    It gives an extra 1% for great skill checks, which is 2% in total for repairs and 6% in total for healing.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    If so, this is a very good perk. The last time I watched it, there was only a mention of generators. It looks like the description has been slightly corrected.