YAY! Time to get mindlessly hyped for the next chapter!

Hey everyone! Just reminding you to prepare to shill your wallets for this next chapter! Make sure to purchase every 15$ legendary skin that is totally coming and to invite every resident evil fan you know to increase BHVR's monopoly!
Too bad this past hotfix makes the game micro-stutter and delay every 10 seconds on multiple maps... oh and I guess it was just a little oversight that the survivor breaking bug that lets killers no be stunned still isnt fixed.... after they said they fixed it... oh and there was their utterly awful server hit validation and hitbox system that they haven't fixed in since its release.... OH BUT DON'T WORRY, they'll be probably adding Aliens or Pennywise next and you'll forget allllll about every laundry list of game breaking bugs that come with every patch and horrible console optimization they can't be bothered to deal with whilst they monopolize their genre to ensure they will never have any competition so they don't have to actually try to fix anything!
So yay! who's excited?
POV: you wrote an essay to cry and get nothing accomplished.
I'll get you some napkins to wipe off the tears, champ.
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Dang BHVR loves cash cows like u
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"Don't be excited! Developer bad! Developer want money!'
Shut up man, Christ. Let people be excited for the things they like.
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It's okay bro you can be unproductive, nothing you say will change anything.
Napkin box is still open for grabs.
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Imagine wanting to support a game that is basically the smash bros of horror and get amazing characters along with it. Is definitely me.
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tbf the OP is right (in a way), we should restrain ourselves from just immediately blowing all of our money on this chapter. The last 2 chapters have been... mediocre, so we are a little concerned about this chapter. I don't agree with most of the the OP is saying, but just be a little careful with your money.
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Get offended because I'm criticizing BHVR's obvious desire to be greedy instead of consumer friendly? Dang the BHVR shills are out in force today
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Let people have fun dude, I am hyped and you are not gonna ruin it because you got hit by a bug in a video game
And this will be another post where I will add the "I am white knighting" because I care about this game still, Spaghetti Code is hard to fix and they could have fixed one part of the bug but not the second part, it makes stuns more consistent but still has the bug occurring as most likely it will be here for the midchapter, micro stuttering and delay could be an FPS thing which, if reported can be fixed too, hit validation is still under the watchful eye of bhvr and for the last time HITBOXES ARE FINE ITS LATENCY, CSGO HAS IT, COD HAS IT, BLOODY FORTNITE HAS IT, and if you ever saw the hitboxes, they are fine. Next time you complain about a bug, try reporting it instead of complain about it, and please remember what spaghetti code means
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You're the type of guy that really doesn't like free speech, if it isn't your opinion its the wrong opinion, hmm?
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I might just buy my first skin if leon or claire comes in the game, it will be really cool.
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You've been playing the game for how long? 2 months? If you actually knew BHVR's track record you would understand your whole "it's just a wittle bug" argument is so ridiculous, not like they literally put on their patch notes that they fixed it which they DIDN'T, but year, no problem just shill that 50$ bro
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That's a good point you make though what you do with your money is none of my business, like how it's none of OP's business if someone wants to spend 8 bucks on a DLC, people work for there money or get it by their own means, who am I or anyone to tell someone else what they can and can't buy, there's no point crying over something you can't control.
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It's a licensed chapter, and a big license at that, so BHVR has a lot more incentive to make sure it's going to be great then they do when making an original chapter.
Every licensed chapter they've ever made has been great. Sure, there's been hiccups such as Haddonfield's balance, Freddy at launch and Quentin's face, but I have faith that this is going to be a banger.
All-Kill wasn't even that bad honestly. Sure, the Trickster was released in a bad state, but at least the game functions (mostly) as intended. Can't say that about Binding of Kin, however.
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I dont think you know what a monopoly is. Not only that you dont have to pay for anything. You dont like the game? Dont play it. Also you cry about survivor breaking bug but dont realise that killers get fked over by bugs all the time and recently all we get is garbage new killers (twins and trickster). You go cry your little head off... im gonna go play the game and have some fun.
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if you believe that why do you involve yourself in the community shouldn't you be avoiding it?
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I will buy the Chapter 3 times just to annoy you.
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Never said you can't speak your mind, but i'm going to correct you when you tell others how they should spend their money.
It's their money, not yours, mind your own business.
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Daddy BHVR milk my wallet, have fun playing your fancy 15$ skin while playing at 20 frames a second getting hit through pallets
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It's new content, and we're excited for it. We can critique it later. Everyone knows about bugs. We get it, nobody's forgiving BHVR for anything just because a new DLC is coming.
You also don't have to support a company you hate but here you are playing this game and talking on the forums for...some reason.
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4 years actually, if you don’t like dbd or its Devs play something else then, its that easy
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Yeah the chapter is mediocre. You dont like it? Dont buy it. The issue he's complaining about has been fixed. Yes im dissapointed in the devs for the twins and the trickster but that dosent mean im gonna ######### and moan about it. Im just waiting to see if the killer is gonna be worth my time.
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Do you even understand what the forums are for? They are a place for criticism... but i guess the only criticism you like is what you agree with
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I know BHVR will probably do a good job on this licensed chapter, but then again there is Myers. The poor guy hasn't gotten any buffs or any news of a rework for some time now. On the flip side, there was silent hill. That was a pretty good chapter imo.
All kill wasn't as bad as a binding of kin, but I still think it was pretty bad. Any killer that is weak is a bad chapter in my book. It is always disappointing to get hyped up for a killer that sucks. I will admit though, all kill is definitely really cool (could have gotten a map tho).
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now its just sounds like your repeating yourself
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The Game Director even recommended us other games to play like Civilization V for example ☻
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Uhh BHVR is becoming the definition of a monopoly, and have u tried to play this game without paying for anything? some of the BEST PERKS are locked behind PAYWALLS.... but sure bro, pay that 20$
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You're calling me a smooth brain despite using the same statement twice to two different people, riiiiiiiiiight.
try playing a single player game or something, i'm worried that you'll break something else in your room.
I will have fun with what I want to get and buy because it's none of your business as it's my money.
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Actually did play civ before, its super fun
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Making up your own rendition of what I said is pretty smooth brain pal, but yeah keep getting offended of your own mental version of what someone said
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Shrine of secrets... you dont wanna pay better be lucky. Not only that, with the best perks there are very few paywalls bevause you have the right to grind iridescent shards to buy most killers and survivors. If you dont like it, dont play it. (Also that still isnt a monopoly. Look up the definition and proove me wrong.
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If you're that frustrated/upset with the state of the game then play something else until it gets better,but being rude to people that enjoy the game and the new content is just extremely unnecessary.
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I'm finding this quite hilarious how butthurt you are over all of this, you're arguing over why people are cash cows to BHVR and anyone who tells you good advice is bad to you, you're the one getting heated over being told others are going to buy the chapter.
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I'm sorry, I disagree with most of the devs' choices but you're honestly just being a douche about it. Let people buy it if they want to. Just because I buy BHVR's DLC doesn't mean I'm a "cash cow." I buy it because I like their work and the DLC they made.
I'm buying the RE chapter btw lol
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Which is completely fine.
There are quite a few things in this game that upset me too (e.g poor Optimization),but i would never start to insult other people because they choose to buy skins and DLCs.
It's stupid.Everyone is entitled to use their money how they want to.
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Dang bro my head is on fire and i'm sweating bullets! i'm so angry that you are even THINKING about buying the next chapter! GRRRR dont buy it!
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Echo chamber 101, don't improve the game just leave it! let everyone who enjoys getting screwed over stay!
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Okay? What are you trying to accomplish besides being obnoxious? "don't spend money on this game cause I don't like it!!1!!1"
Sounds to me you just want attention.
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Its called sarcasm, buy the chapter if u want, keep being apart of the problem
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This man is unintentionally encouraging people to buy the things BHVR is releasing in 2 months lol I love this
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No one has said that, just don't even bother with the monkey brain, he's too mad to make a coherent sensible comment.
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